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_ � r,,w. -,r <br /> I �� <br /> 1 <br /> - . � . <br />, . . . <br /> :. <br /> _ _ _ _ <br /> � � : -- <br /> THL� EQtTITABLE TRU8T CO�dPA1JY OF N�W YORR, - . • � <br /> Trt�atse, . ;� <br /> , <br /> By <br /> . Vioe-P�esi.den�. <br />� �***�******� . <br /> I dND �REA�, the Railroad Company by re�amlutio�l of ite Saax�d of �3rectr,re, �he:� <br /> meeting aforesaid� did further order and direat that in order to seaure the payment o� tho said bo � <br /> in aocordance with the tenor and effect theraof, a mortgage and deed of truet 3n the form o� thie <br /> indenture and contain3ng all the covenar�te� aonditions and pravieiona herein aonta.3.ned should be e <br /> -e�cuted in the_ name and on behalf of the Railroad Company bp its President or ane o� ita Pice-Pre <br /> -ider�ta, aad under itr� corporate eeal to be attes�ted bp 3te Becretary or one- o� ite Aseietant Sea- <br /> - -retariea, and should be del3vered in the name and on behalf of the Railroad Campanp to The �qnita le <br /> Truat CcmparYy of Mew York, as Trustee� granting, aelling, relea.eir�g� eonveying� aeeigning a�td tr <br /> -ferr�ng to the Trustee the severeal linae cf railroad$ hereinafter de�cribad� With their franchis <br /> and appurtenaneea, and all the other property, rights, privileges and franehtsea hereina�ter deser d; <br /> �.y3D WH�ItI�A�, all ��ings necessarp to make euah bonde y rvhen eaecuted by the Railroad Companp <br /> and certifiec� bp the Truatee, the. valid, b3nding and lagal obl3gatione of the IInion PaciYic Railr <br /> Companp, an�d ta Qonsitute these presents a valid, binding and legal mortgage and deed af true� ior <br /> the secus3ty thereo�', and to provide �or the authent3.cation and the enforcemant of the gapment o� t e <br /> � <br /> said bonds have been done and performed, and have happened, and the eaecut3,on and issue o� said bo a �� <br /> and of this inc�enture :have in all respect� beQn duly authcrized; - ; <br /> NOW,THEREF4RE,THIB INDENTURE 1PITH�88lCTH, that i� order to eeaure the payment of the pr3nai 1 <br /> and interest of all the said bonds at anp time i�aeued and o�tstanding under �ie indenture accsordi <br /> to the te�or, purport and effect thereof, and to secure the parformance and �obeervaace ot all• the <br /> cavez�ants and conditions herein contained, and to declare the torms and condit_ione upoa which eaid � ., �� <br /> bond� are iasued,- received and he2d, the �aid IInion Pacific Railread Cumpany, party o� the firet p t, <br />� in consideration of the premises and of the purchaae aad acceptance o� �he eaid bonda- bp the hclder • � <br /> I� thereof, and o� the sum of one dollar to it paid bp The �qud.table Trur�t Companp of Aew York, partq <br /> t o� the second part, receipt whereof is hereby adknowledged, hath;-graatecl, bargained, sold� al3ened� , <br />� emiset�, released, canveped, assigned, tranaferr�d, �et over and ccn�'irmed, and bp thmse preBents d th <br /> grant,. barggin, sell, alien, remise, release, co�vey, aseign�, tranefer, ee� o4ar an�d coa�irm unto <br /> the eaid partp o� the �econd part, and its $uacessare and assigne =arever, all and eingular the fol <br />� -lovring described nropertiee, priv3leges and franch��es� Pta: � <br /> Firat. The folloRing doeeribed railroads� now owned and .opere�ted bp the Ra�ilroad Company, <br /> aggregating about 1178.09 milee 3n length� and ao� free from mortgage lien, :vi�s • <br /> - (1� A lina beg3.nn3.nE at Yallep, in tha State of Nebraska, at the point of connection �Sth t e <br />� main line of the Railroad Com�pany,_ and runn�in� t�tence in a eoutherlg direction via Va3paraieo at�d <br /> Linaoln, thrau�h the Counties of Douglas, $aundere� I,a��aster and Qage, i� the 8tate of l�ebragka, <br /> and through the caunt3ee of Marshall and Riley, in the $tate oi 8aanisae�. �o �a�hattan, i� the 8tate <br /> o� Sansae, a di$tanca of 189.06 milee. � <br /> (3j • Iine. beginning at Valpara3.�o, in the 8tate of Nebraak�, at the point of t;onnection Wi h <br /> the line d�scr3bbd in subdivis�on (1) hereof�, and ru�ni�g thencse 3r� a general w�asterlp direction, <br /> through the Counties of Saundera, But7,ar, Polk� Hamiltan ancl �errick, to Cantral� Cit�, in said Sta e <br /> a digtanc� of 76,a8 milea. - <br /> (S) A iine beginni�g at Blue 8pringa Junation, in t�ie 8t ete of Nebxaeka, at the point o� �o <br /> -neetion 'vith t�e line desaribed in eubdivigion (1� hereof, and rnnning �hence i� a westerly di,rec - <br /> -ion tc�Blue Sp�in�s, all in-the County of 4age� in eai.d 8tate� a diBtance oi .67 of a mile, <br /> _ (4) !� line beginning at Columl�, in the S�ate of� �ebraska� at the point o� aonnection t�rith <br /> the main line of the Railroad Companp, and runni�g thence 3.n a northarlp direction through the Co <br /> _ : <br /> -t3es o� Platte and Mad3�aon, to l�orfolk� in �aid Btate� a ftiatan�e of 5Q.37 mil�e. � <br />