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. __,._ <br /> Y � ��� <br /> 11��SC �E��LAI�T�O�.JS R�COR� S <br /> TNE FI1GU/TINE CO.12787 � <br /> r <br /> Page 11. <br /> � � � ARTICLE X1.X, ;� <br /> C�NTINUITY: <br /> Thie agreement and each and all of the eovenants, obligations, and conditions hereof, shall inure <br /> to the benePit oP and be binding upon the heira, pereonal representatives, eucce=sors and assigns,. <br /> of Le$sor, and the successore and a�eigns oP Lessee. Although designated in the singular number a� <br /> "Lessor," it' there be more than one, they and each af them shall be �ointly and aeverally bound bq <br /> the obligations and covenants herein imposed. In the event of the assignment of this lease by <br /> Leasee, or oP ita subletting the premises or any part thereoP, Lessee ahall at all times remain <br /> liable to Le+asor for the payment oP rente and charges, and for the faithPul performance of all ob-� <br /> ligationa imposed upon Leaeee hereunder. <br /> . ARTTCLE XX. <br /> NOTICES: <br /> " All notices given under thia instrument shall be in writing, and may be given either in the atatu- <br /> tory method, if any, in the State Ahere the premisea are eituated, or by depositing the notice in <br /> the United States registered mail., postage prepaid, enclosed in an envelope addressed to the part�r <br /> to be notified, at euch party 's addres8 as ahown in this instrument or at any known addreas ot' any <br /> Lessor, if there be more than one; and the day upon which such notice is so mailed, shall be treatied <br /> as the date of service. IY there be more than one Lesaor, notice to any one of them shall eon- <br /> atitute notice to all. : <br /> ARTICLE XX1. <br /> �JGHTS NOT `'V�1IAIVED: <br /> _ <br /> Failure of either party to insist upon the strict and prompt perPormance of the terms, covenants, <br /> agreements, and cvnditions herein contained, or any oP them, upon the other party imposed, ehall <br /> not c:�r,�ss�;�u't:�e or be eanstrued as .a aaiver or relinquiahment of such party'e right thereafter to <br /> � <br /> enforce any auch term, covenant, ra,greement or condition, but th� same ahall continue in full f'oree <br /> a,�d ePfect. <br /> The titles identiYying the severa2 Articles of this lease are Por the purpose of locatin� readily , <br /> the various provisions oP the leaee, and are not to be construed as a part oP the text oP the leaeie. . <br /> Page 12. <br /> ARTICLE XX11. <br /> ; <br /> TITLE EXAMINATION: <br /> Lessor ahall furnish, at ite expense, to Lessee for examination an Abstract of Title, or other <br /> evidence of L�sssor's title as set forth in the Article entitled, "CO NTEYANCE RE�t7IRF�dE1dfi8,N sha�vit�g <br /> , such title in said p-remisea in Leesor at approximately the date hereoP as rrill authorize i� to make -. <br /> and enter into thia lease, and to co3�leet and retain all rents a rr7. payments hereunder free a.nd ' <br /> clear of all claims and demands made by ar�pr person or partiee, whateoever. In the event Lessor <br /> ehall neglect, refuse or be unable to furnish such proof of title within thirty (30) d.ays after <br /> the date hereo�', Leasee shall have the option and privilege oP Qancelling and terminating thia <br /> Iease, upon notice to Lessor, at any time after said thirty-day period. IY at the time of such <br /> notice Leseee shall have entered into possession, Leasee ahall be Iiable only for rents and other �' <br /> r <br /> chargea, iP any, accrued and earr�ed to the date of such termination and surrender of poaseseian. <br /> Thie lease shall not be bindin� upon Leasee until signed on its behalf by ite Preeident or a Vice . <br /> President. All proposals, negotiations, and representations with rePerence to the matter� coverec� <br /> by this lease are merged in this instrument, and no amendment or modification hereof ahall be vali�d <br /> unless evidenced by a writing signed by such oPficer. ; <br /> ; <br /> WITNESS The hands and respective seala of the parties hereto, re.�spectively witneesed or attested,. <br /> ; <br /> the day �,nd the year firet above �vritten. � <br /> i <br /> ! <br /> � � � � � � <br />