� .� 9?.� �.t��st3�
<br /> 700GTHRR WTTI!aU�ho improvemcros now or licrcefler eraicd on ihc propeny,and�II easenxms,aqwnenmas,and
<br /> flxwra aaw or Mre�hcr a pan of thc propeny. AU rapirvxnxms and addidoiu shall also tw covcr�l by thie Sscwi�y
<br /> Tnslmmanf.All of Iha(oroEaing Is mfartd to In il�is Secudly lnsuunxnt ss Ihe'Aropeny.'
<br /> -HURftOWBR CC1VG'NANi311ut Bottoi�er is lawtully sds�d of tix ate�e Iroraby wmeyed a�d IH�s iho AgAO to graht anQ _ ___
<br /> wnvey tho Pnmerty and�h��tlm Propetly is unenaimUerocl.ezeep� for encumbrance.a of record. Rorrmver warranu and wlll
<br /> defnd genenlly tiw Utlo to tho Pm�xny ngains�nll clnims nnd Acmands,su6Jcc�to any cncumbraixes of mmrA.
<br /> THIS SECURITY lNSTRUM(iNT combines unlfomi covenams fnr nntlonal use ai�d non•uniPonn covenanis aith Ilmlted
<br /> vidnilons by Jurisdiatan to wnsiitutc a unlform savdty insimmcm covcdng rcai propcny.
<br /> llN1FOAM COVIiNANTS.TSormwcr and I.endtr rnvenmm�nd ngnro as follmva: ,. _ _ .,.
<br /> 1. I'�yment ot Principwl nnd inlcrest� Prcpeymcnt pnd l.�te Charges. Dormwcr shail promp0y p�y whcn duo Iho
<br /> pdncipal of nnd inten:st on�ho debt avideneal by�ho Noro nnd nny prc.paymem nnd Inm chnrges dne under tho Note.
<br />� 2.FSmds fnr Tnxes nnA lnmrnnce� Su6Jec�m nppliu�ble Iaw or to a wduen waivcr by Lcndar. Itortou�cr shall pey to � � � --
<br /> i.cndcr on tho dny momhly paymems aro duo undcr lho Noro,un�il iLc Noto Is paid in fall,n sum('Funds')tor.(N ycarly mxcs —
<br /> and aucssmeNS which mny mtain pdodty over this Securhy Insuumcm es n Ilrn on 16o Propcny;(b)ya�rly Icnschotd paymcros =_
<br /> or gcuu�3 rnis on tt�P�e..rty,if any;(c)ycady iw:an!ar pro�;ny insunnce prcmiums;(d)yearly flond insurenrn prcmiams. —._____--
<br /> [f any;(e)yeariy moregage imurance premiunu,if any;and(�any sums paya6le 6y Rorm�vcr to Lcnder, in xmcdanw with _--
<br /> the proviewns of paragr�ph 8,In tieu of the payment of mortgage insumnce p:eminms.Thcse hcros nrc caltad'Escrow Items.• �.,_,��_
<br /> LC+24et m�ti5,xt any der.e, mll.Y1 and F.old rurds in a�,monnt rw�t ea excee;i it:e muimum nmount a ler.dcr for a fcderaltY F'i��'r�� �
<br /> ee}ete��qiigega loan m.�ty requln; for Borro�cer's e.urow accwcn un5:;ch kd:ml Renl Cs�xlo Settlement Proceclur�.s Act of �`t.-�,�sr,?'--.
<br /> . 7973 as amended fmhi tia�c In time, 12 U.S.�. S:ct±r.� 2d'JI et.m7.('RE52A'1,unless nno�hcr law that applfes to Ihe Funds �k�:)�'�, . �
<br /> . stli �ICSSCI'81:lOUN. I£so, l.ender m�y,at anc[iz�e, rnilta nn� h�ld �Lndx in nn amount not to exmcxt aha Iesset amounl. ��:v - -:__.
