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<br /> CONTRACT FOR REAL ESTATE: .A�3�ICLE8 OF AGREEIIuIENT , r�ade this 28th day of �sarch, 1908, bet�een Ga-
<br /> �arille Vesper, of the first part , anci �ertie Loudy, of the second part. �Fitness that the �aid
<br /> �
<br /> party of the first part , has thi� day bar�ained and sold to the said party of the second part ,
<br /> the following �a�cribed real estate , situated 3n the county of Hall and State of Nebraska, to-
<br /> �
<br /> Wit; Lats One (1) , three (3) , and Fine (5) in �lock three (3) of College A�ditian to West I�a��n an
<br /> a��ition to the city of Grand I�lar.d, according to the r�cordea �lat thereof, for the sum of
<br /> Five Huz:dred Ei�hty & no/100 Doll�rs,, one hundxed & no;140 Dollars of �hich has been paici 3n hana
<br /> � the recei�t whereof is here�3y acknowled�ed. The remainin� principal �ith accrued interest at the
<br />� rate of Seven per eent per annum, shall be paid to the party of the first part, at the office of
<br /> first �arty in Grand Island, Ne1�r. the times and in the manner follo�in�, that is to say: Thirty
<br /> Dollars on the lst day of Jany, 1908, Thirty Dollars on the lst day of Oct. - 1908; Thirty Dollars
<br /> on the lst c�ay of January, 1909, and Thirty Dollars every three months thereafter until the full
<br /> amount and interes� has been paid�,�scond party to kee� said property insured in sum of ��400.00
<br /> in favor of first party. Now if the said party of the second part sha11 �ay the surr as aboee set
<br /> forth, time being of the eseence of this contr�ct, and sha11 �?ay a11 taxes and assessments, wheth
<br /> er special or �eneral, which mAy become due on �aid real est�te fox -the year of 1908 and there-
<br /> after until the abova �ayments are all made, then saici party of the f irst part shall at his own
<br /> co�t, ezecute and deliver to the said Farty of the second part , or her assigns , upon surrender
<br /> of this contract, a warranty �.eed to the above 3escribed premises. And It Is Further Agresd that �
<br /> in case of any payrnent , either of principal or 3nterest , xemaining unpa3d for the space of thirty
<br /> days aft6r the �ame shall becozne due, or a failure to pay any taxes or assessments , at the time
<br /> ;
<br /> th� same becomes due , then in that case, the whole amount unpaid on this contract , shall become "
<br /> due and payable w3thout further natice; and such delinquency in payment, or the failure in other
<br /> - re�pec�e by the party of the second part to per.form the stirulatione of thie eontract , or any
<br /> part of them, sha11 entitle the party of the firet part to immediate po��ession of the premises
<br /> � described herein, and the party of the second part sha11 f orfeit all payments made under this
<br /> contract. This contract sha11 be in duplicate, one copy of wh3.ch shall remain �vith each party to
<br /> this contract. �Phen any payr:�e.nt is ma3e on this contract , the persan paying the same sha11 take
<br /> ia duplicate receipt therefor from the party her�to or her assigna. In Witness Whereof the partie
<br /> have hereunto set their hands the day and year f irst above Written. �
<br /> _�
<br /> In presence af . Gabrielle Vesper• -
<br /> - - .,...............�
<br /> Frad W. Ashton., - Gertie Loudy_.__ _ _ _
<br /> Filed for record the 31" day of �arch, 1908, at 1 P.M.
<br /> �� �. .� �.-�-
<br /> o�
<br /> , �-�##�#�,�-����#��t���#�`�##;!�'���#,��a���,.�'-##���##��##����#�`•`��.��_�-��;�.; „ ����.,.t:.�L�. � �������'� �#�
<br /> �tate of Nebraska, )
<br /> )$S'
<br /> Ha11 Caunty. } p.A.J�bbott bein� first duly sworn on his os�n oath atates that hs ia the
<br /> identical O.A.A'�bott �ho with Ed4vard �, Arnold, now deceased, purchased the North Eaat quarter
<br />, . (NE��:� of Wouth �fe�t quarter ( �i � � of section Sizteen (16) in Township Eleven. (11) .North of Range
<br /> Nine (9) West o£ the Si�th (6th) Princi�al ]�eridian, and that said tract �ras after�rarda platt�d by
<br /> I them �.s the Arnold and Abbott' � A3dit3an to Grand Tsland,, and that �.t �the time of puxcha�ing and
<br /> j
<br /> I laying out of sa3d tract both �vere single men, that O.A.�bbott Was married February 9th. 18'73,
<br /> .
<br /> that Ed�ard ?fit. Arnold s�as marriec� about the spring of 1875 and that nrior to said dates neither
<br /> of said r�arties were married and further affiant sayeth not.
<br /> a O..A.�.bbot t.
<br />' 9ubscribe3 in my presence and s�vorn to before me thie 28" day of June, 1900.
<br /> ' Tn testimony whereof , S have hereunto sot my hand and affixed mp Nota.rial Seal this
<br /> � , �._
<br /> ' day and: year. Oa�4.Abbott Jr.
<br /> , � (SEAL)rdp commission ex�iree Jan. ?_1 1907. o ary u c. �` � �
<br /> Filed fo� record the 2� day of A�ri� , 1.948 , atI1:44 A.�f. . ,� � Coun C].erk. �
<br />. . . �
<br /> \�
<br />