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<br /> . COVHNANT6 - "�
<br /> 1. P�ym�nt�. Borrower ngroe�+to meko all paYmnnta on tho seeured debt when due. Unlele Borrower end 4ender adrle otherwlae, eny
<br /> , . �,;;`
<br /> " � pxc uelve ofQlnteroat or'principal,/oco d to�nteros4�and thu�%prilnn'ipall.bf pnrd�ol pro�pnymont of t o nocurod d bt occ�a for eny °esontlit�wlll
<br /> 0
<br /> not reduco or excyse OnY aCh8�3ul��.pAYRlent u�tll thAl�ecurod dobt la pold In full.
<br /> � � <.
<br /> x. Cl�m�AgNn�tiTltl�.BO$o�J3ehyv)11�4y pli te tre;aicnaements,end other charpes attributablo 4o tho proporty when duo and wlll detend t t e
<br /> detenie�whlcha�IfON�YP QAY i�IIV�0 n�t P����p��d�Pply labor or materlels to Impr�ove o►ymn(ntain Bherpropartyasalan any riflhts,clalme or
<br /> 3. Iniu�enc�. Borrawer will keap the propeny Irtaured undnr terme acceptable to Lender at Borrower's exponae and lor Lendor's benoiit. All
<br /> „ Insurtnco poticy BAny Inaurence Droc6eda may bo�uppllod ewithlrt l.ondere'e disrrotionr toi�ether tho�ra toretlonaob ropafr ol tha dameped property
<br /> or to the socured debt.If Lander requL•es mortg�0e Innurance,Borrower aflrees to mulntnin such ineurance fur as lonp as Londor roqulrao. t
<br /> ,��,:�} ' 4.Frop�rty.Borrower will keep the property in good conditlon ertd meke all repeirs reasonably necoseary. . :
<br /> • �Qr" B,E�cp�n��s,Bprrower egrees to paV ell Lender's er.penses, including reasonable ettorneys' teos, if Borrower broaks eny covenante in thia dead
<br /> s
<br /> ot truet or�n eny obllgetlon aecured by thts dond of trust.Borrower will pay these emounte to lander es provided In Covanent 9 of this deed ot
<br /> ' trust. '`�
<br /> 6.Pr�ue Security lntKeeQ�.U�1esn Borrower first obtalna Lender's written consent,Borrower wiil not meke or permit eny changee to uny prior 'it_
<br /> socurity Interests. Borrower wlll perlorm elt of Borrower's oblf9etlons undar any prior mortflege, daed of trust or other socurity ngreoment, TF��
<br /> Insludinp Borrpwer's covennnts to mako paymenta when due. ,x;{��
<br /> i �.,.-,�-;`�
<br /> " 7,pis! nm�nt of R�nU�nd Prollt�.Borrowor oasigne to Lender the rents and profits of the property.Uniess Dorrower and Lender have aAr�ed
<br /> 4 ap nt V�r ancourt�appotnted eTCeiver m�aeyCtakedP�aseaston and manape�tha propr�rtVrand�collect the�rentsBA y rent el n'der collects sha I be '"��.T
<br /> applled first to tho costa o} mana�ing the Rropertlr, Including court costs end ettorneya' fees, commlaslona to re�tel ag�ents, and nny other ,_ ; ,.
<br /> ^��, neceseary►eieted expensea.The remefninp amount of rents will then apply to paymente on tho aecured dobt ae provided ln Covenant 1. �, �*,,`_,
<br /> c�:�•—
<br /> e�leeaeholdalf C�s daed of trua i�,on e unl�In�e condominlu�m or�a plenned nit�develoipmenLNBor ower v III perfoim�ell of Bo rr ower'o dutles �--�_�-
<br /> under the covenente,bylawa,or repulotiono ot the condominium or planned unit developnient. �;�=:
<br /> N p �"•i_-''��'.�:'�-
<br /> per�orm tohe duties�ceuso t�om�to b Bporformedf Bonde1i may�njpno8 e►ower's�name oor pbYaeny emount i}necessery foi performanca�If eny –
<br /> � �n whetevor ia noce5onry to protect Lender's �.,.
