_ ' • • _ �;� :
<br /> � n,Niw . .�
<br /> ..,.: , • � ,,.
<br /> �. _ .r,.,.
<br /> ,�.� . .
<br /> ' � . .
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<br /> • ---_..... .. n—.. ... .... .. . . ... � ..
<br /> - ....... _...__.. . .. . . •
<br /> .__._. _ _ . ��:-�a...
<br /> _ V�'� �l.*��'A -./�' �.;,:°R::.':.�➢r`:..:
<br /> � tsy�h.id Mortg�e. Murt�gor�L�ll p�3►to Mort�a�ee t�e 4wouat of e�{y deSoienay batween the awtuul tass�, asoe9r
<br /> meata�,iasun►nae premiu��nd�round rentr nnd LHe depo�ita Sereundar within 10 d�,yo alter domuud i�made upon
<br /> � Mortgegor re�ues4ing pryment the�eof.
<br /> a, g��fs��qelnq�aa�wd Uto.Tn prompt�y rep�►ir�sestore or rabuild at�y buildin(�or impmveaient�now or
<br /> � heroatter an the Proper�y;to kaep tha Propex�yr in good aonditloa aad np�lr,without wa�te,�nd Orse lram meohwio'�or
<br /> otdar liene aot e:preasly subordinated to the llea herreoC aot W malce, suffer or pormtt ar��►nui�anQO to e�it, aoa to
<br /> . d!mlui�h ox lmpalr the v�lue a:the Pcogorty bY wt�Y aaL or omiuion to aot;wnd to aorap)y with al1 reQuis+�menta oZ law
<br /> wlth r+�rpeot to t$e ProperQy.
<br /> 7. Coad�mastioa.In ths event the Property.oz any p�►rt fhereof. shall be t�k0n by emin�t�a o�m Qi.� '
<br /> ZVSoct,g�g�ee is empowered to oollent�nd raoelve�ll oorap'nssSio��w e�m!R'��option,�eithereto a reduotioa of thA
<br /> - a�es w prnpesly noL Wcen,snd Mort�sQee eh�ll Rpply P
<br /> • indei�tednees eeoured hereby or W npair and restore the presDerkY w d�ma�ed•
<br /> B. Performanw b�1[oi'Ka�s•MoN�°°°�u1y.hut eh�ll have no obllQptlon,to do aqy wt�vhioh tYse Most�or -
<br /> hu eareed but hila to do.rad Mort�«gee m,Y wlao do au�y sof it deeruo neaesaary w proteot the lien hareof.Mortgegor ,;; ,,.
<br /> agreea to rep�y►.nPon demand�►n,Y���o ezpendsd by thn Most�gee for the above pw�qos�s.�►nd a�►,Y sums s� ; •�., .��,;-_,.�•
<br /> e�nded by the Mort�ee eihall be�dded to the indsbtedne�s seound hereby aad baoome�ubjeot to the liea heraot. . ';� �, �'.
<br /> . 11(or�g�g�ea ehall not inour wqy pereoasb liabilit3►beawse ot�hin8 it ma,y do or omit to do hereuad�. -
<br /> � g, Detaal�yd�amsnt o!Rsat�.Time is ot the osaence hereof. and upon Mortgagor'e defau3t in e►qy aovenerat �;��'���
<br /> ! or agreemeat of thi�Moxf�e,ineluding aoven�nt�W pyy�vhen due the suws eeowed bY thli MoriBogo.tho Mort�ee :.�`�:_,----
<br /> � � eh�ll be entttled.�t its wle opidon and wituoitt notiao. :o deolare ell eum�eeouxad by thie Mortgage ta the immedfstelY , � .,,�_
<br /> � ' due and pt�qsble ond miy aoa�amanoe fareolo�ure oi tbi�MortQage by fudioisl prooeeclings:aud. Prc►vided fusther.tlut ,,.,_______
<br /> upo$moh dafault the MoitgRgee,o:�receiver appninLadD�a oourt.m,y at its optioa and without regard to Rhe adMu� '_ ,:.
<br /> uy oi the eeourt�y.enter upon and tsito paeseagion of the Property xnd aolleot tha renta,issuca ead pmtfte therefram�ad �.�.�_ :__, --_
<br /> ! n.•�
<br /> , app)y them ll�tt W ttse oo�t o!aoIIeotioa aad operstion ot the Proparh,y�nd thea upon the indebtednee�seoured b!►thfi :.>��`"<
<br /> r_•::_....
<br /> 1 � Mortgwge:said ren4s. lesues tund proSts being assl8aed to the Mortgagee as further aeouritq for the paym�eat of ttte rs,,��::�„�T�Y
<br /> , ..� indabSednese eeoured hereby. i1..:�
<br /> "�,�;-:
<br /> . , �.�.,. �
<br /> ''' 10. Tranihr o!Prnpsrt�I�s11 or aay past oi the Froperly is eold or trs►neferred wlthout the ezpreq written aon °.'�R,•-
<br /> ��?!�°.J, �a�
<br /> • '` S oens of the MortQ��s.MortQa�es may at ita wle option,dealu�e wll�u�u seoured bY tbi�Mortga4+s ta be immsdlate7y �:,�.,:
<br /> � dua and pyyable.
