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<br /> ARTICLES OF AGREE�iENT F0� �IARRANTY DEFD.: Articles of Agr�ement n�ade this 25th day of Adarch; in
<br /> the year of our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundreci and Eight, between A�attie J. Howard and Charles
<br /> I, R. Howard, of 4rand Island, Nebraska, �arty of the first, and Bradetreet and Clemens, a �'irm
<br />` con�istin of Tom Bradetreet and Jesse Clemens of Grand Islanc� Nebraska
<br /> � , , , party of the s.econd
<br /> part. Witnesaeth, that the sa3d party of the first part hereby covenants and a�rees that if the
<br /> party of the second �art shall first make the gayments and nerform tlla covenants here3.nafter men-
<br /> t3onet� on their party to be made , and performed, the said �arty of the first part will eonvey and
<br /> aseure to the party of the second part, in fee simple clear of �all encumbrances �rhatever, by
<br /> good and sufficient �arranty Desd, tl�e fo�lo�rin� lot , p3ece or �arcel af ground, viz: �est one-
<br /> - half of the aouth west quarter of the Northeast quarter (Pl� $t�� NE�)` of Sect ion ten (10) , in
<br /> Township �leven (11} , North of Range Nine (9) West of the Siath (6) Princi�al Meridian and in '
<br /> Hall County, Nebraska: And the said party of the $econd part hereby eovenant�s and agrees to pay
<br /> to said partp of the first part the sum of Two Thousand (:�2000.C4) and no/l00 Dollars in the man- ;
<br /> - I
<br /> I ner following, 0�e Hundred (�100. ) and no/100 Dollars , April second, 2nd, 1908, and �he balance '
<br /> or Nineteen Hundred. (�1900. ) and no/100 Dollars, A�ril 2nd, 1909, and said second �arties will
<br /> � during the aforesaid time f rom April 2/b8 to April 2/09 haul on said lana and aeposit it there
<br /> four hunared or more loads of manure , and to �ay all tagesy assessmerits, or im�ositions that may
<br /> ' be legally levied or imposed u�on said 1an3 for the year aforesa3d. And�in case of the failure 6f
<br /> the �aid party of the seconc� part to make either of the payments, or to perform any of the cove-
<br /> nants on their �art hereby made and entered into,. time being of the sssence of this contract , th�s
<br /> contract shall , at �he o�tion of the �arty of the first part , be forfeited and determined, and ths
<br /> � ' party of the �econd �art shall forfeit all payments by them on this contract , and euch payments,
<br /> shall �e retained by the saici party of the first part in full satisfaction of all damages by him
<br /> austained, and shs shall have ri�ht to re-enter and take Fossession of saa.d premises aforesaid.
<br /> It is mutually agreed that all the covenants an�i a�reements here3n contained sha11 e�tend to and
<br /> '�e obli�atary upon the heirs , executoxs , adm3nistrators and assi�ns of the xespective Part3es.
<br /> . In �titneas 9�hereof, The parties to these presents have hereunto set their hands and seals the
<br /> day and year f irst above �rritten. � �
<br /> �fattie J. Howard.
<br /> Si�ned, sealed and delivered in the presence of , �
<br /> Charles R. Howard.
<br /> T.O.C,Harrisgn. -- --- - - - - - - - - -- -
<br /> rt Bradstreet & Clemens.
<br /> ' State o� N�braska, -- ) ��r� �om Sradstreet.
<br /> )ss . �.
<br /> Hall County. )
<br /> On this 28" day of �?arch, A.L�. , 190�, before the undersi�ned, T.O.C.Fiarri-
<br /> ' son, a Notary Public, duly commissioneci and qualified for and in said county, Ferson�lly came
<br /> Mattie J. Howard, Charles R. Howard, and Bradstreet and C.lemens , by Tom Bradstreet , to me knov�n
<br /> � to be the identieal �ersons �hose names are affiaed to the fore�oin� instrument as grantor� and
<br /> acknowledged the same to be their voluntary act and daed. l�itness my hand and Notarial seal the
<br /> . ciay ana year last above �rritten.
<br /> ,_ _ T.�.0 Harrison,
<br /> (BEAI,) 1`�'o�"axy u Tic:
<br /> A�y commission expiree on the 1C�". day of February, 1912. .
<br /> p ,
<br /> �'31ed for recorl the 4" day of A�ril, 19Q8, at 3 P.A�f..
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