<br /> 1VI� S�]ELLAI�TECJ�LJS ]��� ORD S
<br />��"._ � �. . TNE�U6UfTiN[t0.12787 . � '.
<br /> �
<br /> _ . '
<br /> And a right of v��ay for ingresc and egress to and Prom t�ie premises ; a right oP v�ay or rights of
<br /> �way for establishing ar�d maintaining a pole line or pole lines for extending electric power, tele-
<br /> phone , �nd telephone typewriter Pacilities to the premises; and a right of P;ay for a subsurfac�
<br /> water l.ine to rhe premises; all ri�hts of vaay to be over the said lands and ad�oining lands of the
<br /> lessor and, unle�s hereinbefore described by metea and bounds, to be by the most convenient rautes:
<br /> And the ri�ht to establish and maintain beacon lights and other lighting equipment, radio and other
<br /> facilities for communication and si;naling purposes, and other facilities and equipment for the
<br /> ' guidance �.nd operation of aircrRft;
<br /> And the ri�;ht of grading, conditioning, and seeding the soll of the premises, and the removal of
<br /> ' all obstructions from the prernises vrhich May constitute a hindrance or hazard to the opera,tion of
<br /> � aircraft or to the e=tablishment and ;�iaintenance of air na.vigation facilities;
<br /> ; 3. TO H�1VE ArTD TO HOLD the said premises with their ap�urtenances for the term beginning September
<br /> k
<br /> � 1, 1937 and ending vrith June 30, 193�.
<br /> 3
<br /> � 4. The Government sfl^11 not assign t�iis leaGe in any event, and shall not sublet the demised
<br /> �
<br /> � premises except to a desir�ble ten��nt and for a sir�ilar purpo$e.
<br /> , .
<br /> ' �j. This lease may, at the opti�n of the Gvvernrrient, be renewed from year to year at a rental of
<br /> ; One Hundred TVaenty Six and no/100 Dollars ($126.00) per a mum and etherwiae upon the term� and
<br /> � conditions hei°ein speciPied, provided notice be g3_ven in writing to the lessor at least I�0 days
<br /> �, before this lease would expire; Provided that no renewal thereof shall extend the period of
<br /> ;
<br /> ; occupancy of the premises beyond the 30th day of June, 11�+�
<br /> �
<br /> ; b. The lesgor shall. furnish to the Government, durin� the occupancy of said premises, under the
<br /> � terme of this lease, as part of the rental con�ideration, the following:
<br /> ' 7. The lessor shall not, during the term of tYs1s lease, erect any structureson the premises, nor
<br /> : use nor allow the use of the = aid premises in any manner or for any purpose inconsistent a�ith the '
<br /> ASr Commerce Act approved T,�ay 20, �926 (�+4 Stat. 56�) , or with the Department oP Commerce Air Com-
<br /> merce Regulations and i.ntermediate landing field rules promulgated or trat may fru:n time to tir�e
<br /> ; be promulgated by the 5ecretary of Commerce under the authority of the said Act of Congress, or ;
<br /> with the rights a,nd privileges herein gr�.nted, nor plow nor turn over the soil v�rithout the permis-
<br /> : gion oP the Secretary of Commerce of the United States in writing expressed.
<br /> �. The Government sh�.11 h��,ve the right, during the existence of this lease, ta make alterations,
<br /> attach �ixture� , and erect addition.�•:, structures or signs, in or upon the premisPe hereby leased,
<br /> which fixtures , ad�.itions, or structures �o pl�ced in or upon or attached to the said premises
<br /> sh�ll be a.nd rem<�.i n the property of the Govern ment and IIa.y be removed therefrom by the Gorernment
<br /> u�on the t�rr�ination of this lease ar within ninety days thereafter.
<br /> 9. The Government shall pay the lessor, for tr�e premises, rent at the follov�!ing rate: One Hundred
<br /> Five and No/100 Dollars (�105.00) for initial period September 1, 1y37, to June 30, 193�.
<br /> Payment shall be made at the e r�c1. of e ach �uarter of U.S.Government Fiscal Year.
<br /> . 10. No Member oP or Delegate to Congress or Resident Comrnis�ioner shall be admitted to any share
<br /> or part nf this lease or to any benePit to arise therefrom. RTOthing, hoc�ever, herein contained
<br /> si��all be construed to extend to any incor��orated company, if the lease be for the general benefit
<br /> of such corporation or comp�ny.
<br /> 11. The Government is hereby granted the option to purchase the saSd premises at any time while
<br /> this lea.se is in �'arce, �nd the lesGar a�reea to s ell the sa.id premiaes for the sum oP One Thousarld
<br /> T��ro Hun3red Sixty and no/Z00 Dol.lars (�1,260.00) , and to promptly furniGh free of expense to the
<br /> Governmer:t, a ��arranty deed �nd such abstracts and certifications as may be necessary to convey
<br /> �
<br /> a title acceptable to the Attorney General oP the United States. �
<br /> ;
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