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��_____ . <br /> 122 <br /> -----__ <br /> June 1,1948, and the registered bonc�aa shall be datad on the day of the is�ue thereof. At the optio <br /> of the Railroad Companp, from t3me to time, anp of euch bonda may, aa hereia provided, be ezecute <br /> certiPied and del3vered ori�inallp either as coupon bonde or regiatered bonds.� <br /> Section II. Everey registered bond ahall bear thereon an endor�ement in sub��an�ie�l.lp t e <br /> farm, viz: - � <br /> The Within bond. aras is�uad in 13eu o� or in eachange <br /> for coupon bonds numberad M � <br /> for �1,000 each and aoupon bonds numbered D � <br /> - for �500 each,. none of which num- <br /> ber� ira aontemporaneouslp outstanding; and aoupon <br /> bond� bearing the above sai3 serial nutiabere wiil be . <br /> issued in e$ahange �or thig bond upon ite surrender and <br /> cancellatioa. � <br /> 9Phenever any bond sha11 be i�sued orig3nallp ae a regi�tered bon�d there shall be reservad ' <br /> bq the Railroad Companp unissued an aggrsgate amouat o� coupo� bond� equa.l to the amount of the re - <br /> -istered bond ao isaued; and the aerial nnmber ar nvmbers of the aotipon ,1aa�ads so reserv�d unieeue <br /> ahall by the Railroad Companp be endors�ed on th� regiatered bond ie�aued .in lieu thereo� or 3n eac- <br /> -change th�re�or. ° <br />� Section III. All the 'bonds iaeued hereunder ehal.l �rom time to be eaecuted on behal ��' <br /> of the Railroad Company by i�e Preeidsr�� or ona of its V�.ce-Pre�ident�, ar other persons thereunto <br /> authori�ed by it� Board o� Director�, a`nd it� eorpora�e �eal �sha17. be thereunto aff3acad and attee#� d <br /> by ite Secretarp or one o� it� Assistant 8earetaries or s�ther perQOns thereunto authari�ed 'by its �-: - <br /> Board of Directors. The bonds shall then be delivered to �he Trugtse Por. cer�ificaticn bg 3t , and <br />� t�ie Trustee shall thereupon ceri�g and delivsr aaid bonds to the Railroa�d Campanp, or upon it�t ord r� <br /> i <br /> as hereinafter in Article Second hereof provided, and not otherWi�e. <br /> Section 4. In ca�a the officere who shali have eigned ar eealed any of said bonds ahai <br /> cease to be such of�icara o� the Railroad Company before �e bonds so signed and eeal.ed ahall have <br />� <br /> been aatuallp certifiad by the Trustee or delivered, or sold, aual� bondg may, nevrethle��, be adop ed <br /> by the Railroad Company, and upon the written reque�t of the Railroad Compang shall be c�rti�ied d ;` � <br /> delivered, sub�ect to �he provi�ion� of Art�o-le Secor� hereo�, and maq bs sold by the Railsoad Ga- _ <br /> -mpanp as thQU�h the persons �ho signed or eeal�d euch bonds had not ca��ed to be auch o�ficere. - <br /> 3ectioa 6. The caupon� to be attached to cou�on bonde shail be authenticated by the en <br /> -�raved faa-�simile signature o� Fredc. V.�3.Cro�bp, the present Treasurer of the Railr4ad Companp, nd <br /> the Ra3lroad Companp may ad.opt and use fcr that purpos� the engraved signature of the $aid I�redc. . ' <br /> 8. Crosbp, not�ithstanding the fact that he may haee ceseed to be such t�reasurer at the time when uch <br /> bonda sha7.1 be actuallg eertified and delivered or eold. The first coupon �hall be payable Sep�e _ : <br /> -ber 1,19�18, and �hall repreesnt interest �o that date from June . 1,19Q8, and the las� coupan shall <br /> be payable (3.f not previously redeemed) June 1,2048� and aha11 repreaent interest to that da�e f�co <br /> I�arch 1,2008. The re�istexed bonds shall bear interaa� only from the f3ret day of ldarch or $eptemb r <br /> ae ths aase may be, ne� preced3ng their respeative dates of issue, unless anp auch bond be issued <br /> Iprior to 8egtember 1,1908, 3n �rhich case it shall bear intere�t from June 1,1908, or unleae �aid b ad <br /> ( be dated Mareh 1 or 3eptemb�r 1, in xhiah caee it eha11 bear in�eree� Yrom date, <br /> � <br /> ` � 8ect�on 6. Only �uch bonds a� shall bear �hereQn ex�ciarsed the Trustee�e cert3ficate au <br /> -etantiallq in the form here3.nbe�ore recited, eaceauted by the Trustee, shall be aecured by thie in <br /> --�enture or entitiled to anp 1isn, righ� or benefit hereuncier; and �auch certi�ioate oY the Truetee <br /> upon any such bond executed on hehalf of the Raiiroad Companq ahall be conalusive evidence that th <br /> bond so oesMtified has been duly i�ued hereunder, and that the holder ie entitle�d to the benefit o �.:t;:} <br /> the trust� hereby created� Before ceritfy�.ng or deliver�ag any aaupon bond� all coupong appertain- <br /> -ing thereto then matured ahall be eut off, caneelled and delivered. bp ,�he Tru�teee to the Rai�r <br />