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<br /> 145
<br />�
<br />�
<br /> to �neter upon the land aforesaid, and take immectiato posaeasion thereof, w3thout proceae of lax�
<br /> together with the im�rovemants and appurtenances thereto belonging. And the said party of the se�--
<br /> -and part covenants and agrees that he �i11 surrender unto the said party of �he first part, the
<br /> �aid land and appuxtenanees, �ithout delay or hincle�anee, and no court shall rel3eve the party of
<br /> the second part from a failure to comply strictly and literallp with this contract.
<br /> � And it is further stipulated that no assigYtment of this contract , cr of the premiees herein
<br /> � described, shall be va�.�d unlesa the same be made with the written consent of the party of the
<br /> first part , and such caneent and ass3gnment be endorsed hereon, and that no agresmente, or condit-
<br /> -ions , or relat3on between the party of the second part and hia ass3gnee, or any other persoa ac-
<br /> quirin� titl� or intere�t from or through them or tither of them, ghall precluae the party af the
<br /> first part�t right to convey the premisea to the party of the second part , or his assi�ns, on
<br /> 1 �
<br /> the surrender of this a�reementi and the payment of the unpaid portion of the purchase money whic
<br /> may be due to the party of the f irst part.
<br /> And it is further expre�sly agreed that any car�sent which may be given to the as�ignment of i�::
<br /> this contract, or recognition thereof by the party of the first part aha11 not exemp.t tne or3gina
<br /> �. purchaser from any of his liabil�ti�s under this contract , but the aame shall there�tfter continue
<br /> in full force.
<br /> IN WITNESS 'WHEREOF, The said partiea of the first part hath caused these preaents in dupli-
<br /> -c�te to be signed, a nd the second party hath hereunto set h3s name on the day and year ab6ve wri ten
<br /> � Fred T. Evans , . •
<br />;� '
<br />� Julius Gebauer,
<br /> f
<br />; Julie Em3�.ia t�ebauer.
<br />` ************�t -
<br />� . � FOR2� OF AS$IGDi�d'ENT:
<br /> jJulius Gebauar and Julia Gebauer the within purchasers for and in consideration of T�ree H
<br />. -dred and Fifty no/I00 Dollars , to me in hand paid, do hereby sell, assign and transfer all my
<br /> ,�
<br /> ri�ht , interest and claim 3r� and to the within de�cribed tract or parcel of land, unto Hana EWOld
<br /> of the Countp of Hall ana State of Nebraska, h3a heirs and assigne forevsr. And I hereby authoriz
<br /> i
<br /> and empower the partieg of the f irst part , to recieve from him, the eaid Hane Ewoldt an� and all
<br />� money or unpaid balancee due on the within contract , to said partiea of th� firat part , in part
<br /> �
<br /> cons3deration for said land, and upon the final payment of the purchase money, and a full compli-
<br /> -ar�ce with a11 the requirements contained in the within a�reement or contract , to execute, or ca e
<br /> to be egecuted to him the said Hans Hw��dt his heirs and asaigns, a deed for said land, instead o
<br />; , .
<br /> - to me. �iven under my hand and eeal, th3s lOth day of July,A,D. ,1890.
<br /> ; �:�
<br />' Juliva Gebauer, Julia (�ebauer (Sea1j
<br /> ****��*�*********�*�***
<br /> State of Nebraska ' , '
<br /> SS. Before me A.H.Wilhelm, a Notary Publ�d�: in and for said County , this y
<br /> Hall County ,
<br /> personally came Julius Gebauer and Julia Gebauer who is known to me to
<br /> j be the indentical person who is described ��i��lie within agreement or contract , and �ho eaecuted t e
<br />` .� foregoin� aasigment , and acknowledged that he signed, sealed and delivered th� same , as his frea
<br /> and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes there3n set forth.
<br /> Given under my hand and Notarial aeal this lOth day of July�1890.
<br /> A.H.Wilhelm,
<br /> �Seal) Notary Pu�ilic
<br /> **��**�**��*�*#
<br /> �� Hans Ewoldt the within purchaser, for and in consideration of Five Hundred & Seventy Five
<br /> no�100 Dollarsr, to me 3n hand paid, do hereby sell, aasign and transfer all my ri�ht , intereat and
<br /> claim in and to the within deecribed tract or parcel of land, unto Julie Gebauer of the County pf
<br /> Hall and State of Nebraska, �ig heirs and assigns forever. And I hereby authorize and empoWer the
<br /> part ies of the first part to recieve from her the said Julie Gebauer, an�i and all monep or unpaid
<br />� :� balances due on the within c�_ntract �c� said partiea of the first part, 3n gart coneideration of
<br />