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_ _ ; <br /> � <br /> - � 5� <br /> (� GOPY OF FINAL DECREE �) <br /> �n County Court of Hall County,ldqbraska. , <br /> Tn the M€�tter of the Estate of ) <br /> ) Final Dearee. <br /> �Pilhelm J.Rief,Deces�ed. ) <br /> Now on this 17th day of Decembsr,1907,th�s cause came or� for hearing upon the report of Arthur C. <br /> Mayer,Executor of the lagt �lill and Testament of �Vilhelm J .Rief,deceased,and it satisfaetor�:ly <br /> appearing to me from the proof no�rr on file that s11 person� interested in said estate have been <br /> duly notified as required by lat+r and no one appearin� to ob�ect to or protest against the a11ow- <br /> I� ance of said acount,and it appearing to the court,after a full hearing and examination that said <br /> acounty is eorrect and ought to be approved and allo��red,it �.s therefore,Ordered,Ad,�udged and <br /> D�,creed that the account of Arthur C.Mayer,Executor be and the same is ap�roved and allowed. <br /> • The court further finds that due notice was given to all creditors by postin� and publication of <br /> the time allowed and place appointed for present3ng claims against said estate; that the time <br /> allowed has fu11y expired; that all elaims filed against said e�s�ate and allowed by the eourt, have <br /> beo n fully paid and �atisfied;t�lat all claim� not filed,iz' any therebe,are forever barred and <br /> _ excluded. It is,therefore,Considered and Ad�ud�ed that all per�ons are forever barred from filing <br /> any claim, or elaims against the estate of the said �lilhelm J.Rief,deceased, <br /> Z'he court finds that the said V�lilhelm J.Rief departed this life on the 19th day of March,1907, <br /> leaving a la�t will and testament tivhieh instrument tivas in `fords and figures as follows t- . <br /> - a <br /> THE LAST 1YILL OF �!llLfiELI� J.RIEF. <br /> ItiVilhelm J.Rief,r�ake this my last will, hereby revoking all former wills. <br /> I hereby appoint Arthur C .bsayer executor of �this wi11. He ahall reduce my personal property to <br /> ; <br /> money,after my v�ife 's death,ahall pay my debts �s speedily as he can conveniently do `sn: He shall <br /> be �uardian for my two sons V��ilhelm Johann and CRrl and shall have full controll over their <br /> edueation,after my vrii'e 's death,and shall make settlement Urith my sons when they come of age <br /> - respectively. T direat h3.m to have placed upon my grave a tomb stone to cost �not more th�n �154.0 . <br /> - To my wife I give and bequeatl� the use of all of my personal property for her natural life,with <br /> power to sell or di�pose of so much there�f as she may see fit. Any of �aid property n�t disposed <br /> of at her death shall go to my executor who shal.l reduce the same to money and shall ues the proe- <br /> eeds in edueating my sons. I also give and devise to my urife the use of �r real estate for and - <br /> during her natural life and at her death my real e�tate sha11 go as hereinaft�ly direeted. <br /> To my si�ter in law Mrs Engel Frahm I �ive and bequeath all'my household e�fects,cloths,beds and <br /> bedding,reservir�g only eo� much thereof as my executor shall select for the use of my children; <br /> to take effect at my �vife 's death. My silver watch and chain I give to my son Carl and the gold <br /> � watch,and chain,�rhich I �ave my ��rife shall go to my son YJilhelm Johann. <br /> , <br /> To my nei�hbors ARrs Au�usta Arp and to my niece l�rs Nellie Ericks�n,who have been very kind to us <br /> I give the �um of ttiventy-five dollars to each of them. : ; <br /> . . ... <br /> - ; <br /> To Arthur C.Mayer I give lots I�To.Ten ( I4 ) and eleven ( 11) in Seetion NO.T�Yenty ( 20 ) in to�rnship � �' <br /> ten ( 10 ) N.of Ran�e Nine ( 9 ) West of 6�� P.M. to be dis?:�o�ed of by him,without order of court,upon <br /> such terms as he may deerri advi�able.He shall use the proceeds of suoh sale in the educ��ion_`:of my <br /> childsen. To my son Carl I give and devise the South onQ half ( 5.1�2) 'of Section N4.Tti�TO ( 2 ) in <br /> Towns�ip NO.Twelve ( 12 ) North of Ranr;e Eleven ( Il ) �'teat of 6��P.M.�ub�eet to the use thereof in mY �' `'` <br /> �ife and to be en�oyed by, h�m after he i� of age,tvrenty one year.s o ld , .,�''`�� � <br /> I, A11 the r�mainder of my real estate � g3ve to my son Flil.helm Johann and his heirs,uub�eet to the <br /> � <br /> use ther�of in my wife,be it not to be enjoyed by h�.m until he is ttiventy one old. � <br /> Done this 12° day of Maren A.D.1907. <br /> , V�Tilhelm J.Rief. - <br /> The above instrument ��ras at th� date thereof signed,�ealed,published and declar�sd by �Y�e sa��. ��: .. � <br /> i . � � , � � �� <br />�k Wilhe]nt J .Rief as and for his last Will,in �.he presex�ae' of us,�rho at h�e reque�t " i� 1�;�.� . �' <br /> k � �`�: <br /> . <br /> _ , w . <br /> . _� ,. . �. . <br /> �. _ =�-. . ,. . . <br />