<br /> � ,' r �... •ar..,c�..nnr MnrRqaree miV�ake additioA�l�ACi ttltllte bdYlWOes to
<br />- . -_- =�.� ii. sY'sns.:�6vw�wo�..La.:.a�sju.....a_...�.o-.�--.- t
<br /> � i T : ;� : IloaRgagor.Buoh ndvaaae�.aRth intereaL thereon.ehall be aeaurad by t61a Mor�^cgo whon evldoncod by promiiwry noiab '.
<br /> •��+'�•:�`` eteL•in�thaL e�id notee sre seaured heraby.AE no tlme ehall tha prinoipal amount oi the indebtedn�eoa seo�ued b9 4�[�i�
<br /> . `ti�;;�,� "., Nostgege,not inolu�iing aum�advaaoed tv proteof the seourlty of this Mortgage.ezaeed the origi�.iel Note. '
<br /> ' F�i� ,�
<br /> ��t,�.:
<br /> ' _
<br /> ' ' �' . ���6011iRE0111 I�'O�OLl.
<br /> ..; - �a
<br />- `-•;1'"�i• iorebesrsncb ia ezaroisin��►rightor remQC�T sL�ell not be a waivor thexeoL •
<br />- .;�,�.: (o) �Y
<br /> . � s;�����`�,` ,�..
<br />.,..., � ''�: N) All rem,edien pmvtded hereiyn�re di�atinot and ouv�u]4tive to aRy oiher rlght rSi�clal by bw or equdfy,
<br /> • and mey bo e�erolsed oonaurreai�}►.independeatly or suooessively. __
<br /> �;����^ o Ths covenants and agceament�oont�ined herein eheil bind.and the rlghte inure to.the i+e�peotive�ruo- �-
<br /> ( ) •-,-
<br /> ��' oessore end asai�u3 4fie Mortgagor ead the Mortgagee.
<br /> ,;�s:
<br /> ' (d) A,11 eo�ren�aLs end agreementa af the Mortgagor are iotat and several. Y— - ___-
<br /> (e) The headings ot the pat��ph�oi this Mo=tgQge�re for aonvon4enoe oaly aad eh�W not be u�ed 2a inter
<br /> ".�;;1::� pret or detine the pt+ovlsloas hereoL
<br />_. .s -
<br /> 11,Rs.le�e. Upon ga�yment oi all sums eec►urad by this Mortg�ge.Mortgagee shall dleoHr�rge tW�Mortga�a�d -
<br /> .:;' �hnll o�ceoute aad deSver s satlifsotory�celease therefo:. =°
<br /> "�-—
<br />� '! .;:1 �`- _
<br /> H��.�' IN W1TNE8B WI�REOb'.MortB�r 2�exeautedLhia Mortgage on the 17th dqg�off A�,r'il _ .io �7 '•''�;;�;
<br /> ;':,�; f �, ">�,�-¢;:
<br /> : 6 ����.� =.
<br /> �•� —(�af'iC H. �C 15�1 eoa'u+wr �,:-„�
<br /> :,t'.�.y
<br /> .;5�� '�.. ...�;�. .
<br /> i:f..K BUIIORB .
<br /> " 8tate o!Nebrask4 H n .c����: �. .
<br />- an�_��� �y of_�r{1 .19��before me.tha underai�ned.a Notsry Pnblio - .
<br />, ���`'•�, du�Y oommissioned snd quslifled fos satd oounty,per9onslly came M a r k A M c N i s h�, .
<br /> .'�,:, ,
<br />; • :`:, �cin�l�nerc_n^ —.tomelmo�ntobethe
<br /> --- ---� - . - -• _ - ----'-`--_..r`...�....a..►.,m..i..d in.r...,mpnt a�ea anlmn�ledped the eueoutloa thereoi
<br /> _ .. __1 IQaIIS1081 peleOII(e)WnOec u�tta�e�wo o..vw..w......�......�-_o-------- - __ _°
<br />� I � pe his volunsaiy aat snd aoed. �- ' -�-
<br />-• Wttnees�y hand and notartal Beal at r -^._�' •�7 a n d� ��p h ra s Ic a In said oounty,the
<br /> dote aforeeaid. � 1
<br />- �,►c��i�n��: �aRMrsw�K V1E1. � � ' ..
<br /> OEVRA Not�ry Publfo
<br />_ , w�����,� .
<br /> �,���
<br />_. . o ri��a+a�6.n�c a c�mnerc.rn,st a�,a s+Y��+:.�swcauo+,.lJ�,con�Nw.a�.
<br /> . _.
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