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<br /> S ace�bove thb line tor reeordin dote. IdJEm �t ��1�:�.� :
<br /> � C�r�m��l MOF�TGAGf -� Colla��r�l � � �'�'
<br /> Fi�d�ra/B�n�ir R�al Es°tat� f�6oe�tg�r�� � �' ��R--
<br /> � �° -
<br /> N�turo of Ind�bt�dnea Loan Mwunt Maturity�ato initinl Intunnet Rato I �� .
<br /> , ',`;� Conaumeri aan 39.��5 00 13,49� ,��-
<br /> � i. RI(1C 1mTL � JF�i1�I�E 1E'�.; �`
<br /> henby piva Commachl Federal Bank,e Federal Savinpe Bank('Commarciel Federal') a marcUr�o.v�nth powre oi salw ot thn taDu�xing properry topether with �:,
<br /> �II improwrtNnts now a haaattqr erocted on the praperty,and all aas�nenb,rights and appurc-�a^aiaee thcirota: {-_
<br /> ;,, _
<br /> ���� Ri� E�I.R'P B�VF�TFY Q� POiII� F�Y'Y � FLs�° (71,d2) 03i' IL)►d' -
<br /> .� �iFN (7) i�'P �BJPS-9f��l1Z SUE��iON '11� 7� CF�'1[ Q�'
<br /> C3RAI� I�+�lt� �AI�L OQ�PY I��i ����g'T _
<br /> � . I '1'Y�iL.T R'i�RE �N A9 RDOC[�D II1 i+�li�lNl7f I7�'�1!� DOC���T.� �_
<br /> ,�"'�`° I�A. 03-003552 II�T T� RHC�S�'FR OF �E3 0�'F'IGE. _
<br /> f ..
<br /> .:.�•,: �'
<br /> , �:;;;: ;�i;.--�-
<br /> � ' It rtwr�ffi�n one perwn�igna thfs Mortpape,tho word'i'maans�ve.'
<br /> This Morip�pe seeuros a loan rr.ade by Camme►cial Federol,a�briefiy described abovo.A nvt�<:latod thn aame dete aa thi�Mortpape contatns tha tertns tor
<br /> repay�TMnt of that losn.If Umt no`e is evar ehanped a replacod by e now note.it will be socuma.l lbythis htortpepe.
<br /> � I prwnia tfie fdlowing thinpa:
<br /> i. All ps}rtnenu on eny noio w other debt secured by this MortB�pe will mo�oaid when duo.
<br /> . , 2. M Inwnnce policyfor firo and uxtended cowrspe wiil bs keQt in torce on tho propertY in�n�amant�t Inatt equal to the debto aecu�ecl by thia
<br /> Wlortpspe plua�ny othx mortpapes liated in ptrsgraph 8 betow.Tho inwrunce campenv must bo s�tiafactory to Commerciai Federai.�nd
<br />" Commerci�l Fednral wfli be� named Inaurod on ths poiicy.
<br /> 3. WI taxes and as�esune�its o+�tfio proporry wiil bu paid before they become dofinquont.
<br />;�',�{:,.�^,� d. (b�,rvts will bs committed on tfie property.end it will be kept in yoal ropalr.
<br /> �_-{ ,� � 6. The�noperry w11 not bo sold (includinp by Isnd cont*act),leaaed,�nd no inttveat in it w.lA 1�o ssfipned in any way. —
<br />�.,;:,:�° � ., }�. I�'�1L
<br /> �^:_ 6. 1 own the property free and clear ot nny othar nwrtgspei w encumbranoes EXCEPT
<br /> �,,'r+`'�i X 7. No ochtu mwtpsR{o or lion on tfie Property v�ill ever be�Ilowed to be in�Idhutt or foe forecbsed. -_
<br /> d�.+�. '. � �� �t�ny of Met�promise�aro not kept thsn Commsrcisl fedxal can destsra sll of ths deLt immedi�tety due end p�ytbk without�dv�nce notice.The �
<br />_•t ._-^ :� interoat nts vuili incre��e to 18.0096 or any praater nte allowabt�by law�t thrt time,end thit mon0sfle can be toreciwed in aecordance with appIicabi�law It _,;
<br /> ths dabt li�ccel�ntsd,ths�I Mw as�i0n�ny rant or othx inca»e irom the pxap�rty to Commenei�l Federal.THE PAR7IES AGHEE THAT THIS CONSTilUTES -
<br /> �+t'�'°�`"""�' '� A COlAA7ERAL REAI.ESTA7E MORTfiAGE PURSUANT TO S0.OAKOTA C.L 44-&2E (FOR SO.DAKOTA RESIC1fPdI5 ONLY�. In the event ot any�ietauit i�the e;,';
<br /> ....,;.�` • makinp ot�ny paKnent w in keepfnp ony eovemnt hara(n,this Mortpopo mry ao forec�os�d by ac4on.a by�dvertiternent�s pravided by statute a the niles �:,�.
