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<br /> LAI�1D �02�''TRACT. , - - --- ---
<br /> THIS A(�REEMENT, made this lOt� day of July,1888 between Fred T. �'vans, o� 8:ioux C ity�, Io�� �
<br /> of the first part , ancc� Julius Qebauer and Jul�.a Qebauer, his wi�e of Grand Teland in the County� o
<br /> Hall and S�ate of ATebraaka, of the e�econd part.
<br /> �P'ITNESSETH, That in consideration of the etipt�lations ,herein containad, and the payments�":#�c
<br /> be made as here3�nafter speeified, the party of the first part agrees to sell unto the party of the
<br /> second part , the following deseribed Real Eetate , to-wit s of I�ot No 6 and 7 in Block No 13 of Eva
<br /> Addition to City of Grand Island, 3n Ha11 County, Nebraska, for the sum of Four hundred seventp-
<br /> -five Dollars on which the said second party has paid the �um of One -Hundred Dollars.
<br /> And the s�,id party of the sccond part in consideration of the premieas, hereby agreee to pay
<br /> � t o the aaid party of the f irs� part , at Thwnnel � Platt'e Off 3ce , (�rand Island, Nebrsaka, the fol-
<br /> -lowing auma of �r3,nci�al and interest, at the seve�ral times named beloW:
<br /> Firat Paym�nt- lOth day of July,1888, �100 &( inter��t) � Amovnt , �100.C30 Paid. �
<br /> Second Payment- loth day .of July,1889, �100 &( intsrest) �37.60 Amount , �137.6Ct' Pd '7-9-�89.
<br /> Third Payment- lOth day of Ju��,1890, �I00 &(intereat� $27.60 Amount, �127.50 Pd 7/1Q-�90 T.P.
<br /> Fourth,Paymer�t- 2oth dap of Ju1p,1891, �17b &( inti�re�t� �17.b0 Amount, �19a.60 Pd 7/18-�'91 �17. .
<br /> , . . Pd 7/l1-�92 �17.
<br /> Pd 7/11-i93 �37.
<br /> . , , . Pd 7�11-!94 �17.
<br /> For th�q several payments above described said party of the second part haa given promis�ory
<br /> notes payable to the order of tha said party af the �irst part , with intere�t after matur3.ng at 1
<br /> per cent ger annum. °
<br />�, . • It bein� mutu�.11y unaerstood that the above premises are sold to the party of the second pa
<br />��� ' for improvement and cultivatior�, the said party of the second part hereby further agrees and ob-
<br />� -liges h�nself, hie heirs and aesigns, that all imgrov�ments placed upon said prem��e� ehall rm-
<br />�: -ma3n thereon, and sha11 not be removed or deabroped unt il f inal payment�"ot� Qaid land, a.nd further
<br /> that he will punctually pay �aid ewns of money above specifi�d, as each of the same becomes, c�ue, - � �-
<br />�
<br />€ and tha� he �ill regular2y pap all such taues and assessmenta as may be lawfullp imposed �n said
<br />� pr�misee at the t ime when the same become due. � • ,
<br />� .
<br />;
<br />'s In case the second party , his legal representat3vee or assi�ns, shall pap the several aums '
<br />�� � ,
<br /> af money aforesaid, punctually and a� the timas above 1lmited, and aha11 strictlp and 13terallp
<br /> perform all and singular hie agreements and stipulm�tion aforesa3d, a�'ter their true tenor and in-
<br />� �
<br />� -tent , then the first party w311 cause to be made and executed unto �the aa�d seQOnd partp � his ' '�
<br />' heira and assigns (upon requast at the Land Office of the first partp, and sur�ender o� this con- `"��_
<br /> i
<br /> F -tract) , a deed conveying sa3d premises in fee simp]a� w3th the ordinary covenants of trarrant, Pur- ''
<br />� .
<br />` -chaser paye �88 tax.
<br />��
<br /> �nd it is hereby agreed and covenanted bp the parties �hereto, that time and punatual3tp are
<br />; material and easen�ial ingred�ents in th3s contract. And in c�se the second party ehall fail to
<br />� make the payment� a�aresaid, and each of them punctually and upon the strict terms and timee above
<br />� � limited and likewise to
<br /> � , gerform ancl complete all and eac�h of his agreemerrte and atip�latiane a-
<br /> -faresaid, strictly and literally, �ithout any failure or default , then this contract, so far ae 4 f
<br />� �may bind sa3d first partq , shall become utterly null and void, and a11 right and interesta hereby
<br />� ereated� or then existin� in favor of or deriveci from the second party eha11 u�terly cease and de-
<br /> r
<br />; termine , and the right of possession, and all aquitable and legal intere�ts in the premises he�eby
<br /> contracted, with all the improvements and appurtenances, �hall revert to, and revert in said first
<br /> party, �rithout any declarat ion o�'� fgrf iture or act of r -sn ry , or any, other act by said first
<br /> �L�z�� ���.�i��� � � � � � �����,����� .�-�c� � �
<br />' �party to b�pe�ormed,� fu1ly��perfectly as if th�s contract h�ever been me�de�� ��u��
<br />''� And the said party of the first part sha11 have the r3ght , immediat�ly upon the failure on
<br />� the part of the second party to comply with the stipulat�.ons of the contract , or arip part thereof,
<br />�
<br /> E_
<br />