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�►!�� <br /> 111 <br /> _ _ _ _ _. <br /> the sole use and pur;�oses of a partition wall so long as said buildin� or either of them shall <br /> stand. And th� eaid �arty of the secand part in considerat3on of the grem3ses and one dollar. in " <br /> hand paid the receipt of �rhich is hereby acknowledged,have and hereby do damiee and leasa and let <br /> ! unto eaid par�y of the f irst part all of the followin� clescribed premi�es,to—wit:— mutual rfg�te <br /> ito the sta3rway opening� fronting on third street and the atr3;� o� land the width o� the �a11 noR <br /> ithereon,commencing from the point where the stairw�ay openings end and running to the a11ey being <br /> ; a etrip o�f the we��. side of oY the easterly t�snty two �eet of lot sia Block 5� of the original <br /> � , <br /> � �town of arand Tsland Neb raska,�or the sole use and nurposas of a partition wall so long as said <br /> � <br /> , <br /> buildin� or aither o� them ahall etand� ��It is hereby acknowledged that the eaid firat party has <br /> � <br /> ; erec�ed upan the above 3esaribed boundary line a partition wall built in a solid subetantial and <br /> , <br /> i <br /> jworkmanlike raanner. The fu11 �ost oP said wall is to be paid by said first partp. <br /> , <br /> � � Upan evidence being produced t�at sa3.d partition wall has been paid for,the said party of the <br /> ! second �art- upon derr�.nd unon them by said first party agree to paq to eaid fiast party the one �. . <br /> jhalf the cost of said wall. It is further agreed that �aid wall back of $aid stairway openings <br /> ijwalls and the said division wall over the first story opening shall be maintained and kept in good <br /> ( repair and all expenses of the same to be paid equallp bet�een the partie� hereto. It is further <br /> agreed that aither party hereto may extend the Wall further in ths rear and or upward e�t their <br /> own eapense and �rhen sa3d wall i� �oined unt.a by the other party hereto,befors $ame ia done they <br /> e�hall pay to the party f irs� extand3ng said Rall one hal� of tne pr�per coat of sama. - <br /> It is also :agread that this in�enture and all �he covenan�� herein contained ehall run arith the <br /> isaid �described traets o� real eetate and continue in foroe so long as the build3ngs before ment— <br /> � ioned shall stand. In case the partiss hereto cannot agree as to the coat of the divi$ion �vall or <br /> par�C� �hereof then each�all choosa one abr�tratar and the two eo choeen shall choose a third and <br /> the decisicn of the ma�oritp shall be final. Zt ia agrsed that this lease shall not bind either <br /> party to repair or rebuild after the dsstruction of the building or buildings. covered by thia <br /> 2ease,by f3re or other unavoidable casualty Rhich event shallterminate thie leaee and all the <br /> r3ghts and beni�its to be deri.ved therefrom. The conenants herein containad shall eatend to aad be <br /> binding on the heirs,sucaessors and as�3gns of each of the parties hereto� <br /> And if at any time hereafter it shall be founct that �atri.ct �rofessional care �� not used bp the <br /> surv�yor in sho�ing �he divid3ng line between said lots,along Which line sa3d �►all has bean erect , <br /> it ie a�reed by a11 the partfes her�to that sai'd center line of eaid part i�ion wall ahall be con- <br /> � aidered for all purposes as the true diviaing line betwsen the tWO lota,as long as eaid buildings <br /> shall stand and no damage or trauble sha11 attach or be caused on that aecount. <br /> In testimony whereof the said Hixam E.ruy and Libbie E.C}uy his wife party of the first part and <br /> �illard F.Boquette and Sophea Boquette his wife party of the second part ,have hereto af��ced <br /> their hands the date first above �vritten. <br /> Hiram A.�uy —Libb�e E.�up ' <br /> -- <br /> I In Presence of - Far�y"`"of'�'� r3'�s-�ar�". � <br /> � James E,Dil1 ****�***************** Mill�rd F.Hoiluette <br /> , -. _....� _�._.� .. <br /> � James E.Dill ,� __ _ _ _ Sophea Boquette M . <br /> � State of Nebraska g$r �Y o Fie second par . <br /> I �� <br /> �� County of Hall Be it remembered that on this 8th ,�'uly A.D.1908 before me a Notary Public <br /> � in and for eaid County and 9tate,personally appeared Hiram A.�uy and Libbie E.Guy hi� wife and <br /> � Millard F.Boqustte and Sophea Boquet�e his wife ali of Grand Island Nebraska and they and eacM <br /> of tham acknowledged the execution of the foregoing instrument to be �heir �ree and voluntary <br /> ac� and dsed for and in behalf of each one of the� purpose$ thsrein set forth. <br /> � In Witneea Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Notarial Seal at araad Island Nebraska thie <br /> � Sth day of July g.�.1908. ' <br /> � J.�.Dill ' <br /> � (SEAL� My commission s�ires July 16th 1913. � " o arp c. ; <br /> �'iled for record this 9th day of Julp 1908'�at 10-30,A.M. ; , ' <br /> I �: _ .���� � <br /> oun y er . � <br />