<br /> 11�� ����]L,A.�T���.JS ��� ��� S '
<br /> � TXEAUGUS71XEC0.12787 ' � - � �'
<br /> KNO� �I,L MEN BY THESE P�ESENTS:- That Lulu R.Joseph and Chaxles Arthur Joseph,each 1n their own
<br /> right,and as wife and husband of the County oY I�all,State oP Nebraska,Por and tn eonsideration
<br /> of the eum oY Four Hundred and 00/100 Dollars,ae a loan in hand paid to Lulu R.Joseph By �ie
<br /> ;
<br /> Equttable Building and Loan Asaociation,oY Qrand Islaad, Nebraaka,a corporation,and other good
<br /> and valuable considerations, the rec���t vrhere-of is hereby aeknowledged,do hereby aeeign,transfer
<br /> and set over to said AssoaiatSon,as collateral security for the duration of the loan,all the rent�,
<br /> ineome,and profits accruing upon the following deacribed property,situated in the Countq oP Ha11,
<br /> State oY iVebraska,to-wit:- Lots Numbered Seven,Nine and Ten (7-9 & 10) ,in Block Number Fourteen ,
<br /> (1�-) , in H.G.Clark�s Addition to the City of Grand Taland,Nebraska, as surveyed,platted and record�d.
<br /> And we hereby authorize and empower The Equitable Bulldin� and Loan Assoelation,oY Grand Island,
<br /> Nebraska,its authorized agents and attorneys,to act for us and rent the above descrlbed premiees, �
<br /> and in our place eollect and receipt for said rent,at aueh priees and upon euch terma as it may
<br /> eee Pi�.�t is further expreasly atipula.ted that,iP the a8slgnors,or their succesaors,oecupy said
<br /> ,
<br /> premises during the existence of said loan,the Assignee shall have the aame rights oP Porfelture,
<br /> e�ectment �or foreible entry and detainer,as euoh asaignee might have against any other tenant,
<br /> who hae no interest or title in and to said premises.
<br /> The temporary waiver oP t he collection of the rents shall not be construed as coMStituting a
<br /> relinquishment of the rights granted hereunder,which ri�hts maq be exerciaed at any time during
<br /> the existence of the above mentioned mortgage or extension thereof.
<br /> This assignment of rent bein� made for the express purpose of having said revenue applied to the
<br /> repayment of �he above mentioned loan.
<br /> 3aid Association may,in ita discretion,use the rents so far as it may deem necesaaxy,for the pur-
<br /> pose of making sueh repairs upon the premises as,in i�s �ud�ment,may be proper and may use sald
<br /> rents so far as necegsary Por the payment of insurance premiums and taxes upon said premises.It
<br /> shall also have authority to deduct from sald renta a fair compensation, to be payable to said
<br /> Aseociation's Agents,for services rendered in the collection of Baid renta; the balance to be
<br /> applied upon the p�yment o� Monthly installments upon said loa.n.
<br /> Dated at Grand Tsland,Nebr. ,this 17 day of Aug. ,1937•
<br /> Witneas: Lulu RRJoseph
<br /> Florence V.�yers Charles Arthur Joseph
<br /> State o� Nebraska
<br /> ;ss: On this 17 day of August,lg37,before me,the underaigned,a �otary Publie,
<br /> Hall County �
<br /> in and for said County,Personally came Lulu R.Joseph and Charles
<br /> Arthur Joseph who are personally known to me to be the identica7. persons whose names are affixed
<br /> to the above instrument as rantors,a.nd they acknowledged the same to be their voluntary aat and
<br /> g
<br /> dee d.
<br />� �3tneas my hand and Notaxial seal the date aPoresaid.
<br /> (SEAL) Florenee V.�yers
<br /> My Commiseion expires August 27,2937. Notary Publics
<br /> Filed for record this 17 day of August,1937,at 11:30 o'cloak A.M.
<br /> � � �
<br /> � ����ti�� , r9���� f,�.�� /,�,����.�.d ,�_ �,�:�..�.1 �� .
<br /> ���� �� °�,���, ��.....,� � Register oP Deede
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<br /> O � �
<br /> �_°�� LI3 PENDENS
<br /> �illiam R.Francis,Ida L.Thompson, }
<br /> Edward G.aregory,Cha.rles C.Gregory,
<br /> and �amie C.Howell,
<br /> Plaintiffs,
<br /> � LIS PENDENS
<br /> vg �
<br /> Theresa Brennan, ;
<br /> Def endar�ts
<br />