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<br /> 11�� �C�E�LAI�T�O�.JS RECORD S �
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<br /> THERU6U/TINLC0.72787 '
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<br /> �vall on said line, Now, TherePore, it is mutually agreed as Pollows: _ '
<br /> That Por and in coneideration of the covenante and agreemente hereinafter contained, the said firat '
<br /> party does by these preeent� demi�e and lease unto the said John Knickrehm, a strip of ground nine
<br /> inches v�ide oPf the east line of the west 22 feet of the lot and bloek aforesaid, or so much there�oP
<br /> as mRy be needed for the purposee herein eet forth, f or the purpo�e of �recting and maintaining
<br /> thereon a paxty wa11, �rith pro�er Pooting thereunder, ae hereinaPter more apecifieally stated.
<br /> Second p�.rtv, for and in consideration of the covenants and a greements herein c�ntained, doea by
<br /> �heae presents demise and lease unto Peoples State Bank, oP Grand Island,Nebraska, a strip of
<br /> ground nine inches wide along and oPf the west line oP the middle 22 feet of said Lot seven, Block
<br /> � Thirty-one oP the Original Town Addition, now �ity of Grand Island,Nebraska, or so much thereoP
<br /> • as may be needed for the purposea herein set Yorth, for the purpose oP erecting and maintaining
<br /> thereon a partv wall, with proper footing thereunder, aa hereinafter more epecifically stated.
<br /> The propertv hereby der�ised and leased covers nine inches of land on each aide of the dividing
<br /> Iine between tYze tvro p�.rcels of real estate hereinbefore described, s.nd this agreement is made
<br /> t'or the sole purpoae of permitting a party wall to be erected along and over said dividin� line,
<br /> a.nd the covenants and ag�eements herein contained shall be and remain in Porce so long as said
<br /> wall when ex�eeted shall 4tand, or so long as either party hereto shall desire to maintain the sam�.
<br /> Said �rall is to be constructed oP brick and ia to be bu1lt of sufPicient strength and thiekness
<br /> to carry at least a two story buildin� with ample footin�s under basement wall, the center of �aid
<br /> wall to be exaetly over the dividing llne between the two Iots or p-:�rcels of ground hereinbefore
<br /> described.
<br /> It is understood and agreed that only such portion of land mutually leased herein, shall be con-
<br /> sidered used or under the control of the other party, as shall actually be used Pc�r maintaining
<br /> as.id party �rall.
<br /> First party agrees, in consideration of the covenants and agreeruents on the part of second party
<br /> hereinafter cantained, to build and erect on the said dividing line ar:d as hereinbefore provided,
<br /> a two story brick wall, tv�elve inches in thickness, and extending Pr�m the lot line on Fourth
<br /> I�I
<br /> S'Creet back at least seventy Peet, the same to be built and erected at the cost oP first party,
<br /> but maintained at the expenQe of Pirst and second partiee �ointly. F3rst party further agrCes
<br /> to commence the building of saSd wall as soon as possible ar.d without unnecessary delay.
<br /> The said v�all shall become and remain a party r�ail, and the common property of said owners,
<br /> their reapective successors, heirs and asaigns, so tnat either o�' them shall be at liberty to
<br /> use said wall by inserting timbers or other materi�.l up to, but not beyond, a vertical Iine drawn,
<br /> through the center and along the entire length of said wall, or not othernvise to use the said wall
<br /> ln any m�nner tllat may interPere wlth the equal use of the other half oP the wall by the other o�ner
<br /> Second party agrees, in concideration of the Poregoing, to build and erect upon the premiGee
<br /> abutting the premises of first party on the eest, and being herein described as the center 22 ,
<br /> fee� of Lot 7, Bloek 31, of the Original Town Addition, a two story brick bulldin�, extending
<br /> back from the lot line at Ieast 60 feet, and haning a width of 22 feet, fronting on Fourth Stree'�,
<br /> said building to be built contemporaneausly with the building hereinbePore �greed to be erected
<br /> by first paxty.
<br /> It is further a�reed by second party in cansideration of the foregoing and in consideration of the
<br /> free use oP said party wall to be erected by first party, tYiat aecond party will build a suttable
<br /> stairway and entrance up to the second a�ory oP hie said building herein agreed to be bu1lt, said
<br /> stairvaay and entrance to be on Faurth Street and ad�acent to the said party wall. Seeond party
<br /> further agrees to permit communicating doorways to be made and me.intained through the said party
<br /> wall and bete�reen the upper story of the building owned by Pirst party and the upper atory of the ;
<br /> bullding ovaned and erected by Second party, one of said doorwaye to be at or near the end oP sai�.
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