.I/. � __ :J i�r _': �. �, , , ,_. �,�. -��°�'{•�'�����r"'�•',tsn� .: 1�Pr r�qr .
<br /> t ' ' _ �F--.Fr � (�r -: : . t � �7..-� LIl.f A +{�N+^r+��i5)Fi�'. � �.%'v �rT �__;3...,� .. -
<br /> ' ' .,
<br /> ` .�..w.v...r.z.rNAM»1{V.l..tfe.a.tlJlYL1A4L.'sA .,,. � - �
<br /> �.
<br /> , �}L `� I�t..Ca.al�.a�.1�w....+'\ti�mYta:.r �. __ __. _.
<br /> =:;'a�i7€� peecJ of Trust ��,. . . ..__
<br />-V;','�,:� ��� �.c,9a�LU
<br /> °:�r;.�s A�-� ._..._. ___...._..._ _ _-
<br /> s�� 2 17ovom6or 92 �'ll�, _� �
<br /> ,,t�n 7HISD�eoor•�eusrramndo��s tle�ol .19.___.byendba(ween__� --
<br /> � ..SfA�lt . Pen axcon, A na e exao whe���anwre,(haroinnRorcoiroetho"irosror") � ,. .
<br /> x�;,t�t'x whosemN7inp�tltlrossls 310G Kennedv Vav�¢rnn Io nn t o raa n ,fiB -:+
<br /> f2 NO ES^�...Hll�Y4Al�A...Npk�4D�-AQB���i�1��..� �oofnnf r letl e"i sro �7osomollingnddrossls ., '+'� " -,.
<br /> 't` - +� Cpil Zelatl6. bR endNoRW ESTQ N Ne�r�iA�CA 49n��one�� A��oc��t�dn �poroinphe� ",,�',.�' ..�-
<br /> ° . !; - 202 fJ. Th�r�; ar—a��n nn c rae n GQ80��' d's i, � .�:
<br /> �� ��� collod(ho"Bert6Frdery'7,wlroso mei�np etldross7s i s ��'7 3 ` _
<br /> �
<br /> � � WITNESSEIIL• ����t� �s� � -.
<br /> i z S+� L� :
<br /> `, ' 1 l3RAN7SRNDCON571TUTC•SACCNSTAUCTIONSECUAI7YIMERESlIN7liEPROPL•R1Y 15,1 '-��y,���� �� -..�
<br /> .,lhRa�� DESCFt(BEDHf:PE(Nl�E�.OW. ____,,._»„___._»_ __ . .;".
<br /> SYdtE9ErAS,Trushvkt&7v'_h'u�dNo-*��`ti7;ryfntraQ.:�{w"JSUn�cf ���' �OUSAtiD AND NO/100 — fD T--} ' _ -_.
<br /> , 42� � �nd'ar3l3-4Sl,SID.4..4R—l.wfchk+debietlr.:sskrdd*�cedbyTrostve'sPromissorybnoto�!$rod ovu.i.��r —,19 3.(fm.retnehor i ,�r1-.�'F , � _�.-
<br /> r ca+'�edth9"�Wta'7,PayaGero0T3crd.,°rotQea:SCtaryar+dharrigan!a•,s.ryW OcLO er , -. �fc � -
<br /> a�'i� A'UW,TlIEREFORE,hxfl�9Rsrrpp59WsKVrf.�+g: - - j x ,�.,.Jiz__,
<br /> auu.y■ -- --
<br /> <�rnu�; (a) paymentolthoAbte,ic�,t�4e�witntrstirastthorea.v,lcnachargos.pre�x�m�.sgca�'rlos,anylulwoativar+cexantlaaex[ertslcns, Sry`s ,",; '`r,2(�IT'_ .-.
