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<br /> ���� �
<br /> Ii�JL� �� ��JL�� l�l �� �.J � ��� ��� � ,
<br />�';•. TXEAU6US71NEC0.�12787 . . .. . .. . ... . . . . .. . .. , �, . . . �.
<br /> And me hereby �uthorize and empower the $c�me P'ederal 9aving and Lc�an Ase�n of (�rand Ielsnd,(�ra,nd
<br /> Ieland,�ebraska,it$ authorized agents and attorneys,to e,ct for us,and rent the aboved descsribad
<br /> premises,e.nd in our place collect and receipt for aaid re�t,at euoh prioes aad upon euch t+�rms a�
<br /> they ma,y eee f it.
<br /> Th1s assignment of rent being me�de for the eapre$s purpoee of having said revenue a�pplied to the
<br /> repeyment of the above ment ioned loa,n. .
<br /> 8aid Aseoviation may,in it8 disoretion,u$e the rents eo far as they may deem neceeearq,fcr the
<br /> purpose cf making such repaire �pon the premises ae,in ite �udgment,maq he proper and may uee said
<br /> rents eo far ae neceseary for the pa�ment �f insurance premtums and taxea upon aaid premieee.
<br /> It ehall, also have a,uthori.ty to deduct from said rents a fair aompeneation,to be payable to ae�id
<br /> Aseco3aticn�� agents,for eervioes rendered in tho collection ot eaid ren�s;the balaaoe to be a,pplied
<br /> upoa the paymeat of int eres� and princtpal o� said loaa.
<br /> Dated at Cir�uud I�land:l�obraska Th3s let day o�� I[eroh 1937-
<br /> Aitness: Ross P.Heauohemp
<br /> �dna 8tates Rc�.tb A.Beauohamp
<br /> 8tate of �ebraska,
<br /> $s. On this lat da,y of ldarah,1937,before me,the uudersigned,s l�otary publio,
<br /> Hall Oountp �p 8ad Ruth A.
<br /> in and for eaid County,pereonally oame Rose P.Beettoh
<br /> Beauahamp,hueband and �ife, who are personally known to me to be the identical persons whose name�
<br /> are aff3.zad to the above iastrument as grantors and saknoaledged the eame to be their voluntarq
<br /> aot and deed.
<br /> 1�itnese my hand and l�otarial 9eal the date afores�id.
<br /> Ed�ta, 8tatee
<br /> I�y oommieeiom eapiree.Dec.5,19�2. (SEAL) aotary Public
<br /> �'iled for reoord thie 1 day o� I�arcb,1937,a� 10 o�cloak A.M. ��
<br /> ��;�2��
<br /> � eg 8 Qr O B8 B
<br /> -O"C'f�O�tY�0�0-0-�0-0�0-�0-O-�O-O-�0-0'�O"O-O-O-O�-O-O�-�-O-'W-fl-O-O-►O"�O-O-O--O-O-O-O-�O�`O-O-O-O-O�O-O�O�O-�O-Q
<br /> L„i�PB�D�T9:
<br /> ��.
<br /> HOldE OX���'' vOAN �ORPOFLATIO�,a corparatioa . '
<br /> duly organi�ed arid eaiei�ing under arld bq
<br /> virtu� of the 1a�rs of` the t�ni.ted Btatee,
<br /> with i�s principal place pf bueinee�
<br /> loaated ia the Qity of �'ashington,Di$trict
<br /> of Columbia,
<br /> PlaintitP, � �
<br /> ve LIS PI�I�tDB�B
<br /> B�iTHA 9CHERZB� AND WALT�R 3Cgi�RZBB�Rt�,
<br /> 1�IB'E A1QD HtJ98AND,AND Micha;el Dowd,
<br /> Def encie,nt�s.
<br /> i�otice is hereby given that there hae beea oommenced and tha� there is aow pending in the above ,
<br /> named court, upon petition of the plaintiff against the above named defendants, an actiony the
<br /> ob,�ect of' which is to foreclqse a mor��age bearing date of �eptember 5, 193�+, executed by Bertha
<br /> 3cherzberg and �Kalter Scherzber�, wife and husband, to the Home Owners ' Loan Corporation, which
<br /> said mortgage �ras filed for record in the office of the Register of Deeds oP Hall County, Nebraska,
<br /> on the 12th day of September, 193�+, at 3:30 o'clock P.M. , �nd recorded in Book 72 Page 723, of the
<br /> Mortgage Records of said County; that said action afPects title to real eatate described as Pollows,
<br /> to-wit:
<br /> �
<br /> C
<br />� Lot eight (�) in Block thirteen (13) , Arnold and Abbott s Addition to the ity of Grand Island,
<br /> H 1 ount Nebraska as
<br /> surve ed latted and recorded.
<br />, a I C Y, , Y � P
<br /> Dated this 1 I�axch, 1937.
<br /> Harry f#rimmin�er .
<br /> ', . : Plaintift''s Attorn�y
<br /> Filed at the ofr'ice of tl�e Register of Deeds, Hall Gounty, Nebraska, March 1, 1937.
<br /> Harr� Grimminger
<br /> Filed for record this lst day of �iarch, 1937, at � :20 0 �clock P.�Q. �'L,�`��'
<br /> Register of IIceds
<br />