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11 __._ - _. <br /> i. 1'��.�I .. .. � . . . . . . . . , <br /> , 9 : <br /> 1�6- Not�.ae of L3s Pendene. _ . <br /> . 1 <br /> � In 'the Distric�t ��ourt of the Eleventh.Judicial Distriat oF the State oP_ Nebr.aeka with�.n and �o� <br /> the Qounty of Hall, � <br /> � �amee BLtrke ° ' � <br /> � Piai�itl�'� ' <br /> YS. ) Nctiae O�P Lis Pendene. <br /> Julig Wr�gMt and Ralin E. Wr3ght; <br /> ' De�'endents ) ' <br />- I TO WHOM IT MAY 'f30NGEF�N� <br /> . fNotic� i� hereby g�ven that on the 27th day �� 'July 19o7,an action �^ be aon�nencsed in the <br />' Caurt of the �tate oP Nebraska, v�i�hin and for the aounty of Ha.11 Wh�rein James Hurk� ie <br /> � �laintiff, and Juiia Wri�ht and Rolin L, Wr�.ght are Defendants the ob�ect and prayer of v�°hich <br /> petit�.ori is to set aside a Qertain deed from James Hurke to Julia Wrigh� to the North ha1� ofthat <br /> _ part of Lot 8t o�' the caounty sub- division of the southe�.st quarter of the southwe�t quarter of � <br /> Sec. 36, Township 11, l�orth of Range9 �lest, Whioh lies Between First street and Division 3treet in <br /> the a3ty oP f+rand Island, in Ha11 �ounty, Nebraska., wY�l�.ah desd bears date July 22 - 1907 and was <br /> re4orded in the of�'ltcae of �Che Qounty alerk of Hall County, Nebraska, on the 22�� day of July 1907, <br /> � in Book �Fo of deeds at page 335 of the reaord� of 'said ao`unty, on the grounds that eaid deed waa <br /> � I�ecured by fraud and undue influence, and other reasons. <br /> Dated at t�rand Island Nebr�aka, this 25th day of Ju1y 1907. ' <br /> ( J�nes Burke ' ' . <br /> P1�iAt3Pf. <br /> By f�.R. Horth , Attorney " � ' <br /> ' Filed for record th�.s 2�th day 'of July 1907, at �fi P.M, ' <br /> � � ��;��� <br /> , <br /> County Glerk. <br /> ,��'�;���rr��i��irui,�`�r� , ,� i r,�r���� � ,r', � - � � [�'c-�r ,, �, - � � � , J�� <br /> �N TH� OOUN'PY aOURT OF H1LL ClOUNTY,► NEBRA�RA. <br /> E zn th� matter of the Estate oP) <br />`' A. Hertaan Bohrfe, deQeased. j Final Decree . <br /> ------------------------------) <br /> is� oause came on for heer�.ng on 3aturday, the 27" day o� July, 1907, and it� appearing to the <br />� - ; Court �'rom the proof on file that all persons lnterested in eaid e�tate have been duly notified <br /> a� required by the order of thia aourt,, da�ed on the 15" day oP ��ptember, 1�91, ta filealaime <br /> - w�thin �ix months frora the 1" day of Ootober, 1�91; or that same would be �orever barred; and <br /> after a f"ual examination oF sa3d saaount the Court, find� the eame is QoDreat in all reepeats. <br /> aAd ought ta be allowed. It ie f'urther found bp the Court that on the �l"day of July, 1�91 the <br />�_ � said A, Herman Bohne diad intestate, leaving the following �amad persons a� his sole and only <br />' � heirs, to-wit, Eliza It.Bohne, his widow, and Aray N. Bohne, Li�z3e E. Bohne, EdwiM Eugene Bohi�e, <br /> araoe M. Bohne, Julia B. Bohne a�d Ruth P. Bohne, ahiidr.en of the eaid A.. Hermen Hohiie artc�- Fii�a <br /> M. eoh�. That at the time of hi� death h� wa� the owner of the p�em�►3.e� hereinaft�r epevl�iaally <br />, desaribed, upoM t�hicsh waa then �ita�ate a re��.denoe, etable, and other..emi�ll im�roveanes�t$ Rh�.oh : <br />� were at the time of the death of the said Bohne, and long pr�.or thereto, ooaupi�d by him and h�.e <br /> E family as their home, and that neither the aaid Bohrie or hi� sa3d �ife tvere the ownere of any <br />� other lands, lots or houses �ub.