<br /> (, > 1P1��„�
<br /> (�+� - mOd�fKBL�OnS,sudt6fut�D�i58ndr8newal51hOr2oJ, �f���lj���QhRit2fFT:-
<br /> �> ,� � (6J paymento/allothersums,leesacha� os,to etAe�wnhraSmPSttl+�tron,aUvaxa�foprotectthe5acuriajotthiSDer,loPTnstand ���7f
<br /> rr+ P�t; 4 9 j/�id`✓43��3��il�'
<br /> r_ t� (h9(!ff(0!l71B/fCBOIlh9COVO�Al115Mf18QfBBfI1BlIISO.'TfU3!^l.3YhEihBf01f1016L1MlfhIIBlBIfI� {/_�Xl�dJ 1f j���_:
<br /> ���� (c)pedo�mance,d'uchargeofanticomFryanco�J:evny�nrm,ccronam.rbllgatiaiandeg�eomentolTrustcrccr�'..a°rtotlherelnor f�r�t :���s��n_ _ s
<br /> w��5 Pr'f� � t� - -
<br /> _hzc�.J� lncapaated6yreterenceaanyothorsocwity�nsVUnentatan�¢inngNenms�cureNeNo(e.end
<br /> �5�,�� (dJNO�epaymantofa'IOthorsumsaluNreaWence>,�vilA7nforost7ham.+.�v.hideaneyhe�ofolorehavobeennYr.,�aRO�bnadvencetl r�`,`5f��{,YM1���.{`u_-
<br /> �y�r�j byBEmKCtarytoTrostororTmsta�lssuccessafnlntoiostatis'a, .a.y�f i��� ,�, -
<br /> -fj`' ellofwMchtshaieln&Re�co!�ocBveycellatllhe"Inde6ledness",Tiustortr.o��ocab.y@renlsenrluanslarsfoTmstee,lnWStW�iMADWER t 3��j, rv��si�,
<br /> r�r�' OF 3ALE.tlre lolbwfng c�es:dbod proporty: � _ ��,.��7 r� -� -
<br /> + ��t LoCe Tr+elve (17J, Thirtaen (13) and Fourtcrn (14) iv ?teuting e Pirst Subdivieion, - ` yF � �'_':--
<br /> �«;+t:°;,}i a part of the Southwest Qunrtar (SN}) of Section Twenty Foar (24), Tosmehip B1evPn - ir�;yu,'�i i�'cS _
<br /> - � " (11) North, Range Ten (30) Nest of tho 6th P.M., Ilall County, Nebxaska ��!E4�•'{�'f����r;+r�=��
<br /> > f ' �f?P�'� �tn°}.s�:
<br /> , s' ,
<br /> i � : �ifS,q�f� �i�n`+.��_
<br /> l�f��{'�- �n�,,n�harw;ih{)an6unemnsswcNres.atltlitlons,enla�poments,motl;henUOns,ropa.4s,replscemenls,entlfmprovemonls�roivsrhereahe� '{ +'!��(, �y�r�++-=;-
<br /> 7 'f� i r,�� loceled thereon,(q allyoqu4�^�nt machinery end lixhurs imcluding,wifhout limilatron,av 6gnung,neaung,venfnncng,co0iing,a1r -F; Y , .}r 22�v1r k _
<br />...!?!�{n?��t�- cerpeUng���aces,�oflbum�s ebeao�sendmolors,ongoraBOnplantsorurnls,�crommonice9oasystems,�dyneaiws,iien'sloners.@(oc��ci �+,�C�-r�}�t,��`�ttfi��,r �`
<br /> ";��h�-y equlpmant,slormendscroonwlndows,doors,awningsnnUShades)r•or�ahereaRe�attechedto,abWttln,eny6uildlnpaimpnauamont �.{ ,1'. r; ,
<br /> �'' iwwahereaftaNOCaledlheroon,fi�)alleasemonfsandrigh�solway2�purtenanllhoro(o,(!v),alllaasoholtlosfa!o,dghl,fi�la.ndm:erosfol � , ���)`r�
<br /> - � �l`i.{��:`-_
<br /> .l�t'���i Tius(alnendroellla35os,�vhafhcrrro•r.orhereaRero�slJngo�nntoroJlnio(nduding,withoutlimReUon,ellcashend5cevnryUayc�s(fs, I6•._.'� L.lr -_
<br /> n Wence renlals and deposlts or p&yments ol e similnr nsturo),podamtng thoroto,(v)e1i ronts,ksues,pro��s end lncomo(horalrom(subJect ZY+y"y� n ;,
<br /> `�N$j ,; tolha Aght of huslor lo ed�oct end appry such rems,issvos,pwhfs and fncomo as thoy becomo duo und paya6lo solong es no avont of - -- -:_.iU����`��f .i%i.�
<br /> *r^�ti�4 tlaleuttewstshoroundor),(w7a11ioyaltlos,mtnerel,oilertJgasdghlsandprofifs,wato�,watordQhls,andwoforslock,(vfiJelltenomonls, ,, .:Y,��f�,�,` _ #ili:
<br /> r rs 1Fj ho�edrtonlonlS pdNlogRS end oppurtonantos bolonging,usad or onJoyadln connec6on thorawrth,entl(vlii)all procoods ol convaslon,
<br /> a�� t trofunlery minvWunlery,ol any ol�ho lo�ogdng info cash or liquidolad clalms Qnch�ding,wi�hout limiia6on,piotoods o1lnswanco entl `;��;'�}4 t��?����'�
<br /> t •�; condemnaGan awaids),en ol whlch k herolnahor coilocGvoty callod Iho"Tros1 Piopo�ty". � ,_�4�;,�t .1i,=,:
<br /> ! r�i�y 1. file.Tmstorcovonanls,wenanls end egroos w�n3�Jrne�ciary,its sucwsso�s end ess�gns.Maf Tiusfor owns tho 7m51 Proporry 6oe -� ,+� r!'�`.'_
<br /> ,�� � �< lrom ony pror lion o�encum6ranco,fhat�hls Ooa�o�Ttus775 antl wi�l romaln a vulid end onlo�coa6lo Brst lien an tho Tius1 Pioporty, �,: s
<br /> f" � ��c Ihat Tmsror,al Us oxpanso,wql p�osorvo such�i_ro and will maln(Nn Ihis Dood ol Tmsl es o fi�st end poiamounllion upcn tCO Tmsl - ` , �_�_
<br /> °�t�-:' Piop6�ty pnd will forovw wenent and dolond�ka validity onrl pdoriry of iho lian horeol agalnsl lho cla/ms ol allpoisons:»y paitios 4! E i -,� �•-
<br /> �,;�;�?�;�_ whpmsoovor.Tru&7a.ntksoxponso,wiilcausot.oiaDeodofTiust,nndoachemontlmontmsupplomontheroto,Pobolilodend - � , � �=a
<br /> . -i� �� .'-.
