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<br /> '�The South '�hirty-five (35 ' ) Feet oP Lot Twelve (12) , in Block Two (2) , in Axt & Ha�ge 's Addition '
<br /> to the City� of Grand Island, County of Hall, $tate oP Nebraska, as surveyed, platted and recorded. !'
<br /> The above motion was duly seconded and the resolution unanimouely passed by the Directors present.
<br /> The mePtin$ was then ad�ourned. M,G.Colp�tzer
<br /> ATTEST: (CORP) President
<br /> R.G.Sehreiber ( SF.AL)
<br /> Secretary
<br /> Filed Por record this 24th day af January, 1939, �t 3:10 o 'clock P.�i. ����� �
<br /> egister of/��--
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<br /> KNOV`t ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS : Th�.t we, the undersigned Paul C.Huston and Hazel F.Huston, Husbarrl
<br /> and �ife, of Grand Island,County oP Hall,3tate of 'Nebraska, for and in considera.tion oP Three
<br /> thousand DOLLARS, to us as a loan in hand paid by the 1�BRASKA STATE BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION,
<br /> t of Fremont Dod e County, State of Nebr�.ska, and other good and valu�.ble consideratior�,
<br /> of the C i y , g
<br /> the receipt whereoP is hereby acknowledged, do hereby assign, transfer, and set over to the NEBRA�KA
<br /> �TATE BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATIUN, as collateral security for said loan, the rents and revenue
<br /> �accruing for the period oP the duration of Ioan hereoP, upon the Pollowing described property
<br /> situated in Grand Ialand, County of Hall, State oP Nebraska, to-wit: �9
<br /> Lot two hundred three, YVest Lawn Addition to Grand Is18nd,Nebr€�ska, Northerly one-half of lote
<br /> one, t�o and three, block four, John Voitles Addition to Grand Island, Nebraaka. Lota nine,
<br />; ten and eleven, block six, Pleasant Hill pddition to �rand Island,Nebraska. Easterly one half of �,
<br /> lote e� and seven, block one, Pleasant HiII Addition to Grand I�land,Nebraska. �
<br /> And we hereby authorize and enpov�er the NEBRASKA STATE BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, its author- �
<br /> ized agents and attorneys to act for us, and rent the above described pr�mises, and in our place o
<br /> collect and receipt for said rent, either monthly, `quarterly or yearly, as they me�.y see fit. �
<br /> r ose of bein a lied to a ente of monthl ;
<br /> �
<br /> This aesignment of rent bein� �ade for the expreas pu p � PA P Ym Y .�
<br /> °�
<br /> dues on my sharea, CertiPicate No. 2�072, and interest arid finea on a loan of Three Thous�.nd
<br />� r bed ro ert b the said NEBRASKA 3TATE B[TILDING
<br /> � 000.00) DOLLARS, made to us on the abov� desc i p p Y Y
<br /> � ,
<br />� 3
<br /> S�,l.d Association may, ln its discretion, use the rents so ��.r as necessary for the purpo�e of
<br /> ent ma be ro er and may use said rents
<br /> mt�king such repalrs upon the premiaes as, in its �udgm , Y P P
<br /> so Par as necessary Por the payment of inauranee premiuma and taxes upon said premises, the balan¢e
<br /> to be apr�Iied upon the payment of monthly dues, interest and fines on said certificate and loan. �
<br /> Thia assi�nment and transfer oP rents and revenue to be absolute to the extent gf the monthly dues,
<br /> ` interest and Pines on said Ioan until the time when said loan ahall be fully paid or this instru-;
<br /> ment etznceled by the Aasociation. ' �
<br /> Dated this 23rd day oP January, A.D. 1939•
<br /> ' S�ITNESS ES:
<br /> , fi� .
<br /> . . R.S.�enger Paul C .Huston ( Seal) '
<br /> , Hazel F.Huston (Seal)
<br /> STATE 0�' NFBRASKA ) On this 23rd day oP January, A.D. �939, b�f ore me, the eubecriber, ,
<br /> ) w
<br /> COtTNTY OF HALL ) a Notary Public, duly commiasioned and qualified for and residing in �
<br /> . . �
<br /> s�.id County of Hall, personally appeared Paul C.Huston and Hazel F.Huston, Husband and WiPe, '�
<br /> to me known to be the identical persons described in and who executed the Poregoing instrument �
<br /> as grantor mnd they severally acknowledged the said in�trument to be their voluntary act and d�ed. �'
<br /> IN �TITNE�S WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and Notarial Seal at Grand Isl_a,.nd, in said County,
<br /> the d�.v r�nd yHar last above written.
<br /> R.S.Wenger
<br /> (SEAL) Notary Public
<br /> My commisaion expires June 22, 1941.
<br /> Filed for record this 25th d�y of January, z939, at 11 :50 o 'clock A.M.
<br /> ��-��� �
<br /> � e�ister of �eede �
<br /> �
<br /> �
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