<br /> .T+«, • ot pra�ctiee relatinp thasto,�nd thfs parapnph sAall be dssn»d���uthori�lnD snd eonstitutinfl a powor of a�ie as mentioned in wid ststute or rulea�nd sny �*�°-
<br />=o�.t amandmmt N�nto,�nd mey nLin ctetutory eoats ond�ttomsy feaa(SD.WY,MN.OK.�nd MI�Idenu only).
<br /> .f:. -_
<br />-- Ceruin�mama con bo paid by Commercisi Feder�l�nd�dded to tho dcbt secured by this Ma-tpqe.They em eny taxea a insurence I have aproed to __
<br /> • pay but fail to,eny sttomay fee�or court expense�Commerc�al fedand PaYs it it i�msde e perty et anyleg�l sction brought by aomoone dse conceminp the =-
<br />" � - prope�ty,�nd �ny attomey feos or court expenses whieh the Iaw iNflht a!icm�i1 Commercial Fedent hae to po to eour¢qainst me to ediect the debt a -
<br /> � fonctas�thfs matpapn.ii any oi tho�thinpn happen,then the sdditie,nd�rtat will accrue intentt at the samo rate as the rest ot the dabt�nd muet bo paid ___
<br />',,;�;, :, in�n�ediately. __
<br /> . If tfifi property is ewr condomnod under the power of ominent dorruin or any similar method ot teking prapert/kr public use,eny proceads ot tfio takinp -
<br /> wiil be paid to Commercial Fedonl up to tho tull emalnt of the debt so:u:od. �}�
<br /> _ •�' ;:
<br /> Notlo�to Borrovwr(for Old�hom�prop�rtyk A�otiwr of�a�hes bsM pnnbd fn this . A w�r of�at�me dlow tho N!o • to t�k�tfi�
<br /> �p � vr^i}ii—E-qol'n��c w£In�"fa» t • upon �u C6 rrow�r u a . ,
<br /> _ � ,
<br /> Tod s Dats �jpRjl� 16, 1997 eqROw�fi� : nsture
<br /> _ _ _- „� -
<br /> s ipnaturo �
<br /> � ' � STATE OF �.$2�!! ) �
<br /> 1 ' �.
<br /> COUtVTY OF }AI�Ia ►
<br /> _ � On thii_�16�I�I day oi ��+ .19_27 .betore me.�nutary public m and fa eaid county, persanaliy came
<br /> • �IQt I�l°L II�[I JE?►T�I�, P¢,'I7, to me known to bo tho idonticel parson or persor�a wNOSe
<br /> nama ie or oro nifir.�x1 to tho ebove mortqage,end they,he or sho se�arelly ncknwMedOed tho naid inatmment and tho oxocution thoreof to bo thefr voluntery
<br /> act and daed. ' �
<br /> ' WRNESS my hand and notaria`spal the dey ynd yo�r 1a91�nritten ebove. � �_a �
<br /> My commission exp�ros: "� i �� "�'l���� � '�� � (/
<br /> _ —��T Nomry, blie'e S�p bture
<br /> � NE-IN-WY-IL-SD-MI-AZ-MN-IA ^CpIEAAI 11011ViY�SW1 N Ildr�s� DtJ-1077 (1 O/96)
<br /> ' JENNIFER L SCHN.9�;DT �
<br /> ' °�� Ccmm.r
<br /> i _ - � ��.cr�!.`-.19^9
<br /> �
<br /> � ,
<br /> . .... ..... . �;ws: - .--
<br />