<br /> -',��. rocordetl as e ntonpngB ollho Trusl Proporrym v�th mannor endln such pts:e end wiil�a4o such aclion esln tho opiNOn ol Tius�oo 1t !A -Y
<br /> � -- ,�_ mayboreq�fretlnyanyprosontorluturolewr�w�nioperlect,mainteinan6p:otocttholionolthBDeeJOlTrust,asUiosamomey ,; �, � - -�•Y
<br />�.,.�,_,,r},i;.�,_ bo amondod o;s�premontod liom fimo to Umo.7�ustor wnl mako such IurG�:�usuraneo a assuranws to puAOCtifs Gtlo ro fho Tn�st - ,. �.;�F�x 3';�`:-
<br /> �'�%t+;�-��?;� Prop:.y ru m.nq ba reqvlrod by BonoliGary.7na�ur horoby re,�npuishos a�l rig�al dorver end homasload In antl to tho Tmst Pioporry. ., ac rt,,-!zti,.
<br /> _-�`_ °:: 2. Peyreonlo!lnUebtodnoss.Trusrorshallp�nctoa!ypay�hopnncipaloland7nterns�onth.etn;lebtednosssocuredhoro6y. 's� �_
<br /> --�°�- 3. ConsbuctirnolM�xosemons.Tmstashanco�a%eiotngoodondworkmar.;i.emrnr.eranyCmiaings.lmprovementsaropatrsmlzn'ng +?i-` ir-
<br /> "� -��" -"";' Noro;owhkhmayoetegunon(hoTrosfPicpo�2�acoMemplalod6ylhe:oa�evidencodbyihoNarosec�redhero6y,topaywhon ��-F
<br />..',�?}`.l:ir . , . ..,
<br /> ?��.���� duo BII catls en(t Ca6f'"JOS Incunotl fhoroloro,nal�'A1 to po�mlt any conshucton!!on ogainst such irus:AropLtly.!n Iho ovont
<br /> n'-: .�
<br />--'%;��1>���.,< cona Wdion of budd"mgs,lmprovomonts or iopai�s aio contemplatod,Tiustor also agroos,an�hing In th�s Ccod olliust ro�ho conha:,� -
<br /> -'^f,�^i,�,-� ncr.•,i:8sfanding;(a)fo pro:npcty commortco nny such wak ecU to compinm Iho pwposod in:p�ovemor,ts p�anptry,@J ro cm�ploto 1tc �" -
<br /> �- -�tUt:�: sarefn necordaneo with thopfn�s and spocificatlons os apFro.od by OoneGCtary.(c)to campry with olllhotorms o!a tru.ta'��p kwn k
<br /> `-'"i1°'J° n a�rrunl,ll an bohvonn Trusfor and Bono6Gnry.Iho tmms o'wRtch a�o mco�pora;ed he�efi 6yiolorencc•and mzr.'e a oart ne�cc; [ - . .
<br />:�'-'-�:i�i>{�:+:�,� 9; � . Y.
<br /> .•_.` (d)to eflow BeneFdury ro Inspect tho Tms1 Prcce�y ot e�llilr.es UuAng censrn�c6on,entl(o)lo rep(ace m�wo�k m mateuals t�.