<br /> . ' Lender nwy es�inwre t6s pmoum c P:.�Jc ahia oa�h:hicis a'c:aent data nnd reasons6lc ruFm�tcs o!esgealiturcs of fuwre ��rt si�;;;�::---'.
<br /> . L'.crow Items ot oihervrise ih actor�;�e.e a'ilh ap�lic,ble law. �i�:sr(,yl,:�;,,�.
<br /> "fhe Nunds shall h2 held in nn ins�iNliorz ��i�ose dz�ostis are insurcd b u f�deral a rnc , Ins�n:menlaill or entft �t��}+`���,�:�`.=,�__
<br /> 1 Y F Y Y� Y �¢tj�< lsaf,=v;r:...
<br /> (Including[.c�der,if l.�ndu is sucL an Ins�itwlo�e)n:ia eny Pcdcrel Ilonx Lonn Uank.Lcndcr shall epply�h;runds�o pay thc �i;{•��+�`cfY.�^,;,
<br /> Gscrow Itcnss.I.cnd.r a�:y not charge 13ortowcr fur h�;a;ng ar.d applying�he Funds,ennualiy enalyzing�he escrow account,or �;,�!�_ji=�;r--"'�%•—
<br /> verifying Ihe Cscrow7cc�,un!ess Lender pays fiaaower imxrest an Ihe Nnds nnd nppllcabie law pcm�i�s Lender to make such '"�:��'���y�;,-
<br /> a charge.Nowever,l.ender may requirc Borro�eer ro pq a or.e-Lime charge for un independem real aia�e tax reponing'service ��,�,'�.°�„Sk�;;___
<br /> - S=.Nsir,,.�:._...-
<br /> usecl by Lender in rnnnecNon with �his loan, unlesx npplicable law provides othenvise. Uniess an egrcement is mado or �l���Sh��-.---_
<br /> E.IS-:4t.{:,_._.
<br /> applicablo law requlrn inurest lo be pald,Lcndcr�lu�li not be rcqulrcd to pay Borrowcr eny fnterest or camings on�hc 1Lnds. ��,�,��.�.u_,._
<br /> 6orrower and Lender may agrcc in wri�ing, howc��u. �6a�intcrut shall bc paid on 1hc Funds. Lcndcr shxll gh�c ro 6ortower, t`�`:'�"-'-_-
<br /> wl�hout chvge, an ennual eccouming of iho Ilmda,showing crcdits end debits �o the F'unds and ihe puryose for which exch ,�`���%K;;,;,
<br />� (�.�LII IC InC FUC�Iu::�0+IO'..�IC.TI�.G I'4'nie nm',IC�IoM S B!��IIIert?!�ui!y fer ell sums s���!rrc!hy�hic Srcuri�y Incwmem. 'N:s� ,--
<br /> - If itr Nnds htld by Lender excerd�Fe amo�mis permiucd to bc hcid by applicablc ITw,Lender shall accounl to Rorr.acr y��"�{�� �
<br /> tor tha excrss�unds ir.axordann.��iih�h.�re��icemems of epplicable law. If the amoun!n(�he Punds held by Lender ai any �;�';p�
<br /> tlme Is r.n eufliciem co pap ihe Gscrow ltems whn dua,Lender may so no�ify Rnrtuw�r in wri�ing,a�xl,in�uch case Rorrower - �—
<br />. sAall pay�.i 4nder�he amount necescary m make up Ihe deficienry. 6ortmver stnll nw4c nr thr dcfici:ncr in no nx+rc�han �'�� sq�}�il.�.'-
<br />- tx�civt n:or.�hip paymencs,at 4crAcr's wic discrcifon. �f��r'�"'-
<br /> t _'
<br /> Upon paymenl In lull of all sums xruml 6y�his Seeuri�y InswmenL l.ender shnli rn�mpily rcfund ro Uonmccr any �?�iZ}t})�i'
<br /> Nnds hcld by Lendcr.if,undcr paregreph 21,Lcnder shall ccqulre or sell�he Pruyrtly,Lcna•r.pdor to the acn,uisl�lnn or sule j,���£,� � ;.
