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<br /> Txeeususrixeco.i27e�
<br /> mortgage,it_being the intention and agreement that UNTIL there �hall be suoh default,TH� PRUD�TTIAL
<br /> shall not be entitled to exercise the rights given to it b�r this instrwnent.
<br /> The OWNER hereby oovenants and warr�,nts to the PRUDENTIAL that neither he nor a,ny previous owner
<br /> has eaecuted any prf.or assignment of said rents,issues and profits,whieh now remaina in forae Rnd
<br /> effect;nor has the Ot�NER nor any previous owner performed any_other act or eaecuted any other
<br /> I instrument which mi�ht prevent the PRUD�NTIAL from operating under any of the terms and oonditione
<br /> of thie agreement,or �hich would limit the PRUDENTIAL in such operation.In furtherance of such
<br /> assignment,the 01�NER hereby authorizes the _PRUDENTIAL,at its option,to enter upon the said mort-
<br /> gaged premises by its officer,agent or employee,for the collecti.on of rents and for the operation
<br /> a,nd maintenance of the said mortgag ed premisea,the O�NER hereby authorizing the PRUDENTIAL in
<br /> general to perform all acts necessa,ry for the operation and maintena,nce of the said premises ia
<br /> the same manaer and to the same eatent that the O�NER might reasonably so act.For the pnrpose oY
<br /> specifying aome of the powere herebq granted to the PRUDENTIAL by the O�PNER,but not in li:mitation
<br /> of the general power a,nd authorization hereinabove given,the Oi�NER hexeby grants to the PRUDENTIAL
<br /> the right aad power,at its option and in its disaretion:
<br /> 1.To oollect all rents,issues and prof ite of the aforesaid mortgaged premises whioh may be now due
<br /> or whieh maq hereafter accrue. The O�iNER her�by eovena,nts and agreea that he will,in a,ll neeesearq
<br /> and reasonable ways,facilitate suoh collection of rents�iseues and pi^ofite bq the PRUDENTTAL,a,n+d
<br /> w311 for that purpose,if so reques�ed by the PRUDENTIAL,eaecute a wrftten notice to eaeh �enant
<br /> directing such tenan� to pay rent to the PRUDI�NTIAL.
<br /> 2. To eff ect new leases or to �a,nael or surrender eai,sting leases or to alter or amend the terme
<br /> of eai�sting leases or to renew eaisting leases or to make oonceasions to present �ena,nts.
<br /> �. To arrange for auch insurance protection as in the opinion of the PRUD��ITIAL is neoessary for
<br /> the protection of the mortgaged premisea or for the proteotion of the Oi�NER and/or the PRUDENTIAL,
<br /> and/or its D�anaging Agent. 9uch insurance may be plsced by the PRUDEI�TIAL_ in euah amounts,in euoh
<br /> eompaniea,and in such and $o manp kind8 of insurance as the PRUDENTIAL may deem neaessarq. The
<br /> 0�9AER herebq authorizea the PRUDENTIAL in its diacretion to a,rre,nge for rider� or clauses to be
<br /> added to eaistin�; insurance which will protect the PRUDENTIAL,and/or its Maneging Agent. 8o fax ae
<br /> may be possible,any new ineurance effected will be written in the name of the ORNER,With suit�ble
<br /> ridere or clauses protectit� the interest of the PRUDENTIAL,and/o� ite Ma�n�ging ,Agent.
<br /> 4. To pay all t�es a,nd(or improvement a�sessments and/or a,ny other governmental or municipsl liea'
<br />, or oharge.which,in the opinion of the PRUDENTIAL,should be paid,The PRUDENTIAL is herebq given
<br /> ,
<br /> the right to negotie,te,appeal or protest any of �uph taxee,assessmente or liene in the name of the
<br /> O�P�tER and as hie Attorne�► in Fact,and the O1�NER herebp nominates e.nd appoints the PRUD�TTIAL hie
<br /> Attorne� in Fact for such purposes.
<br /> 5. To arrange for the employment of such persone as in the opinion o� the PRUDEI�TIAL a,re necesssry
<br /> for the proper operation of the mortgaged premises,at such �age$ or salariee and on such term� o�
<br /> employment as the PRUDENTIAL may f.n i�s discretion de�ide,such employees,however,to be �nployee�
<br /> of the �1�NER and not of the PRUDENTIAL.
<br /> 6. To arr�,nge a,nd pay for such repaire,decoratien or redecoration$,furniture and equipment,alter-
<br /> ations,additions and �mprocemente s�s in the diseretion of the PRLtDENTIAL are neoessary or advi8able,
<br /> whether they oonstitute vapitel improvements or otherwise.
<br /> 7. To contract or arra,nge for the supply of heat,ga�e,electricity,water,telephone equipment or any
<br /> other utility which may be neosssarq in the diseretion of the PRIIDENTIAI, for the opers�tion or
<br /> management of the mort�aged premises. •
<br /> �. To oontract fmr and purchase all supplies or meterials o� wha,tever nature,which,in the discret-
<br /> ion of the PRUDENTIAL�ma.y be neoessary for the operation of the mortgaged premises. ',
<br /> 9.�o carry on the operation and management of the mortga�ed premises either by an officer or
<br />