�e,ot .to exemption or otherwise. That the said property was at the <br /> said time of the value oP�9oo.00, and that the ��une 3s nowof a value not to exaeed �i�o.00. <br /> That after the death ofi the sa�.d Bohne, to-w�3t, July 2�, 1�91, petition for letters of administ- <br /> ration were du�.y filed by the sa�d E1ixa M. Bohne, and due notiee given cf t2�e aa3d applioat�.on, <br /> and afterwards, ta-wit, on the 15 day of September,1�91, the prayer of the said petition wa� <br /> , gran�ed and the �aid E1�.zaM. Bohne appointed ae ad.ministrat��:x of the said �eterte; and on the 15" <br />, day of Septevnber,l�91, Piled her bond � by law provided, whic3h was duly appxoved, and �he <br />. �ntered upon �he d3.eaharge af her dutie� as auoh. That afterwa.rds, to v�it, on t�.e said lg" day of � ,;,: <br /> September, thesaid ElizaM, Bohne, widow oP the said A. Herman Bohne,, arid mother o� the aforeeaid ' <br /> ahiidren, �'iled he� petition, prayirig that the €�bove premises .and ali therec� might be a�.�uclgvd <br />. and deareed �o be the homestead of the said widow and the aforesaid shildxen, and paas to the�n ae <br /> sucah, free and olear of all 11ens and inaumbaanae� and of any debts that might be a�ing b� the <br /> x� �aid Bohne, and set apart to them Qs suah; whieh petition was duly signed an� eworn t�o, And oM <br /> � the .sa�.d day the eaid aounty Court appointed a$ appraiser� of �aid homestead E.C.Iiookenberg�, <br /> _ , oounty trea$urrer, D. Aalcermen, Qounty alerk, and John Nioholson, a f'ree- ,haider; and that the said <br /> apprai�ers were duly notified and ordered to assenble at �he court house in the said oou�ty on the <br /> 21" dgy of 8eptembe�, st 9 0�aloak A.�I., vrhidh 1lotic,e was duly served as by law in suah �aeas <br /> made and .provided. That on the aa3d 21" day of Setember, the said appraieere,�.n pursuanae oP the ; <br /> aforesaid order, met �t thQ offiee of the aountyJudge, and after taking o�th aa by law prov�.ded, : <br /> and after due o,bservation of the said property, tMey ad�urned untii i:oo o 'oioak P.�.of said dey : <br /> �hen they filed �he �oilowing reporti "That after t�l�ing the afflrntation above �et Forth, we met <br /> � at tl�e of�iQe of H.E. C111iford, .Judge of the Co,unty tlourt,in the t�ourt House of this aounty, on <br /> the 21u day of Selttember, 1�91, a� :l o�olaak in the after�oon, the �ame` baing the plaae, dey and <br /> hour �ixed by the said Judge for ��Y��e appraisement, and a�'ter making diligent inqu3ry in reiation <br /> thereto, we appraised the a,etual eash va,lue of the homeetead heretoa��e desaribed at the swn of <br /> 900.0o in the manner �nd fcrm �'oilowing, namely: Land, �600, i�rov�ment� �300, p 'VPh3csh r�port <br /> was duly eigned by the sa.�,d apprsisers, and on the $aid day filed �1th the � �ounty Judge, <br /> Which report wa� duly reaorded in Book uEstate" 3, on lg9 thereof, the seme being a part - <br /> of the reQOrd� of said �ourt. And the eame aom�.ng on f'urther to be heard on the said day tfl the <br /> ; ' said Court, the following deeree was entered thereonZ <br /> g , 3. FTRST FIN�ING• � <br /> s � That i�C appears f"rom the report of the appraiser� in this matter, that the preen3�es alaimed aa a � <br />� homestead by Eiiza M. Bohne �re o�' the value of �900. That the folio�ing ina�'brance$ ehould be <br />, deduated from the said appraisement. A mort�e:ge in the swn of �450.00, and that the reetidue ie <br /> in the swn of �4yo.�o. : : _ . ; <br /> � _. <br /> SECQND FINDING. <br /> That the deoedent herei�, diecl inteetate and left a homeatead deeoribed as �oilo�►$: Beg3nn:� a-t <br /> . :�point Thirty-�'our(34)r�sds due we�t froxa the south-east aorner of seat�an eigh� (�j, in To�r7tt o. . <br /> f � <br /> � , <br /> � _. <br />� � _ _ ' � -_ <br /> , <br /> ., . ,_ : <br /> , . .._ . <br /> . _ . <br /> �.. . . <br />