<br /> of ihe Properly, shall apply nny�unds held hy Lemi:r et the�ime of acquist�ion ar c.�le as n credf�against�in cums secured 6y i±.N��.�+��,u'r��i�
<br /> �his Securlty Instrumcm. ;!„^. y.+,'?�!�l�?_;%n-�
<br /> 3.Appllntlon of Payntrnls. Unle�s:ryplicable Imv provides mhenviu.nll�yvmeNc recriecd by Lender ualer parngrephs :s{',�efn;lf3::,;"�::.
<br /> I and 2 sM1all be applittl:Ors4�o nqv prc�.yment charges due under�he Ro:e; seror.d,���aaronms payable nrder pxtagra,h 2; `��?�"'�• �i�:;�?�:;� �
<br /> .,�t: r;yy;,�.�, .
<br /> third,m imenst due:founl�.�o pdncipal Jue:and last,m any late charga Arse umltr�he No�r. 5 a;��5�n�n -..
<br /> 4.Chargcs; l.lens. Qorro�rcr shall pay all �aaes, au�umcnu,chargc�, tinrx and iiu�x+siii�ns nuribu!aSl.in tTc Prn�tly 1 �,. °-
<br /> whlch n�ay nualn pdority over�his Sttvri�y Insuunxnt, and Icuehold paymems or gmund rcms, if eny. Ponuwer shatl pay �,�:i�4j�,'t�-`:`
<br /> t.:� r"^�C�, ��-
<br /> these nlilieadons in�he manner pmvtded in p�ngraph 2,or if no�paid in�ha�manner, 6nrranzr shall pay them on Itme dirccdy aa • y� _.
<br /> �o�hc�rcnn owcd paymcnt. Oorroxxr shall promptl�•Pornish�n i.emfcr all notfns of mm�amc m bc paid undcr�his parrgraph. �"'tq�j x =
<br /> If 6orrower nukes these paynxNS dinr�ly,Oormwer shatl pminp�ly furnish io I.erder raeip�.evidencing the paymenls. !I.F.6 �4 t. _ -,
<br /> 13orro�ver shall ymmptly discharge nny lien a�hicL haa priodq•uver�hi�S.iu<9�p Instminem unless Borro�cer.(a)ognti;s In ;;ii`�>r`{ '
<br /> wdtin �o the a nxm nl the obli vion securcd b•�hc licn fn n manner acn r.�Str�o Lendcr,lb)mntesta in oad fai�h ihe lien :<i:��.55,:�..t„�_�-:
<br /> B PY 8• > F 6 .nx...�.-s_:<..,,.. .
<br /> b , or deRnds a ainst enforeemmt of Ihe lien in. Ie al rcxtedin s �rhich in Ihe LenJer'x o inion o rate m rcccm the %V'S�r.��'`��--�:
<br /> Y 8 8 P & P P� P jcs�::�.�.�:i,�r.,
<br /> enforoement of�he lien;or(c)seeures Gum thc holder uf the lien an agn�mem.aiisfuctory�tn Lender subordina�ing�he fE:a to y!�;'-�-j;�;���a�:--
<br /> Ihis Securily Insuument. If Lender deurmines Oiai any pan of Ihe Propeny is subjecl to a lirn�diich may auain priomy orer �` �e",���.�1i%'.,';
<br /> ,�,� � ..
<br /> this Security Instmmem, Leider may give f3or�o•�er.�noiice idemifying�he licn. fk�rrower shall saii�fy�he lirn or iake nne or 4�',�, �Y��4f�t y�w -.
<br />.. more of lhc aaions sc�lonh aM,vc wi�Ain IU da}>�?�:�e giring ol"imtiar. ,�+'!}C+�+�S`�fi�c��;.;`.:_-._
<br /> . �.�.y:,.
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