<br /> . constructiun on the propeay 7e di�xontirtuad or not carried an in a reaeoneble manner,Londer may� .},��:
<br /> � security iniarest En tha propar[Y•i Qih may Include completinq the conatruction• �.:"`.�y
<br /> 4 Lender'e fulluro to pertorm will not prec1uJe Lender from exerclsing eny of its other rights under the law or thia deed of truEt. �:�
<br /> ,. i �...
<br /> "� and wW bea rinte�droet fmm thu d�pe of ihe p Ym�t unt0�paid in full etf the intoroat�rete In effect on the oecured d bt unt�wlll be due on damand �•-_
<br /> ": �nd Acc�{�r�Uwu If Borrowar fails to meko any peyment when due or breaka eny covenente under this daed of trust or eny
<br /> . y 10. D�fwlt tlw y
<br /> demeand Immcdiate psyment end m�y Invoke tho p�ower of eale end any other remediesdpermitted by�applicable lewurity of the secured debt sn
<br /> '�_; 11.R�qu�st fa Notic�of D�iwit.It Is hereby requested thet coples of tho notices of default dnd eale be sent to veCh porson who la a party _�
<br /> ?i:, heroto,at the aqtfrose oi eaci�euu:��3�oaA,sa SEL 14iSh har�ln. __
<br /> .yt�
<br /> . , 12,Pow�r of SN�.if the�or some D►t or parcel thereof ia�eltuat d a notiae�of defauit contelnin 9�the informat on�required by lew.Tha Truatee
<br /> ' wheretn the trust properry hereto,and to other personc ee preeatihad by
<br /> ahall elso maii coples of tha notir.e o4 defauit to the Borrower,to eech person who fo a party
<br /> ����' enco�rporeted city or vfilape e��d Is u�ed in ferm�ng o�p eretlone catr/ed an by the truetorethe�'Truetee shall pive puElic nodcepof sele toethe persona
<br /> b dder tlf required tiy theiFe mbHOmes�teed�Prot oti neAct Trustee shaleofte�therp�Pe►h►hn two�eepa ateps la ea es�e�quiredtby pplicublo�law.
<br /> ` ' Trustee msy postpone sab of ell or eny parCei of the property by publlc announcement at the time and place ot enY D►evlausly echeduted sele.
<br /> !�• � Lender or itn dea�gnes miY purchaso the property et eny sale.
<br /> . The rociti�l�contafned in
<br /> � �' Upon receipt of payment of tM price bid,Truetee ehell deliver to the purcheaer Trustee'�deed conveyinp ths Moperty.
<br /> -J� �. Trustee's deed shall bs prima f�cie evidience af tho uuth of the stetements contelned therein.Truatee ehall apply the proceeda of ths asle in tF.e
<br /> rein tete ent faes��lb)to all eums�secu ed bY thie�deed of�trust end lal�thetbalence�!ieny t�o the persone lepally entitled t receivo ft.f��� end
<br />=t''"��,s;•���'. 13.For�cfAwrs.At Lender's option,thfs deed of Vust may bo foreclosed�n the manner provide by eppiicable law for foreclosure of mcrtg�pes
<br />_�;...,.
<br />-;�.-i+�..:�;,�, on real property.
<br /> `' •• T"'•'�' . 14,In�p�nUon. Lender mey enter the propurtlr to Inspect it if Lendor givea Borrower noticd betarehand.The notfae m�sst stete the reasoneble
<br /> ?�f'r��•.�&�.c� cause for I.ender's Inapectloo.
<br /> K�)'
<br /> "? � . =f 16.Cond�rt�nrtlon.Borrower easi na to Lender the�roceado oi any award or eleim for dbma es connected wfth a aondamnetlon or ottier ta np
<br /> of ell or eny pert of the property.�uch proceeds wi 1 be epplled as provided In Covenant 1.'}�te easignment is aubject to the terma ot eny prlor
<br /> ^;� :,�::,, .�'', security epreement.
