�, 1
<br /> CI
<br />, 12:3 '.
<br /> companp.
<br /> Sec�ion 7. The Rails+ead Company �hall keep at an agency to 'he ma3ntained bp it in the
<br /> Borough of Manhat�an, in the City and 3tate of New York, or cau�e to be �ept at eome bank or trw�t
<br /> company in said borough, books for the registration and transfer of boad� eecured nereby, which at
<br /> all reasonable times shall 'be open for inspection bp the Trustee and the holder of anp bond Becurd
<br /> hareby; and upon preeentation f�r suah purpose, the Railroad Oompanp will regi��er, or cause to bs
<br /> registered there3n, a� here�.na�ter provided, and under such rea�dnsrble regulations as it may pres-
<br /> -cribe, any bond herebp eecured. '
<br /> 3ection 8. The holder of any coupon bond secured hereby may have the ownerehip therao�
<br /> regietered on said booka ot the Railroad Gompanp at its ea3d office or agency and suoh registretio
<br /> noted on the bond bp the Railroad Cc�mpanp. After auch regis�ration no traris�ar shall be va13d un-
<br /> -le�s made on the Railroad Comaany�a books by the registered owner in peraoa or by hie duly auth-
<br /> -orized attorney, and similarly noted on the bond. But the same map be diecharged irom registra�-
<br /> -ivn by being in like manner tran�Yerred to bearer, and th�reupon transferability by dei3.ver� eh
<br /> be reatored; bu� auch bond map again, from time to time, be regieter�d, or trarieferred to bearer
<br /> before. 8uch regigtrat3on, ho�ever, shall not ef�eet �he negatiabili�y o� �he coupons, but everp c:�
<br /> Isuch Qoumon shall contiaae to be transferable by delivery merelp, and shall remain papable to bea r ,
<br />'M
<br /> � 3ection 9. The holder of any coupan bond secured hereby, map, at hie option, at any t
<br /> surrender the same for canc�ellation with�all unmatured coupons thereto appertainirig aad rece3ve i�
<br /> eachang� therefor a like amount of the prinaipal thereof in �uch registered bond.s without coupone,
<br /> at hereinafter provided; and, �he re�g�.atered o�mer of arrsr registered bosd se�urad herebp, at hie
<br /> option, maq at any time surrender the same for'cancellation and re�eive i�l ezchaage thergfor a li
<br /> amou�tof the prinaipal thereo� in such coupon bonde, a� hereina�ter �ov3ded. The said regiBtered
<br /> bonde sha11 be transferable bp the registered ovmer 'thereof, 3n pereon, or bp his dulp authoriaed
<br /> attorney, on the said books uP the Railrcad Cnmpanp at 3ta eaid office or ageacp in the Citp of Ne
<br />� Fork, and upon surrender and aancellation thereof ne�► regiatered bondB �►ill be. is�ued to the trans
<br /> -faree �.n eachange th�refor a� hereinafter provided.
<br /> Sec�ion_ 10. i�henaver �any coupon bond secured by this indenture, F together wit� all ut3m�.t
<br /> _ured coupon� thereto appertaining, shali be �urrendered for eachange for a registered bond, the
<br /> Railroad Companp shall iseue, and the Trustae ahall certi�p and del3ver, in eschange for $uch cov�
<br /> -pon bond, a like amount o� �he principal th�reog in said registered bonds �ithout coupons, �rhich
<br /> ahall have endoraed thereon the serial numb�r�or numbers borne bp the eoupon borld or bonds so sur-
<br /> -rendered for exchange, �henever any registered bond hereb�r secured shall be svrreriderad for each ge �
<br />� for a ,coupon bond, the Railroad Companp shall issue and the Trustee eh�ll eertigg and deliver. ia
<br /> _ euchange for such registered bond a like amaun� of the princ�ipal thereo� in said coupon bon,ds� e
<br /> respeatively bearin� one of the serial numbers endor,aed upon t�re registared bond so surreadered� �a
<br /> ,
<br /> �ith cov.pons for interaet there�o attached, maturing on and after the neat ensuing interes� du� da e
<br /> i
<br /> on �uah eurrendered r��3.stered bond. Wheaover any �uch re�istered boad shall be surrendered for tr ns�
<br /> --fer, the Railroad Companp shall issue, and the Trustae shall certilp and da23ver to the transfare
<br /> a like amount of the priMCipal thereof i}� neW regi$tered bonds, Which shall ha�,re endvrsad theseon
<br />'` the same seriai number or numbers of coupon bonds �►hich �►ere endorsed upon the regie�ered bond so
<br />� surrendared. Zn aap case of any such eachange or tranffi�er the Tru�tee forthWith shall eancel �tris -
<br /> i
<br /> -rendered bond, and� if a coupon bond, the coupons appertaining thereto, and shall deliver the s
<br /> t4 �he Raiiroad ti0mpanp,
<br /> ° Section lI. For anp eYChange r�f a conpon bond for a registerad bond, or avl a re$i.e�er�
<br />; • :
<br /> '�nd �or a coupon bond, '�ci ��a� an�r a.t�am��e�r of � regi��ered bond, the Raiiroad Companp, at ite
<br /> ..�.:�.on, may require the papment of a eum suffi�Cient to reimburse it fox any taa or other government
<br /> -.�1 charge aonnected therewith, and also the further s�m o� ,one dollar ior eaah new bond is�ued
<br /> upon e�nch tra�fmr or eachaags.__: _ ,
<br />