'�'6�� . _ . , . Y
<br /> �
<br /> � �e�
<br /> � � State of Iowa ) �,(�ti,;� �%� �
<br />;i � )�S
<br /> . � Palo A1to �ounty ) Comes A1ex Peddib, of Palo Alto Oounty, Towa and, after bein� duly sworn
<br /> ! de�o�es and �a�� that he know� the �'ollowing d�seribed premi�es, to—wit: � �
<br /> � The South West quarter of section No, Twenty three{ 23 ) in township eleven (11 ) North of. range �
<br /> ! ten ( 10 ) Fle�t a�' the 6�� P.M. in Hall County Nebraska and Lots One ( 1) two ( 2) five (5 ) eix ( 6)
<br /> > { seven ( 7) eight (8�) nine (9 � ten ( 10 ) eieven ( il) twelva ( l2) thirteen ( 13 ) Four�Geen ( 14) �'if�een
<br /> ( 15) and eixtean ( i6) in Qariand Plaee a subdivision of the North ha1F of th�e South East quarter
<br /> of �aid seation No. twenty thre� in town�hip eleven north of range ten �fest� of the 6�� P.�i, in Hali
<br /> � County Nebraska that said remises were Qonve ed b a certain sheriff�� dee� iven b aeor e P.
<br /> , . � Y Y � g
<br /> � Dean, sheriff of Hal1 Ccunty Neb, to this afx"iant, which deed is recorded in book 2� et page 104
<br /> of the Deed Records of said Ha11 Conty Nebraska; that eubsequently sa3d premises were conveyed by
<br /> . this at"fiant to �.C. �u.yler and Ben�amin t�rah�n as �oint tenants, whieh deed is reaorded in book
<br /> ' 25 at page �69 og tMe Deed Records of said Ha11 County; that subsequentiy the identiQal preaniges
<br /> weraintended to be aonveyed by the said' f3.0. Cuyler and Ben�amin araham to thi� affiant bY; a Qert—
<br /> s�in d�ed which is recorded in boa�. 32 at page 296 of the Deed ReQOrds of sQid Hal1 Cou�ty, but
<br /> that inadvertantly �aid "(�arland plaae�� �as described as u an addition to thd Ci�y of. t�rand. Zsland
<br /> Nebr, " but that it was the intentian to convey the identieai premises which were d.escribed in the
<br /> aherif�'�� deed �boae referred to; that on the 2�". day of Ju1y A.D. 1907 this affiant eold and. :
<br /> Qonveyed by �peaial warranty d.eed, tf�e lota desaribed in the sheri�'f�s deed above ref�'erred to as
<br /> bein�; in °c�arland Plade an addition to the City of arand Z�land, Nebraska«, but it wa� the intent—
<br /> ion oP this a:�'fiant to convey th� identiQal premi�es de�aribed i,n, and aonveyed by, the �heriff�e
<br /> � deed above referred to.
<br /> And t'urther affiant sayeth not.
<br /> � AleX P'eddie
<br /> Subscribed. �.n. my presenae and sworn to before rnc this 10th day o Au�us A. .. 907.
<br /> � . : . . . : . . : .
<br /> � . . : . � P.�.Refsell
<br /> � ' ' ,SEAL. : . : . : : .
<br /> � . . . Na ary Pub11a,
<br /> j " ' . . . . . . . . . : : :'
<br /> . . .
<br /> �o Filed for r�eord th�.e 12n day of Au�. 1907, at 9.,A.M.
<br /> �
<br /> � i � �
<br /> � � C oun y C er .
