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_ _ _____ . <br /> 32 : <br /> In The t�ounty �ourt o�' Ha31 County, idebraska�. <br /> I � � <br /> 2n the matter of the Estate ) <br /> of Peter Mohr, Deeeased ) Final Decrae. <br /> Now• on this l9th da�* of oetober,1g07, this cause eame on for hearing upon the �flina3 aecount <br /> of Wilhelmina Mohr, Executrix of the Last �till and Testament o�' Peter Mohr,: deoeas�ed, and it appe , <br /> ing to the Qourt that all person� interested in the estate of Peter Mohr, deaeased, have been duly . <br /> � <br /> notified of the filing of said report, and of the time and place fixed for examining satne, and hav <br /> entered their voiuntary appearanee in the matter and waived flxrther not�.ce, and it further appear-- <br /> ing to the eourt, after a i'ull examination, �hat said acoount ia eorrect in sll respeats and ought <br /> to be approved and allowed, it ifl, therefare,Ordered, Ad�ud�ed and Dearesd that the report of the <br /> Exeau�rix of the Last Will and Testament o� Peter Mohr be and the same hereby ie approved and allo <br /> ed as and for her f�.nai account and ehe i� discharged of her trust. The court finds that ered3tor <br /> were allowed �ix months from the �th day of April,y907, in whieh to pre�ent their claims, duly �` <br /> authenticated, in the af'fiae of the County Jud�e af Hall County; that the time so €�llowed has full , <br /> expired; that not3ce wa� given a11 c�asditors, 3.n the manner provided by law, ,of the t�.me allowed ;' <br /> and place appointed for pre�ent3ng claims; tha� no alaim� of any nature were filed, and that all <br /> , � <br /> claima not pre�ented, 3.f any there be, are forever barred, It i�, therefore, c�onsidered by the <br /> � �" _ <br /> jcourt that al.l persons are barred �rom filing or aetting up any alaims �a�ainst $aid estate� <br /> jThe court finas that the said Peter Mohr departed this lige on the 30" day Qf Januasy, 19o7,1eav— <br /> ing a laat �T111 and Te�tament whieh ��as admitted-to proba�e in th#,s Qourt on the �7" dey of l�arqh, <br /> 1907, and which instrument .t�as in words and -figure� as :follows: "The Last �111 0�' Peter Mohr." <br /> I, Peter Mohr, some times known as Peter Mohr Senior, make, publish and dealare this to be my laet <br /> �ill, hereby revo�ing all former Wills. I appoint rny wife executrix of th�.s Will and request that <br /> ,she be permited to perform the duties of that offiQe without giving bond. All the personal propert <br /> Iof which I sha].1 elie pos�essed or entitled T give to my wi�'e ab�olutely. In addition thereto I <br /> �°�. <br /> give her the use and ben�Fi� of a11 real estate of �rhich Z may die seized for and during her natur <br /> life; at her death all of my real estate sha11 descend to my son Carl Peter l�ohr aub�eat to the - <br /> oharge of six hundred dolla�a aa hereinaf�er provided. Ten months after my wife�$ dece�ee <br /> son Car1 Petor sh�11 pay to- my step son, �iilli�m Robert Kinkle the �um of three hund�ed do-llars; <br /> and ten months after my wife's death Car1 P.M. sha11 pay to my $tep daughter Ottilie Brandt the � <br /> of tr�ree hundrsd P.M. doliar�. Fore�oing legacies srial.l be and remain a charge upon my real e$tat <br /> until they are paid. Done at Grand Isl�nd, Nebraaka, this 2��� day oP December, �906. <br /> Peter rqohr <br /> IThe fo8egoing was signed, sealed, published and declared by�the sa e� a or as and �'or his last <br /> �11 in our presence who in his pre�enae and at his request, and in the presence of one another <br /> ;�; , . , <br /> have signed our names as witnesses hereto. _� <br /> Arthur �. Mayer <br /> Abraham �l. Leiser u <br />� <br /> Nhieh said Will bears the following eerti�'3.cate of probate: <br /> 3tate of Nebraska, } "CertiFieate of Probate. � <br /> )SS . <br /> Hall County. ) . <br /> �:- <br /> On this 27� day of March,190�, the within last �ill and testament of -Feter <br /> A�iohr tivas duly proved before me,J.H. Mullin, County J�dge of said County, aaaording to law, ae� the <br /> last �Iill �nd testament of the real and personai estate of said deceased and the same �ras admittec� <br /> , <br /> to probate and duly recorded �.n my offiee. - <br /> ,� } <br /> In testimo��hereof,I have hereunto set my hand and offieial seal thie the 27" day of Mareh,l�fl7 � <br /> uunanu��onn �'- - ., ) <br /> ���� SEAL ,t" ` J.H. Mullin <br /> nn�r��ui,nnnu , GQLiri y JU �',8. <br /> The Court finds that the said. Pet�r Mohr was at tr�e time of his� desth the owner oP the �ollowing I, <br /> described real estate, situate in the Gounty of Hall and gtate of Nebraska, to wit:. The South � � <br /> East Quarter of S�ation, 34, in Townahip 12, Range 10, and that under the terms and provisions of ,� <br /> �;:. <br /> his last �till and testament all of said reai estate did pass and descend at his death t�. ��,lhelmi� <br /> , <br /> Mohr, his widow, i'or the term of her natural l��e and that at her death th� �ame passes �and deaae _ <br /> . <br /> 1 ._:.. �, � _ <br />