<br /> MC�I
<br /> � �21
<br /> 200 Qondola ��Iopper Bottom) Cars, �tumber� 11541 to �11�60 ,
<br /> 40 �il Tank Cars, Numbere 04900 to 04989
<br /> S50 �Ballast Cars, Awnber+� 800�0 ta 80299 .
<br /> 8095� to 80999 �
<br /> each of . said en�ines and care bearing the worda "IInion Paci�ic" and the lettera "U.P,N
<br /> � But anp other xailroads mow owned or herea�'ter conetructed or acquired bp �he Railroad Do-
<br /> -mpanp� together with the franchiees and apgurtenances th�reto belonging and the rolling stock a
<br /> aquipment fro use, thereon� and terminale connected there#tth�� and arip other prapertq oi the Ra3Z-
<br /> -road Compan�r not appurtenant to eny of the property and prem3see hereby mortgaged or aonnected wi. h
<br /> the use or op�rat3on of any of said property or premieee, shall aot be ,aub�ect tv �he 13en cf th3
<br /> inden�ure, unlesB e�cpres�lp sub�ected hereto by appropriate conveyance to -the Truetees -as provide
<br /> in !l�c�icle 8econd hereof.
<br /> � TO HAV� AI�D� TO HOLD, the premiBee, ra3.lroad�, properties, real a.nd personal, estates, rfg2�t
<br /> franchi�es and appwrten�ences hereby mortgaged, conveyed and• as�3gned, or 3nter�ded ta be mortgaged,
<br /> conveped and a�efgned,, unto the Trustae and to its sucaessare and �ssigns �forever,
<br /> . BtTT IN' TRUST, for the e.qual and propoetionate benefit and-eacurity of all p��eent and it�#r
<br /> 4 holders of the bonds 3ssued and to be i�sued under, and secured b�y, this indentnre� aad i'cr tha e '�
<br /> -forcemer�t of the papment of said bonds and o� the interes� thereon, r�hen payable, aad the perfo
<br /> � -ance o�, �and compliamc6 �rith, the covenants and conditions of thi� indenture; wi.�hout preferenca,
<br /> prioritp or distinction as to lien or otherwi�a of a.�y on� bond over any other bond isaued hereu r
<br /> �by reaaon of prior3ty in the igeue br negotiation thereof or by reasart of the purpoaefof ite� ieene�
<br /> ao that eaeh and every bond iesued or to be iagued hereunder sh�ll have tha sama r�t , lien nnd �: �.Y_�
<br /> privilege� under �nd. by. virt,ue of thia �r�de.nture, and so that the pr3noipal and� 3ntereet of each b
<br />. shall, eub3ect to the tarzne hereo�� be -equaZly anci proportionatelg eacured hereby, a.e i� all had qa�,
<br /> dulp is�ued, sold and negot��ted si�nultaneuoslp Rith the e$ecut3.on and deliverp hereaf. {
<br /> • � And it 3g hereby cvvenanted anct declared that all such boade are to be eaecuted, and tserti
<br /> -fied and� delivsred, -and that the mortgaged premises �te to be held bp tha Trustee, sub3ect to tht �
<br /> fvrther covenants, co�dit3one, uses and. truetg hereinaftar set forth; and it is covena�ted betwe•
<br /> the parties hereto and for the bene��t of the re�peetive holders, from time to time, of bonde ies-
<br /> � � --ued hereunder, ag, follow�a, viz: �
<br /> � � _ Artiale Firet. . . . : . . . . .
<br /> l�aecution and Registration of Bonde.
<br /> Section I. The coupon and regietered bondB to �ba4issned under and secured by this in-
<br /> � -denture, together with the coupone appertaining to the coupon bonde, shall reapecti�elp be eub�r�~�
<br /> �stantiallp of the tenor and purport abdve rec3ted, and shali be known a� the Railroad Company�s
<br /> "First Lien and Refudding Mortgage gour Per Cent. Bonds." The c:oupon bonds may, at the eleetion
<br /> the Railroad Cvmpanp, be iseued in �Ehe denominetions of One thousand Dollare {�1.�000} or Five hu�cs-
<br /> -dred Do3lars (�600) , or in denom3nations o� Two hnndred Pounds ster�ing {L2�0) or One hundred Po
<br /> �terling (L300). All bonds papable in United 8�atea gold co3.n ehall be paqable� principal aad iar.
<br /> -terest, at the office or agencp of the RailrQad Corapanp in the City of New Ycrkr AIl bonde iaeued
<br /> papable in Sterling monep shall be papable�_princ3p�.1 and interest, at the office or agencp of the
<br /> Railroad Companp�in the City of London. The regiatered bonds ehall bo of the denominatioa of F3�re
<br /> hundred Dollars, One tho�sand Dollars, and auch multipiea of one thoueand dollars as the Board of
<br /> Directors of �he Rai].road Company shall from time to time authori�e. The coupon bonds of tha de�o
<br /> -inativn of �600 shall be numbered conaecutively from Dl upwards, and the coupon�:'bonda of the deno
<br /> . -inat3.on of �1�000 sh�li be num�rered corieecutively from ldl upwards. The coupon bonde of the deaom-
<br /> -ina�3.on of i148 shall be numbered conseeutiveip from C1 upwarde arid the eo�po� bonde of the deno
<br /> -inat3.on o� �300 sha11 be numbeied cansevntively from �l upwarda. The co�apon bonds shall bear daias
<br />.� _ _ ---
<br /> �
<br />