<br /> x%'��'��'R' •'' eny remedy upon Borrower'asydefaultd Lende�r do°o�ot waive any rig t to I te�jconsider the event e defautt It It happuos°eelny� B�not exercising
<br /> �.,._,,��.i:,, '.:'
<br /> '��:��^� ��. �� � ���r ��1ry, Casl�rr, Sucassas airJ Ani9n� Bound. Alf dutlea under thls deed of trust ero Jolnt and sev�rel. Any
<br />���`�,s,�:,•� Borrowec�who co•sipns thia deed of truat but daes not co-slpn the undertyin debt tnstrumantla) doee so onGy to grent end convey th�t
<br /> Borrower o Intore9t i�the propertY to the Truatee under the torms ot thie deod o�trust.In additian,euch e Borrower eyreea that the Lender end
<br /> .�""�.���� ��� enY other Borrower under thls deed nf trust may extend,modi}y or maF;e any other chan ee{n the terma of thla deed of uuat or tha secured
<br />�'l., . debt without that Borrower'e consent end without rel9esing that Borrower irom the torms o�thf�deed of trust.
<br /> �.� . !r
<br />?�• The dutiea end benefite of+thlo deed af trust shall bind end 6onetit the cuccessors end esstgn�of Lender en orrower.
<br />�•� .
<br /> 1e.Node�.Unteae otherwise roqulred by lew,any notice to Borrower shail be piven by delivering It or by mailing it by certified meii eddrea6ed to
<br /> Borcower et the property eddress or eny other addresa that Borrower has 0fven to Lender.Borrower wili give any notice to Lender by certified
<br /> i� mail to Lender's eddres�on pe�e 1 ot ti�ls dead of trust, or to any other addresa�xhich Lender het designated.Any other notico to Lender aheli _
<br /> �! be sent to Londar'a eddress es steted on pvga 1 ot thie deed of trust. �_
<br /> d� -
<br /> ,� Any notice ehall be deamed to hava been given to Borrower or Lender when given In the mannor stated ebovo. -•
<br /> k art of the p►opert or any interoat ic�it ig sold or tranaferred '.:f=:;
<br /> 1B.Trenyt�r of ffia Propaety or •B�nefleir int�nst in th�Bonow�r.It a11 or nny P
<br /> w�hout Lendor'e prior written consent, Londer may demand Immodinte payment of the secured ebt. Londar mey aiso demand Immedia4o .c;"
<br /> �" paymont if tho Borrower is not a naturel person end e henollciai interest In the Borrower is sold.or trnnsferrod.However, Lender may not �' _
<br /> � domand peyment In the ebove situotlons It it ts prohib(ted by 4ederal lew as ot tho date of thle deed of Vust.
<br /> ' Y0.R�conv�yancA.Whan the ob�gation secured by,this deed of trust has been peid,and Lender has no furthor obiigation to meko�9vancoe
<br /> � undar the Instrumantg or a reements aecured by th�a daed oi trust,iho Trustee shali,upon written reQuest bY the Lendar, roconvey the trust
<br /> � property.The Lender stuUl �eliver to tho Borrower,or to Borrowor's successor In interest,the Vust deed and tho note or othor evidence of tho
<br /> .._
<br /> ..- .
<br /> � . obligation so satlsfied.Borrowar aheli pay eny recordation costs.
<br /> `"- ---�-_` . . . "--° ._.�_ �.. t»• ....tli..n n rnnv ef thY _.�___.
<br /> :-___:-_.____,—_�.,-��-� �
<br />- I 21. Succ�aw Truatoe. Lender, ec Landar's optlon, mep remove Trustee ano eppomi a a�scoaeav� .�..o.00 w - • �• - - _
<br /> Rubstitution of trusteo ea raqufrad by upplicobte law,end then,by filin�tho subatitution of truetee fnr record in the office ol the registc�of dccds �_
<br /> � • eucceod totoil Q�o powor tdutlos8euthort�y o d tftlo oft8he Truat n nomedln ho deed of t ust end of any isuccossorVwstee,ot tho proporty,shall
<br /> „
<br /> ,� Ipsg�2 of 21
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