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<br /> IBe �t R�membered, Tha� on the i�th day of June A.D., 19a7, that being one of the daye oP the Ju�
<br /> � 1907 term c� the Distriat Oourt ofthe Eleventh �'1� 3v 1 i '����o� r ��k,�a �tie� �he tlourt
<br /> �` House, in the City of �rand Isiand, Wi�h3n and��'�� ����wfitY��th�����iw�.x� amon�other
<br /> pro�eedings were had, in the �ords and figuree following, to-�itt-
<br /> • 1�ood River I,odge, Number 1��, Tndependent Ord�:of Odd Fellowe, An Inaorporation, Plaintiff
<br /> � ' :VS: 31�2.
<br /> ' John M. Brett, Be11e M. Brett,�'red Schwartz, �tattie 3ahwartz, R31ey �Pescoatt, David Miller,
<br /> ' Winni�'red Boone, Aliee L. Boone, Robert E. Boone, Harry J. Boane, Dorothq� Boone, �iili� '. Hoons,
<br /> Riehard Boone, Edwin T, Rounds, Nettie A, Rounds, Abner �. �Phite, Angeline A.White, Eberhart Kun�,
<br /> Margaret Kunz, Meyer & Ra�p�e; A Partneship, Paxton & aalla�her, A Pai�tnership, The Merohants
<br /> National Bank Of Omaha, A aorpora�Cion,And arand Island Banking Co. , A aorporation,
<br /> ' AND, � Defendants,
<br /> �Jilliam W. M3.tariell, . Tntervenor.
<br /> -----------------------------------------------------------
<br /> This aause aem.e on for hearing upon the petition and repiy of the plaintiPf, the petition o�'
<br /> intervention of W3lliam W. Mitchell, and hie repiy, the an�wer of defendants John M. Brett, and
<br /> Belle M, Brett; reply and anewer caombined �f Fred Sahwartz, and Mattie Sahwartz; answer 'and aross
<br /> bill of Meyer &Raapke; answer and aross bill of th� arand Tsland Bankirtg Co. , nolunt�ry appersnoe
<br /> of Fred Suhwartz, Mattie �ahwar�z, Riley� Wesaoatt David Mi11er, Edwin T• Rourid�, Nettie �, Round�,
<br /> Abner C. V�'hite, An�eline A��'dhite, Eberhart Kunz, Maggaret Kunz, P�xton & (�ailagher, and the
<br /> Merahants Nat3.ona1 Bank OF Omaha. And the aourt, on the appi�a�tion of plaintiff appointed
<br /> Fred W. A�hton, gu�rdian ad 13tem, for the following named minors, defendants, �to—witr�
<br /> A11oe �,. Boone, Rcbert �. Boone, Harry J. Boone, Dorothy Boone, Willie Boone, QI1d R1OhATd BOOA9;
<br /> , the said gu�rdian ad litem having filed answer for said minors a� by law 3n suah aas�s made and
<br /> �rov3ded to a11 pleadin�s f31ed, due and legai summons having been had on sa3d minors and eaeh o�'
<br /> them�, as by law in �uah aa�es made �nd provided,as well as upon eaid �Iinnifxed Boorie, thair mother
<br /> and natural guardian, and on said Winnifred Boone personally. The aourt having �ur3.sdiation oY �
<br /> each of the aforesa3d parties, �he said Fred S�hwartz, �attie SQhwartz, Ri�.Hy Wsscoatt, �David
<br /> Miller, �linni�'red Boone, Edwin T. Kounda, NQttie A. Rounds, Abner t�. tl�hite, Angeline A. Wh3.te,
<br /> Eberhart Kunz Margaret Kunz, Paxton & aalla�her, a partnership, and the Merahante National Bank
<br /> - , of omahe, a oorporation, eaeh h�ving fa3led ta ans�rer or plead to tr,e �aid plaintiff�s petition
<br /> and the said petition af intervent3.on, as �reli as the aross b�ils afore�aid, and hav3ng eaah
<br />� entered thelr vo3untary appearanae, save and except said 1�inni�'red Boone, who was pereonaliy
<br /> serv�d with summans, after e h espeotively being thriae aalled in open Qourt, having failed to
<br /> anewer or plead, the defaul���he aforesaid defendants enterin� their voluntary apperancae as
<br /> aforeeaid, ae we11 as that of eaid �tinnii'red Boone per�onally served, wae had and entered.