<br /> ��-• unsa0'slectory fo @oneCClary wlthm Clteon ry5 Uays nqor wnl!en no6ro 6cr��er.ollclary of such lact t
<br />�•�;d;�:�''� 4. fund5lorPeymBnco�Cha�goS.Sub�ect(onDF+�«+NClawc•tenwmmnwa��eiDyBenelic�ny.7rusrorsha-.(.VyfoOenelir,laryontho j
<br />-' � (�st Cxy o!each rse�s,or such a`e�tlnte oach mrnU+os:-ny ee specdied by Beno%cir.r..c^r:Je/nUeCi.M�oss ts patl in luq a sum 1
<br /> , � - (hora�nalter ca:lpU��N'FU�ds; :r:�aNO 1•f71�cf n�e yean la�^s a�tl essess¢onu w^c"°n7�::eln pi?u�ry over Ih,s beed o!Lus(
<br /> .`.7_":ti: end grovndrenl5 cr I^.e 7m5t Prcpe?f.Aor., el�s� 1?th ef lre yeartyFrer�.'^insla'7me�•s�.�1:atmU mscmnco,p/us 7 12(h ol(ho
<br />�'r`'��-- you�ypromfum.i-sn^entslorrt:ortgogo�rc..�a^c^ �'nny.a4asieasccar. :•=c�:a;ediml:a.h�nnd6orrerero(imobyBeneLdaryon
<br /> tho bas�s ol esse�s—^^a anU bels and rcase:a.r esY.male5 fr.ereof 7Y.[•F�-cs sha�l bo he�d m an�r.sc:;ccr.(he Oeposils or =
<br />- oecounlsohvhicta•emsuredorguarenleedtyaleCOialorslulvngoncy7r.n..e%npDeneLCL�ry.Qer.oEaays`aNapplylhoFunOSio .
<br /> Orv Sa:4 tu�US.asso55mants.msure�co plemNms anU 91cC^C/er15.Bene��pary shnll nor Ce mGcnefl lr D�Y����stn dr.y[n;elosl o/
<br /> . 1� ea:�^--,rs on�ho Funtls.�eneGC�ary sha��yrve to irosior.wi�"c✓�c�argo.en annunl nccecrr,�n MI!:e Fur.cs,vuw�r.g ne�;es uno -�
<br /> • � de7xts ro(ho funUS und the purpose lor wmM each Ue6d to¢o Funds rvas matlo.7h.e F��-:s aio p'CGT•CC OS�dd2M.l'SCCUhfy I0�
<br /> YR� Ihoindobladnasssecured6ylh�sDeedo�Tcs• "✓.oamountNthoFU�dsheltlby0enel.c�zry,�c5et^e•n•NlholuNroinonfhry
<br /> In5fd7mBnlsolFunOSpayablepnorlofhetl�r[:resorlaxUS,assltssmen(s.mswonGeprem:crosa9c;•D_'CiRnls.iha!/e:ceodthe
<br /> 8m0unt tUquired Io pay sa�01ax05.atsessme�lo,mSNPnc(i premwms antl grovnd re�fs os Ihey la!i C_C »cM1 oxCOU 51>all bo,ai
<br /> "� Trostor's option.ciihn�prwnp:ry repa0�0 1�osrd o�aeddad to irusfor rtganst lutum m•onthy insla�,.rrs:s o!Funds.Illho emoun!o!
<br />- . O�ofundsne�CbyDonoliciuryshannorocsu+lrc�enitopoy�a,os.nssessmenu.mswa�rcec�c�:vm.santlgrounOrenlsastnoylandue.
<br /> TlustOt sha;lpay fo Oenoliciary ony eTOUnI nKessary(o maxe up Iho doGpency wdhm tr�r:�rra�s Irom Ihe aalo IM7�co is mvrotl by
<br /> ' ;�*_. 6anetc�aryroTmslo�mques6ngpnymenttnerca� U�nnpa7m.enNnlu!lolanlndebeeUcess.0en¢bcraryctg!�piomp:yrolund(o
<br /> ��u; -�(, ` Truslaf+nyFundShefdbyQennhclary.11mefrus�P�operry�ssoltluntle�m��xnio!sa�emmelrasrF•cperry�soihennseacqu��ea
<br /> -�i.I: ^t 6y Oenol�crary.Qonoficiary shan appiY•�mmea�a:ery pnor�o rho soie o!rna l�ust Prop?m�o��s acqms�ton Uy Qenelroary.anY Funds
<br /> 7'r<x he�d 6y Bonalrcl3ry el(ho fine ol uppGCahon as e credd egainsi(ho InUe�tedness ���e�efic,ary e.eculos a rvntten wener ol Tmsto�s
<br /> ' �tif+ xnga6ons under lhis paiagreph 4.Rus�or covewn;s onU agraos to pay.be�ore rne same eecoma tleGnquenr,eula.es.assussmenrs_ �
<br /> i �;r �
<br /> �K y.n.v'.:i/S.NebN�PY/I •
<br />