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<br /> title in and to said real estate and the appurtenancas thereunto belonging, Yree and clear of aIl
<br /> . liens, enoumbrances and charges of whatsoever character, with release of dower, curtesy,homeatead,
<br /> . and �.11 statutory right$, and shall also deliver to Lessee, free of expense to Leesee, Buch abstraet
<br /> or other evidence of title, showing �ood merchantable title to said premises in Lessor at the time
<br /> of delivery oP deed.
<br /> If any persanal property shall be ine2uded in the option, Lessor shall Yurnish evidenee, eatisfaetory
<br /> to LesBee, of Lesaor's ownership thereo�� and ahall eonney the same by Bi11. of 9ale with Pull cove-
<br /> nants oP warranty.
<br /> Such pureshase shall serve to caneel the within lease in alI particulars, and it' Leesor aha31 have
<br /> been paid rents canering a period subsequent to date of delivery of deed, auch payment shall be
<br /> applied on and shall constitute a part of the purehase price of the property conveyed.
<br /> If at the time oP purchase there sha1.1 be a �a11d mortgage, trust deed, or like eneumbrance against `
<br /> said premises or any part thereof, w�ii'cYi.cannot be then paid and sati�fied without payment of penalty
<br /> or bonus, the arnount of indebtedness evidenaed by such inatrument shall be withheld by Lessee from
<br /> the purchaae price and consreyanoe shall be made sub�ect to said indebtedness, Leseee assuming p�.y-
<br /> ment thereoP.
<br /> Page 10.
<br /> ARTICLE XVI1.
<br /> On the termination oY this lease by Iapse of time or in any other manner, Lessee may, within a
<br /> reasonabZe time thereaf'Cer, at its aption and expense, remove fr�m said premisea any and aIl build-
<br /> ln�s, etructures, improvements, money safes or cheste, equipment, appliances, and other property of
<br /> whataoever nature placed or owned by it thereon, and after such removal shall reetore the surface
<br /> of the ground to its uniPorm and even condition, free from all excavations and debris; provided,
<br /> however, if Leesee ahall have made any alterations in or additions to any oP Lesaor�s buildings,
<br /> structurea or improvements, constituting an integral part thereof, the same may be removed by
<br /> Lessee only upon Lessee 's restoring Lessor's said altered proper'ty to the eondition in which it
<br />, ; was prior to Lessee's work thereon.
<br /> ARTICLE X�I11.
<br /> BREACH Oi�DEFAU,�, L�
<br /> In the event Lesaee shal3 be in default in the payment of rentals or other charges hereunder, or
<br /> other�avise ahall bpeach its covenants or obligatione hereunder, and shall remain in default Por a
<br /> � period of Pifteen (15) days aYter notice Prom Lessor to it oP such default, Le�sor ehall have the
<br /> right ai�d privilege oP terminating this Iease and declaring the same at an end, and oP entering
<br /> upon and taking poasession of said premisea, and shall have the remediea now or hereaYter provided
<br /> by lav� f�r reaovery of rent, repossession of the premises, and damagea oeeasioned by the breach or
<br /> dePault.
<br /> In the event Lessor shall breach or be in default in the performance of any oP the covenanta or
<br /> obligations on it herein imposed, and shall remain in default for a period of fifteen (15) da�►s
<br /> after notice from Lessee to it of such default, Leseee shall have the right and privilege of term-
<br /> inating this lease and deQlaring the same at an end, snd shall have the remedies now or hereaPter
<br /> provided by law Por the recovery of damages occasioned by such defa�lt. If such breach or default
<br /> shall consist of the failur�e or refusal oP Lessor to maintain said premiaes in the condition re-
<br /> quired oP Lessor, as herein�.bove provided, Lessee may, at its option, after the expiration da�e
<br /> of the notice to Lessor, ma.ke the neceseary repairs or replacemen�s, and Lessor ehall be liable
<br /> Porthw3th to Lea�ee for any amounta so expended, Lesaee eha.11 have the right to apply eny unpaid
<br /> rentals in liquidation of said indebtedness, and if at the expiration oP this Iease said indebted-
<br /> rESS ahall not have bePn paid, this 3ease, at the option of Lessee, shall continue in force on the
<br /> terms and conditions herein set forth until said indebtednees ahall have been 2'ully satisfied.
<br />