� � �� i : ` ` r . `�_ -. a! . . pti7��X4Y�:litLS f���µ�i r,_:,
<br /> ; �7 �
<br /> ) +rJ.��
<br /> � ' . :.'.i.swikw.»s ...� .n i..,.t:r ft.i f.'"' .L.u.7��.....:.:..:..._:-
<br /> .., g2.a.�`3�.c,�5�,t� -
<br /> :L;�:l - -
<br /> � LGASCS�1ND RENP
<br /> #'�$'� ........ - ^....._.�......._......----�-� - - -
<br /> ��
<br /> , .r -j�, . :�
<br /> �� �13' f0�i
<br /> ' ��X � Thls Att/gnment,made thls Z day o) tiovumbor , /g 9� by and ��`
<br /> �F`,�,,.,�;F,i butxeen.�nxY W. �umUartsyL_ — a ,
<br /> `F ���,�i I'Atslgnor'%,end NORWES]'(fANK NEBRASKA,NA770NAL ASSOGA7lON l'Asslgncel. �� r
<br /> ar' ,'�L�'.� WITNESSETN: ��' `r', f } �,�'
<br /> "- " ' -
<br /> ' .�."S.T� � r�.
<br /> `� t�.�" lt is egtced as lollawt: ° ,'y� 2
<br /> r > .I� if; l. �
<br /> ����� �---� 1. Oelinitions. Asused rn thisAg2'em,.�t: _z,.� y
<br /> r�j, �
<br /> "`�x�(�'�E� R. `%'�iar(qa,ge"shalf inean tAat certaln Oeed ol Trutt io the prmcipal sum `;" � ��.
<br /> iJa����:�'i of5 44.OQ0.00 ^_.dated i�ov¢aber 2 19 9? - ��n���.
<br /> J�?�/�K��i' e x e c u t e d b y Cnrv St. Pemborton asTiustcr,toNOR6"dESTBANK � �
<br /> 4�'�` �'�` NEBRASKA,NA7/0/tA4 ASSOClA7/ON,as BenelJclary,upon tlie reaf Rsram an�rmprovements 't u�7'�f�R% -
<br /> �r*��+ �' detcribed ln Exhfblt'A",wAlcl�/s�end by thls ralerence rnr.or�am�ate..rCre�ein. >� 1 F`r
<br /> <,..., ta �-'; �s
<br /> ,� ���''�' provi e o ow
<br /> ' x ` p0.000.a0 "f' �rt �
<br /> Ts s � �; B. 'Nore"shall mean that cerraln note srcured by the S -- .�*�f,�
<br /> ,c
<br /> »� -4j�i�� DeedolTiutt,executedcon(emparvneouslytherewlthby Gary W. Peu�berton ___ _ ay{t{a g+s u��
<br /> �'`�trtl� _ as maker,and NORSBCST SANK NfBRASKFS, �1��1`�i��
<br /> ° 1��'ri r' NA7/ONAL ASSOCIAT/ON,as payee,and securzct by the Deed o/Tiusr. �' :��ry r 's:
<br /> �c3�ti'?'ti��� �� �J ` P�t`"
<br /> F� 1� '' ' C. "l oan"as heielnal[er used,sholl mean the loan in tho amount ol. 4_.3��6•00 ' �/n�y�(� .
<br /> "'� + ; �
<br /> s'x�'- �""� __as evldenced by thn nom and secured Gy tha Deed o/Trust,as�wll as any otlier :--. y���r,}<, ���-
<br /> �i�����6�` securing lnst�uments. ti,�is�#`�t�>" .:
<br /> z
<br /> . .�„';.,�: NOW, THEREFORE,fa�and!n canslderation o/Uia maktng and/unding ol sald Loan,and/or :i����t�'��__
<br /> � 1.��"::5- otherpoodandvaluaGleconsldoration,the�erefptwhereoirsitiezbyecknowledged,Assly��u.,:ar%e>e!/, -r-r_ ��� -
<br /> �,/��r� its successors,penonal reprotentatives,bei�s and assigns,has 6argaine[l,sold,trensJe��ai,aulgne� �•; j f ;• -
<br /> , ; f�Ytt,�,'t�• conveyed,set o�er enddelivored,andGy rhesep�sscw(s does7:2reby bar,q.3in.<ell,uens/er,aulgn,and X'� r�!'t�. ;
<br /> r���jxS,t��a; c�:+zigyasaecurityfortherepaymenta/theabacec.E�fcriGeUindeGteU��ess�:dthopaymentandpen .���pfr��,�r ;
<br /> _-}r,+F-a� ;o�mance of n!1 oI Nre teims and condrtinns o/Ufe Note and Martgage erick,-vsinp the same,and eny :��}',�,'p��}+�,..,.„
<br /> .i. ..
