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� . _ _ - - - <br /> _ <br />' 10� <br /> i said �.and, and upo the final payment of the purchase money , and a full com�lianae with all the <br /> ��n�� <br /> requirementa� in the within agreement or contract , ta eaecute , or cause to be exe�uted to her t . <br /> said Julie Gebauer, her heirs and asgigns, a deed for said land, instead of to me. <br /> Given under my hand and sela, the 6�h day of Au�ust A.P. ,1890. <br /> Hans Ewoldt , (8ea1) <br /> � **********�*�*** <br /> � State of Nebraska ' . <br /> � SS. Before me , a Notary Pub13c , in and for said County , this dap person- <br /> � Hal1 County ( <br /> � -a11y came Hans Ewoldt who is kno�n to me to be the indentical perso <br /> who 3� described in the �ithin agreement or contract , and who eaecu�ed the fo�egoing assignment , <br /> and acknowledged that he si�ned, sealed and del3vered the �ame as his free and voluntary act an <br /> deed for the uses and purposes therein set forth. Given under my hand and Notarial 8ea1, thie 6t . <br /> day of August 1890. A.H.'�ilhelm, ` . <br /> Notary Public. <br /> . (Seal) ******��*�**��� <br /> Filed for record this 26 de►y of June,A.D. ,I908 at 2:30 0' cicok P.M. <br /> r������.�%�i`-- <br /> � County Clerk. � <br /> �i����ilY�3�##���-�'��������'���'�#�'�� <br /> CONTRACT F4R THE SALT AND PURCHASE OF LAND. . <br /> This contraet made and entered into on this 24" day cf June,ly08, 'by and between Wi113am I,ue h <br /> ( a s 3ngle man) , of the f ir�t �art and Henry 8e ier of the Second part , both of Hall Covnty , Ne'b- <br /> -raska, witnesseth:- . <br /> That for and in consideration of the payments made and to be made by the aa�id Second Party t <br /> the First Party as her�inafter stated the Fir�t partp hereby agrees to sell and tranafer to the <br /> 8econd grartp, by good and suff icient warranty deed, and the Second Partp agrees to purchaQe from <br /> the First Party the follo�ving descr3bed land in Hall County, Nebraeka, to-wit:- <br /> � The North half of the North Eagt quarter of Section 2�o.Thirtp and the South-eaet quartar of <br /> ths �outh-eaet quar�er of Section No. Nineteen t19) , all in tsWnahip Ten (IO) , North of Range Ten <br /> (IO) , west of the 6 P.2�. contain3n� 120 aeree aceording to government survey. <br /> The purehase price to be as follows:- Seventy-five Hundred Dollars o� which amount Twenty- <br /> -five hundred dollar�� is paid in cash on thie date the reeeipt of which is hereb3� acknowledged an <br /> the of Five thousand dollars to be paid on March,l" ,1909, at which time and upon the <br /> papment of s�id balance of �b000.00 th eaid firat party a�rees that he will, by good and suffic.- <br /> -ient warranty deed convey to the 5eaond Party, or asaigns , the above de�cribed real estate to- <br /> H `� <br /> -gether with all and singular of �he her�.d3taments and improvments thereon or thereunto belonging <br /> ```First party will also furnish to Second Party as abetract of title to said prsmises showing good � <br /> and marketable title thereto, free o� all liena and encumbrances. <br /> First party is to have pos�essiofl until March,l".�1909, except that he is to plow the 65 acre ' <br /> of atubble land thereon in the fall of 1908, in good shape and in time to sow eame to fall grain <br /> and if the Second party desires he is to have the privilege of eri��ring upon said premises• in fa1 <br /> of 1908, and sow �aid stubble land so plowed by First party to fall grain. F3rst party i�a also to <br /> fence in good condition the said North half of the North east quarter o� Section SO and have it <br /> �iniehed in �ood condition before March,l" ,1909. Firet party ia to take good care of all improt�me t� <br /> on sa3d premieee, co:nmit no �aste t�ereon and turn same over to Second party on 2�arcah/1" ,1909� (o <br /> compliance by Second �arty of his part?:�of this co�itract) in ae good aon3ition as they now are in, <br />� excegt u$ual �ear an� tear. <br /> � It is unders�oo3 that pro�n�tne�s in making the payments herein contemplated an3 set forth sh 11 <br /> I <br /> be egereised �y Second Party and if, upon notice, aft�r ��4areh,l" ,1909, the Seeond Party f�.ils for . <br /> the period of 30 daya after l�iarch,l" ,1909, to make the defered paym�nt herein provided, �he Firg� - <br /> party can, at his option, declare this contract forfeited and all ri�hts of the geaond Party ther - <br /> -in terminated anc� the payments already made therein can be retained by Firs� party as 13quida.�ed ' <br /> ; <br /> ; <br /> ___ � -. . ; <br />