<br /> i i �Ll.r i ��11 L1��r�! r�� � � �u � �� i u r � r �,� i � r r�lLlL/�.� i L r �
<br /> � �f';!I����,7,�;,,-,�`,,;;�,�=,,{;��-�',�-��;,:-.�>>,-�,,��,�.#��'�'�y;,�!��,-;;,'��'��'����,�-;,y,-�;r,7�`�- ', , ; I7'�`�`�;��''��'�; , ,
<br /> : ` � K�w Al1 Men By These Preeent�:-- Tha� Anna M. Neubert and John F. Neubert, both of Hall E3ounty,
<br /> Nebraska, being husband a,n.d �i�'e and finding that it is i�rpossible for them to live to geth�� i�n
<br />' peace and harmony and b�ing desireous of e�fecting so far as pose�.ble� a eettlement o� their
<br /> Ir property rights and relatiorrs, the etatus of their minor children, and their aonduot toward eaoh o
<br /> other hereby and for the mutual cson�iderations hereinafter name�. agre�t That th� following desari--
<br /> i bed property, which has heretofore been oacupiad by the partiee hereto �.� a homestead arid the
<br /> � title of �rhiah is ir� said Anna M. Neubert is noW and sha11 remain the �roperty of thc $aid Anna
<br />, M. Neubert wi�h tha prov3sion and ngree�nent on her part to deed a part o� esme hereinaft�r desari—
<br /> bed to the aa3.d John F. Neubert. Said property is desaribed a� follows: Lots Numbered 6 and 7 in
<br /> Biook 2g in Gharies �lasrner�� Addition to the dlt� of arand Isiand Nebraska, Whiah �aid property
<br /> ' i$ improved r�ith a houee, b�n and othar build3n�s upon eaid Lot 6 end a mi11 u�on e�3d Lot 7.
<br /> �aid pro�oerty 1� oovered by a mortgage in favor ot' the Equitable Bu3lding &� Loan Assoa�at�on of
<br /> tt��rrand �siand, Nebrae�a,on whiah there i� now due the swn of about �460,---; thQt said parties o�e
<br />� 3.rr adc���o�t �o sa�id mortga�a� upon• ea�.d premiees, debts amounting to �1 � princsiplal�y
<br />� oon�racsted through the siokne�s, dea�h and burial of two o� their ahil e�
<br /> It ia agreed by the pa:rtie� hereto that the eaid� Anna �d. Neubert i� to retain �aid Lot 6 and the
<br />� 1�ester].3r lo feet of gaid Lot 7 for her home and the home of her ahiidren �nd �vhiah is to be her
<br />'� �ole �nd eep�ra�e prope�ty and estate free from a1� alaim� of� ever�y �ind and nature, inoluding �
<br />; � � homestead and other rights o� the said John F. Neubert, that tne said� John F, Neubert agree� 4A
<br />' h�.s pa�'i� to pa3� al1 of said debt� abov� de$or�bed eontraated �y the sicskness, death aQt. o� �a3d
<br /> cahildren and in add�.t3.on thereto ie to pay off al1 of saifl mortgages due to the Hu.ilding and bcaan
<br />� A�saaiation on aaid proparty, exQept the stima of �104.00 thereof, wh�.eh the ��id Anna M. Neubert
<br />� agrees to as�uma And pa� a� her own obllgat3o�n; that �� eoon a.� said debta are paid inoluding aa�.d
<br /> mor�gages ( exaept the 100.00 3�ere�.n aseu;ned by the said Anna M. Neubert ), �he the saifl Anna M. :�
<br /> Neubert agrees to and with �the eaid John F. Ne�ubert that she will sxeaute and deliver to him or
<br /> to �y other peraen he may eleot or na�ne �a t�rantee a deed for the said East 42 feet of: �a�d: �,nt: 7,
<br /> the s�id John F. Neubert to pay a11 taxes thereon from and after 1907. � � � =
<br /> It is further a�reed that the �aid Johxt F. Neubert- will pay ea3.d d�bte above des�ribed 'srid kee�� =
<br /> up the payments vn eaid B�xilding & Laan sh&re� �hen aame ar� due and payable, exaept the �100.00
<br /> assumed by the ea�.d Anna M. Neubert, the dues upon whiah sha will pay and that in aa�e the �aid