<br /> APter hear�ng the evidence introduaed on ��e part of said pla�nt�ff and the said intezwenor,
<br /> 1�illiam W. Mitahell, and �he aforesaid deflendants filing aross biil�, the said aause was submitted
<br /> to �he eourt, on �onsideration whereof the� aou:rt finde tha.t the allegat3.ons in said plaint�Pf�s
<br /> F petition, as weli as the aliega�ion� in said petition of intervention of said �iiliam W. Mitaheil,
<br /> - are true, and that said plainti�i and said W311iam W. Mitahell, interveno�, are eaah entitled to
<br /> F the speo3.fia exeQUtion of the oQntraat and deed eet forth in said pet3.tion, and said petition of
<br />� intervention. It is �"urther �'ound by the aourt that at the �o�nenaement of �h�s avtion the
<br /> : plaintiff was in possession oi the land desaribed in its pet��3on, and had e legai eetate therein,
<br /> and was entitled to �he poseeas3.nn �hereof, The aourt giso finds that said respeative dePend.ants ,
<br /> have or had no estate or interest in said 1and, an8 are nat entitied to the po�session of the �eme
<br /> It is further found by the eourt on the part of the sa3d William W. Mitahell, that ' at the time of
<br /> his intervention in this aation, he Was in po�session of the lands desari'bed in his said petit�on,
<br /> and had a legal estate therein, and was entitled to the po�seseion thereof. The oourtaleo finds
<br /> that the said respea�ive def�ndants have no interest in said lands desaribed in said petition o�
<br /> intervention, and that daid respeotive dePendents are not antitied to the poasession of the same, ,
<br /> � IThat the sa3d plaintiff is a oorporation as in sa�d peti�ion and pet�tion of intervention aileged;
<br /> that �aid Paxton &c�al�agher, and Meyer & Raapke, are eaah partneshlps aa in sa3d petiition a� weil
<br /> as 3n �aid petition of intervention alleged; that said Merehants National Bank of Omaha, and the
<br /> 4ranci Isiand Banking �o. are eaah Qorporation�, as 3.n �aid petition, as we11 as in sa�d petition
<br /> of intervention, allaged. That the said respee��.ve �udgments of the �aid reepective defend�nta
<br /> Meyer &Raapke, Paxton & aallagher, Merahant� National Bank of Omaha, and the arand Island Ban�ing �,
<br /> Co., are a aloud on the title of the said piaintif�', as �reil a.s on the titie of the eaid �tiiliain '
<br /> W. MitahelZ, in and to the said lan:ds descsribed in its petition and the sa3,d petition of inte�vetr- �I
<br /> tion, respeatively, and that �aid plaintiff, and the said Wi].liam W. Mitohell, are entitied to
<br /> h�ve the said aloud removed.' That the said �tinni�red Boone is the w�.dow of the said John 0. Hoone �
<br /> desaribed in sa�.d plaintiff� petition, who died at the time therein etated; that the said Alioe L.
<br /> Boone Robdrt E. Boone Harr�t J. Hoone, Dorothy Hoone, 9�illis Hoone, and Riohard Boone, are the sole '�
<br /> . and oniy heirs at law of the said John C. 800ne, and that eaah o�' $Qid minor� are of the age �n '
<br /> � said petition stated. That the said Riley Wesaoatt, David A4i11er, and John` O. Hoone, were offiQers
<br /> I� of and trustees of the said �Iood River Lodge No. 15g, and that th�y did not reoeive, by virtue of
<br /> the deed from the s�id Fred Schwartz and l�attie Sahwestz, any title to thd said property, or �
<br /> interest therein, but held the same sim�le �c�. trustee of the said plaintiff, arid in no other Way
<br /> - or manner; and that a�ainst them and eaah of them, their suocseseore in o�fiae and their reepeative
<br /> � heirs, the said plaintif� is entitled to have the eaid iands described in its petition quiited in
<br /> it, the aa�.d plaintiPf. It is further �'ound that on the �-th day of December 1��4, the �aid John
<br /> M. Rrett,' waa the owner in fee sir,sple of said Lots 5€jncl 6, in Hlook 21, and �Ghat on the said d.ay,
<br /> they, the said John M. Brett and his wife, Be11e M. Brett, sold the said lota to the said patriak
<br /> Brett, and agr�ed to convey the same to the said purohaser by a good and sufficient deed o�'
<br /> aonv�yanee; and 3n pur�uanae thereof, they, the said Bretts, procured to be exeouted, eigned, and
<br /> acknowledged a deed of _conveyance thereof, but through a mistake of the sarivener the said Lot g
<br /> w�a.s om�tted from the said deed; whlah deed was �igned and �.cknot�rledged on the 4" day of De�ember
<br /> 18`��, and duly reaorded. on the 15" day of December 1��4, in Book "M" , Page 419 of the Deed Reoor�
<br /> of Ha].1 County, Nebraska, and that the sa�.d Patriak Brett entered into the i�nediate open,
<br /> . inotorious and exalusive poasession of said premises, and that he and the suooeeding granteee the
<br /> of, ae alleged in eaid plaintiff�s peti�ion, and in the gaid petition of intervention, have had -
<br /> the open, notorious and exalusive possession of said Lot$ 5ana. 6 under a olaim of ownarship ever
<br /> sinae, and that s�id piainti�'f, and said N111iam �t. Mitaheil, Intervenor, are entit�ed to hnve
<br /> � the said deed reformed, so as to incslude therin the said Lot 5 as of the date of the exe�ution and
<br /> � delivery of the aforesaid deed i'rorn eRid John �I. Brett arLd wife to said Pa�rick Bratt as againat
<br /> � eaah and a11 of the defendants herein, as well as against all others elaiming title thereto by, in
<br /> ( or through the said John �'. Brett or sa�id Patrial� Brett. I� ie further found by the oourt that �,
<br /> the eaid Patriok Brett paid to sa3d John M. Brett, an� ��lle M. Brett, tha aonsideration mentioned
<br /> in said deed at the date of the exeeution and deliver�r thereof as aforesaid, Por the said Lote 5
<br /> and 6 3.n �aid Bioc�k 21. Tt is Therefore �ons3der�d by the Oourt that the dePendan,�e, John M. -
<br /> � Brett and Be11e M. Brett, sha11 convey the premise� de�aribed in said pet�tion, tm— wit:— That
<br /> part of Lo� 5, in B1oek 21, in the original town of �Atood River, Nebraska, eont�ined in the foilow�7r
<br /> ing de�oribed premisee.— Commencin€� at the south tivest aorner of Lot 6, in Biock Na. 21, in tha
<br /> orignial town of Wood River; running thence East on the South line o�i Lots 5 and 6 one hundred fee
<br />�..�.�. _ �.._-
<br /> �.
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