<br /> l�Y� ���JL���l'�1 �� �.J � ��� ��� �
<br /> TX6AU6USTINEC0.�2787 � � � ��
<br /> that while aaid Deed does not des3gnate the said �ary A.Langan, Grantor, as being the wife of the
<br /> said Thomas Langan, Grantee, sueh was an error and omi�sion on the part of the irldividual dra�ing
<br /> said instrument.
<br /> Th�t the said Thomas Lan�;an wae the holder oP a liPe estate lnteresst in and to the abone deacribed
<br /> , land$ by the provialon oP the aertain Warranty Deed dated September 2�, 193�+, wherein �he said
<br /> 2homae Lan�an was Grantor, and the affiant herein Grantee, and which was duly recorded in Book 75,
<br /> page 237 of the Deed records oP Hall County, Nebraska; that the said IiPe estate interest oP the
<br /> said Thomaa Langan was terminated by the death of the said Thomas Langan at �Vood River, Nebraeka,
<br /> on or about November 26, 1935, he being �uried in St. Mary 's Cemetery, VPood River, Nebraska.
<br /> Thomas A.Lan�an -
<br /> Subscribed and sv�orn to bePore me this 2�th day oP April, 1937•
<br /> C.E.Grundy
<br /> (SEAL) Notary Public
<br /> My commiasion expirea �3une 1£�, 1.93� •
<br /> Filed for record this 2� day of April, 1937, at 2:�+5 o'clock P.�d. ��G'G�Z�� ���
<br /> Re�i�ter of Deede
<br /> 0-0-0-�-0-0-0_p_0-0-0-0-�J-0-0-0-0-0-0-U-C3-0-U-0-0-fJ-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-�-0-0-�-
<br /> ,� AFFIDAVIT
<br /> VP� NE� and �� NW� of See. �, Twp. g, Rng. 12,Fia11 Co. , Nebr.
<br /> 3tate oP Illinois ) I, Charles M.Porter, being Pi�$t':duly s�rorn aceording to law, atate
<br /> )sa
<br /> County oP Cook ) that I am the son of Irving A.Porter, who died June 4, 190'j, and
<br /> that I am one oP the heirs a� law oP said deceaaed, and also, that I �n the duly qualiPied a.nd
<br /> acting Trustee of the Estate of said decseaeed under �he W311; that I have persona7, knowledge con-
<br /> cernin� such estate and oP the debta due by it, and that at this time, there are no ela�ims against
<br /> s�.id estate pending or unad�usted, and that said estate is free and clear of debts.
<br /> Charles M.Porter
<br /> Subaeribed in my presence, and avuorn to beYore me at Chicago this 29th day oP I�arch, 1917.
<br /> (SEAL) Edward �,Bucklin
<br /> ___ _________ Notary Public
<br /> Filed Por record this lst day of May, �937, at �:40 o'clock P.M. D
<br /> � �-�-cy��uL �--�-t-��
<br /> Reglster of Deeds �—
<br /> 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0--U-0-0-0-0�0-0-0-0_p-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-U-0-0-0-0-0-0_0-
<br /> �
<br /> STATE OF RTEBRASKA ) I, L.T.�sborn, being first duly sworn, on oath sap that I am well and
<br /> )sa
<br /> BUFFALO COUNTY ) personally acquainted with Thomas H.�c�llliams mEntioned in contract
<br /> of sale dated �arch 27th, 1917, for sale oP the Po2lowing described real estate, to wit: 1�2of N�4
<br /> and E� of � oP Section �, in Townahip 9,North,Range 12 West of the Sixth (6th) Principal Meridian,
<br /> ].60 acres, Hall County, Nebr. (with other land) , and with T.H.�dcVPilliam� to whom by Trustee 's deed
<br /> dated Ju3y I2th 1919, reeorded August l�th, 1.9Z9, in Book:54 Page 695, of the Reaorda oP Hall Co.
<br /> Nebr�.ska, waa conveyed the above described real estate; and know that the said Thomas H.Mc'�illiams
<br /> and T.H.Mc`�Pill2arns are one and the 8ame party, and that, at the date of the first named conveyance
<br /> he was oP legal age, and competent to convey.
<br /> L.T.Oaborn
<br /> SUBSCRIBED IN MY PRESEATCE and sworn to beP�ire m� this ld day oP April A.D. 1920.
<br /> D.A.Trivelpiece
<br />� (SEAL) Notary Publia
<br /> My eommiesion expires 4-17-24
<br /> Filed for record thie lst day oP May, 1937, at 4:40 o 'clock P.1�.
<br /> �--���,�-a� �
<br /> Register of eeds
<br /> o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-�-,�-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a o_o-o-o-o_o-
<br />