<br /> John F. Neubert faila to make �aid payment� and th� se3d Anna �d. Neubert 3s oon�pelled to malte
<br /> �ame cr any of them, or �to pay any of �aid debts out o�' her o� pro�erty or means, whiah are her�t
<br /> in as�wned by the said John F. Neubert, then and in suoh aase ehe 3s to hold the �aid East 42 feet
<br /> af Lot 7 until she 3.s �'u11y repaid for a11 monay thus pa3.d by har with interest at 8� p�r aent per j
<br /> _ annum thereon �'re� date o� such paymante, and that in aaae the said John F. Neubert sha31 fail �
<br /> ° for the period of more than three months to meet said paymente or sr�y of tY�em than and 3n euah - �
<br /> Qase the said AMna M. Neubert sha11 hav� the right upon a p�ment oF �aid dues and obligations,
<br /> to noti�'y the said John F. Neubert to repay same to her a�d upon a failure of said John F. Neuber�
<br /> so to do for thirty day� thereafter she , the said Anna M. Neubert; c;an have the option Wh�c� ia
<br /> hereby gran�ed to her af dsclarin� thie agrsement eo far ae same partaina to the deeding o�` e��d
<br /> ;East 4� feet to him, aaneelled and annulled and she can have the right at her option whioh t�
<br /> hereby �ranted to her of se113ng said premise� to any other party or partias �he may ohocee 0r
<br />' ' re�Cainin� e_�ne a� she eleats. It i� further agreed by the partiea hereto that the foregoing agre
<br /> ment is a i1x11, finai and aomplete ��ttlement of tha rights of both parties appertaining to �aid
<br />', real est�ate and a division thereof and� that in addition thereto the ga�.d Anna M. Neubert ie the
<br />' o�ner of a�l of the •hou�ek�oid f'urni�ure, k�.tohen uteneils, Qow, horse, � and ha�riees not� �ir� �
<br /> I her possea�ion on said piaae. Zt is fu�ter �greed that the four minor a2����n of gai:fl pa�rties : =
<br />' ehall maka their home with their said mother and that the �a3d John g. ld�t Will r�ot mol-ept ' ��
<br /> theam nor her unle�s anorder o� ths Court sha1Z on for sause $hown take the� •ahildren from he� a�,re ., -
<br /> and oustody piaQe them or �some of them in his care; that he will not 3n any mariner mole�t the �a�.d � a
<br /> Anna M. Neubert nor interfere with her ear�, caugtody or oontrol o�' �a�c� o�ildren, exaept tha;t at
<br /> + rea�onable t�ie�, in the dayt3me end not more f'sequentiy than 3 tim� eaeh wee�c he shall be-'ail�-
<br /> ed to vi�it �aid ohiid.ren at ��he3r mather� ��ome, �provided that duri�g said vieite he oonduote ��
<br /> I him self in a gentlemarily, peaaeable and aon�iderate manner toward them and thelr ea1.d mother,
<br /> does not interfere wlth her aare, custody or oontrol thereof nor attam�t �.n any way to oont .
<br />� her o� her acstlons. Tt is �'uacther agreed that 1n con�3d�ration of the ����+�ing tha �a�.d ", � I�, �
<br />; �teubert hereby rele�seSth� said �Joh;� F. Neubert, his property and e�ta�Ea Pr�m a11 and e�.r� ; �'' ;,
<br /> �ny ala3.ms for euppost, da�re�, homestead or othe�r inter�sts all oF Wh�.ah ere he�eby �elea�t,� _
<br /> . sati�fied, barred and extin�;ui�hed end that the ea�d John F. Neube�t on l�is part �ub�ect �� ��
<br /> intarest in th� aaid Eset 42 feet of ea3d Lot `7 her�by releaaes the aaid A�na 1�. Neut�ert�--,� ;��.1
<br /> `
<br /> .
<br /> ,. - � _ , . . �.
<br /> .
<br /> °�--.� _ _: _. � , ._,.,,.. ..
<br />