<br /> 11�� SC �L�,AI�TEO�JS �E� ��t.D S
<br /> TNEAVOU{TIML CO.1P7B7 � . .
<br /> State oP Nebra9ka ) On this �th day oP March, A.D. �937, before me the undersigned,
<br /> )ss
<br /> Hall County ) S.J.Shada, a Notary Public, duly commiesioned and qualified for and
<br /> residin in said Count ersonall came Charlea C.Crouch and �tary A.Crouch, to me kno�n to be
<br /> �; Y� P Y
<br /> the identical pereons whose names affixed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the same
<br /> to be their voluntary act and deed.
<br /> WStness my hand and Notari�.l Se€�l the day and year last above written. .
<br /> S.J.Shada
<br /> ( SEAL) Notary Publie
<br /> Commission expirea D4arch 2, 19�+2.
<br /> Filed for record this 20th da� oP �darch, �937, at �-:15 o 'clock P.�d. ��-�'=-Q-�-�
<br /> Register oP Dee da
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<br /> KNO�V ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS : - That the undersigned, G.C.Cover and Ada E.Cover, Husband and
<br /> Wife, each in his �,nd her own ri�ht and as spou�e oP the other of the County of Hall, 5tate oP
<br /> NebrASka, Por and in con�ideration of Two Thousand Eight Hundred and No/100 Dollara, as a loan
<br /> in hand paid to us by The Hone Federal 3aving and Loan Ass 'n of Grand Island, Grand Island,
<br /> Nebr�.ska, and other good and va2uable consideration, the receipt whereoP is hereby acknowledged,
<br /> to her�by assign, trans�'er and set over to said As4ociation, as collateral security for the dura-
<br /> tion oP the loan, �,ll rents, income and profits accruing upon the following deecribed property,
<br /> � situated in the County of Hall, State oY Nebrask�., to-wit: All oP the Southerly Sixty-sia ( 66)
<br /> Peet oP the �lesterly Forty-Your (�+) feet of Lot Five (5) , in Block One Hundred Thirty-Pive (135)
<br /> of Union Pacific Railway Company's Second Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Ne-
<br /> braska, as surveyed, platted and _recorded.
<br /> And vae hereby authorize and empower the Home Federal Saving and Loan Ass 'n oY Grand Island, Grand:
<br /> Island, NebraGka, ita authorized agents and attorneys, to a ct for us, and rent the above describe�d.
<br /> �remises, and in our place collect and receipt for said rent.
<br /> Thie assignment of' rent being made f'or the expreas purpo�e of having said revenue anplied to the
<br /> repayment of the above mentioned loan.
<br /> Said Associ�tion may, in its discretion, use the rents so far as they may deem necessary, for the
<br /> purpose oP m�.k3ng such repaira upon the pre�tses as, in ita �judgment, may be proper and may use ,
<br /> said rents so Par as necessaxy for the payment oP insurance premiums and taxes upon said premise�.
<br /> It ahall also h<�ve authority to deduct Prom said rents a fair compensation, to be pa.yable to said
<br /> ,Association's agents, for services rendered in the collection of said rents ; the balance to be
<br /> applied upon the payment of in��re�t and principal of said loan.
<br /> Dated at Grand Island,Nebr. this 22nd day of March, 1937•
<br /> �iitness : G.C.Cover
<br /> Edna str�tee. Ad.a E.Cover
<br /> State oP Nebraska ) On this 22nd day oP �arch, �937, bef ore me, the undersigned, a Notary
<br /> )as
<br /> Hall County ) Public, in and for said County, personally came G.C.Cover and Ada E.
<br /> Cover, Husband and {�ife, each in hia and her own right and as spouse of the other, who -- person-
<br /> ally known to me to be the identical person whose names are affixed to the above inatrument as
<br /> grantors and they acki�owledged the same to be their voluntary act and deed.
<br /> V7ltness my hand and Notarial Seal the date aPoresaid.
<br /> Edna States
<br /> {gEA,L) Nolcary Public
<br /> My commisaion expires Dec. 5, 19�2.
<br /> F1Ied for re����o�rd this 22 day of March, 1937, at I1;30 o'clock A.�i.
<br /> ��.av�t%�Z++.e.e. .n�¢2- ��wa�eG�cli�il6Y/� .6G �2a�l-t-G!t-�. /9"�'/����""/`;"_`"'/ �o ��.c��—r"y�
<br /> � ��� ��°��'� �� Regiater of Deeds
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