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��� <br /> 11�I SC ��,�,AIOT]EO�JS I�EC C��D S <br /> . .... TNEAU6UfTINlCO.I2787 � .. .. . . ... . . , <br /> �employee of the PRUD�NTIAx„or to carryo un such opers,tion and management by a,_�an$ging Agent who <br /> ehall be se�eQted by the pRUDENTIAL. In the latter event,the PRUDENTIAL fe authori2ed to delegate t�� <br /> such Managing pgent a,ll or any righta and powers granted to the PRtTDENTIAL under thie agreement. <br /> If the pRUDENTIAL shall commit the ma,nagement a,nd opera,tion of the said mortga�ed premiaes to a <br /> Managir� pgent,the PRUDENTIAL shall have the right to allow to such Manegirag Agent a reasonable <br /> ;compensation or commi�aion for his services,and such compensstion or commiesion may be paid out of <br /> the groes income of the property.The PRUDEN`TIAL shall�aleo the right,in ite diacretion,to ; .� <br /> �arra2'�ge for a eurety bond or bonds to guarantee the performance by the Managing Agent of any or a,11 <br /> of his duties and obliga,tions. Suoh bond or bonde may be in such amounts and in suoh �orm e�nd in <br /> suoh aompanies a,s the PRUD�NTIAL may decide,and the premium or premiume maq be paid out of the <br /> ;gross income from the property. <br /> 10. To take all lswful steps,or to adopt anp laWful procedure,in the name of the ONNER or in its <br /> {own name,as may be advisable,to eaecute or to facilitate the eaecution of any of the powers e,nd <br /> authorizations,general or special,granted to the PRUDENTIAL by this agreement. The PRUDENTIAL may <br /> further ezecute any writing Rhivh may be neeessarq to execute or to facilitate the e=ecution of <br /> any of the powere and authorizationa �rant ed to it by this a�reement,in its own name or in the name <br />, � <br /> �� the O�INER,as may be advi�sable;and the O�VNER hereby nomina,tes snd appoints the PRUDENTIAL his <br /> Attcrney in Fact for such purposes. <br /> 11. To pay,out of the gross income from the mortgaged premises,all biZle or charges which msy be <br /> incurred under the provieione of paragra�h s 1 to l0,inclusive,of thie agreement,and any other billsi <br /> or ohar�es which may properlq be inaurred in pursuance of the genera,l or speoia,l powers granted to <br /> !the pRt1DENTIAL bq the terms of this agreement. <br /> ,pnd for the consideration aforesaid,the OWNER further covenants and agrees with the PRtTDENTIAL,that <br /> the OwNER w12I not in a�p way obstruct or interfere with the eaecution of any of the powers granted <br /> ^to the PRUD�NTIAL by thie sgreement;on the contrary,the OS�NER will in good fsith facilitate in any <br /> N <br /> �reasona,ble Waq the eaecution by the PRUDENT�,�1L of t�.e powers granted to it by this agreement. _ <br /> �It is further mutuaily covenaxite8 and agreed by e,nd between the O�NER and the PRUDENTIAL�as folloR� <br /> �.. The PRUDENTIAL ehall in no wap be obligated to advance or pay out sny moneys on account of the <br /> tnortgaged premi�es or the operation or maintenance thereof whieh it does not actually receive from <br /> �the gro�s$ inoome of the mortgaged premises. _ �: <br /> 2. The PRUDENTSAL shall in no wgy be obligated to pa,p any debts if the O�fAER incurred by him in the': <br /> opere�tion or maintenance oF the mort�a$ed premises prior to the effective date of thia agreement; <br /> but the PRIIDENTIAL may,in ite diecretion,pay such bille or char�es if it so elects,alwaye proeided <br /> �that suoh bills or charges �hall have been incurred entirely by reason of the operation or main- <br /> !tenance of the mortgaged premises. � <br /> �. The PRUDENTIAL may,in its discreti.dr�:accumulate a reserve fund out of the income from the mort- <br /> �aged premises,after paying suoh bills,charges and eapenses as it i�s authorized to pa,y under the <br /> �terms and pronisions of this a$reement,which reserve furid,however,shall be accuanilated. by the <br /> , <br /> �RUDENTIAL for the purpose of paying ta�ces or other chargee a�gainst the mortga,ged premiBes (inalud-: <br /> �.ng amounts of interest and/or prinoipal due the PRUDENTSAL) whioh may accrue a,nd become due and pab*- <br /> �ble within a re�,sonable future periot�. The OwBER ehall not be entitled to interest upon anq reserve: <br /> �und so sccumula,'ted by the PRUDENTIAL. <br /> 4.T'he PRUDENTIAL ehall receive no compensQtion to itself for its supervision and/or management and <br /> pperation of the mort$aged premises (excep t that it sha,ll be entitled to pay a reQSOnable oompeneatr <br /> .� #.on to a Managing Agent,ae hereinbefore provided) ,and the PRUDENTIAL shall not be liable to the <br /> p�NER in any re�pec� because of its undertaking of e,nd operation under the power$ granted to it bq ; <br /> thie agreement;eacept that the PRUDENTIAL ehall alxays remain liable to make proper account to the <br />, QWNER at his request and at reaeonable intervels for amounts collected and eapended 1�q the PRUDEbITI�IL;-- <br />�� <br /> ' � <br /> , � i <br />