<br /> ,� ,;�rv and al!amen�lments,extonsions nnd rene�vals thereol,a/!/eases nuw on c�,•eallei exccuted a//ecNng .4�, y,i r `,
<br /> t �� Y 7he Moitgaged Piemisos,and allrw�ts,issues,p�olin and incomo and soms o/money whlch may now . 51;1 i x ,'
<br /> �r��+trrt��;� m�herea/lerGoorGecomeduoandowingunderandbyviitueoJsaidleases.itGeingthelntenUan r�f ,.� � •
<br /> +. 'fz,sfSf?. ha e6y to establish e complete trans/or and assignment of tho leases heroLy acsigned and eq the ardils -�is}t�T r � --
<br /> �+���r ;h�.•eznder unto N�e Asslgnm,its succossors and asslgns, together wiN�th.e right,but without the 'is�j) ' l>�'
<br /> } k�
<br /> l�,j�;� o5.'ipat�oa.to col/ect al/o)�he sard mnts,fstues,pio)its and income aiisinr�or nccr<�ing,or which may �`!��r��1�� ` '
<br /> ��•,a . ;.•r becoii:e due at any tlme during the li.�al thls Assignment.As;rg.�o�/urthe�ag:ecs.«pon demand . •'�, ` ' � �
<br /> � ;
<br />- r.";=.!rLU i;..' abeirol,to delrve�to and deposit snir/leasos with Acvgnco. rjl.rls''�-�•r�?=�<�-�
<br /> r,`�1` l� Asslgnnr hereGy Aesignates,constitutos and a�poinrs F�ssipnee,rts scrccessors nnd assigns,wieh i�� � �-
<br /> �,�t ;,»��J� !ull power o/substitution,its rrue nnd lawlulattamey w.`rh p-ahrr lo�it anUln its�ame,p/ace and �, yL _.
<br /> ;r 7:.: � stead,/or in ihe namo o/Assignee,to ask,demand,callect,rerelve,receipt and give icdf ar,d com• �c ,..
<br /> t n �r�;_ ploroecquittancerloranyendallrenrs.;ssues,pro/itsand/ncomel�ere�yassi8ned�ti:3:chmayGecoine .:! � _
<br /> �x' ,�:x°% due end payaGle Gy les.mrs or other occupants o/thn I'dortgagedPrnmises;and at its�/%scretlon to�//o .- lt�>t,^,�t ":
<br /> - rd`;�y -�tt� anyclalmoitakoanyorr.e�actionwproceeJingtomakoenysotNemento�anydv�m,eitherinits ';�sf;� �
<br /> + :r.`{:�d ovm nome ur%n tho iiame o1 Ass�q-�or,or otherwise, which the Assignee,or vny s:.ccessa may deem ;;'s ;' -�'` ��
<br />- �'��a�.Y��•`���;�,� desireb/e 1r or�er m collecr and e,r:a-re the payment o/anyand all rents,issues,p�afir<and incomo ' r- ���v+'�'
<br />'����`�`��^".�+" heieinass:'gne•J. TholesseesandottupantsoltheMorfgagedPr^mises,oranyparrhe�eo%aiehereby . .
<br />. ii. r���- �§- . .
<br /> �'�z`•:��i�'"�+ e:�prossly nurho�izad and direc(ed to pay all rents and sums he�ern ass�rrv�ed whidi wo�dd bo payable .
<br /> -- _"='�'7 ta Assignor,except/or tl�is Auignment, to(he Assignee,and 7o rrvnsn•��and deliver sach payment
<br /> --��- to fhe Assipnee or such nominee as k rnay deslgnate in wiitrng,delive�ed to and received Gysuch � � -' .
<br /> �';`i:t,"�} lessee or orc:ipant,who is expressly ieGeved ol any and al/dx:z liabi/ity or obligation to the � �
<br /> - .i.';,l=d�..� Assigno�iniespectolallpaymentsson�ade. f •
<br /> ...1_...;::_-,'i .
<br /> _ ��
<br /> `�f.'.�'*,(�;.,:,':Y Assignee sha"tr a�:i hereby is,veued�vuh lul!power ro use a//e:.-^measmes,lega!and i
<br /> '���.j.,�lxrt � equirob:c,as i^ s :.;:-:��n rnay Ge deemeAnetessary oi preper to enfi -:r:h�s Agreemr�u antl �
<br /> �Y-'� ' ro collec(t'�e�r^:s,nsues,p�oli(s a^d income assigneAhereu�c'e•_�ndud.�g(he�i�hr :c evte�upon
<br /> _ .�:�;�,:t.'J thenrem"r:�:a^d to takepossess%o•: :•ereol,andAsr;gno��rec.yar.ts 1�11 Po�ver a�r �.;thori•y :
<br /> � �
<br /> :'--'-
<br /> - " '""�'i to the Ass.;c6e 7o exe�use al!iights,pr/vileges and poweis n.-: -r•avlr�ia�any and a. l+mes here-
<br /> _ _ _ —'_t_ � ' '" ' __ _' _ "_ ' r'::.Cn ....... al'. ��,n.anee voe ninl:liand �
<br /> -.".. 7 0:...�.,P.F:.`.oG:..o.f«P...1,,:y,^.�;,'J:.. . �,.,..., :o:;:eac':.'s." " ' . _. 'ss- .
<br /> .- "��+�� �aome hcrein assignedlo(he paymen(s ol any�ndeLteAness or labiiin':''�e Ass:gno�to the
<br /> , , Assrgnee,in such orJe�as Ass%g�ee�nay deteimme
<br /> i`t t
<br /> •.A'. •
<br /> .'����1�y�tG'�`�
<br /> �..�/-� ..t
<br /> ;��'-. t
<br /> rt-•'J.' �
<br /> �. '. YaY�U� :.SM1�P1��
<br /> I
<br />