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<br /> 3tate of Nebraska � On this 6th day oP February, 1937, before me, the under�igned, a Notary ''
<br /> )ss
<br /> Hall County ) Publie in and for said County, personally came Anna �.Newell and A.B.
<br /> Newell, Wife and Husband, who are pereonal�.y known to me to be the identical persons whose names
<br /> are a�fixed to the above inatrument ae grantors, and they acknowledged the same to be their vol-
<br /> untary act and deed.
<br /> �1ltnes9 my hand and Notarial Seal the date aforesaid.
<br /> . Edna States
<br /> (SEAL) Notary Publie
<br /> My eommission expires Dec. 5, 1942.
<br /> Filed for record this �th d.a.y of Febr. 1937, at 11:30 o �elock A.�. .
<br /> _ �f��.�
<br /> egister oP Deed
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<br /> AGREIIUtENT �Vith Deed in Eacrow �
<br /> This instrument is to witnese, that Edna Houchin, a aingle woman, and ------ have thia day sold to
<br /> �essie Bishop and O.E.Bishop the Fractianal Lots Three (3) and Four (4) in Fractional Block Two(2)
<br />' in Gilbert'B Addition to the City of Grand Island, in Hall County, Nebraska, for the sum o� �65o.p0
<br /> and m�.de and executed a Warranty Deed which accomparlies this instrument, which deed is made to
<br /> Jesele Bishop.
<br /> i
<br /> That said purchase �srice shall. be paid as follovae, to-wit:
<br /> �200.Q0 0� this date paid; and the remainder to be paid: �10.00 per month, on or be2'ore the 15th
<br /> day o� each month, comrnencing October 15, �935 with interest at 5� on all dePerred paymenta, the
<br /> same to be paid to Frank Buell, or order, as agent for the grantor.
<br /> Purchaser is given option to make larger payments at ar� time.
<br /> The said Q�rantor sh�.11 Purnish an aba�it showin� good merchantable title, title to said lands
<br /> to be appraved, �rhich ehall accompany the said deed, each party to pAy half the cost of extending
<br /> the said abstract at this time.
<br /> It is agreed that the inaurance on buildings now in force, to-wit ; In the sum oP �265.00 shall be
<br /> kept in force and assigned to the purchaser, or grantee, when the deed is delivered upon f inal
<br /> pa�ment. Loss, if any, during the pendency of this contract, to be applied on contract, provided
<br /> the gurchaser or grantee completes his part of this contract and takea up the deed.
<br /> The deed herewith ahall be delivered to said Jessie Bishop and/or O.E.Bishop upon their making full
<br /> payment oP purchase priee as hereinbefore set forth. posaession to be given grantee September 10,
<br /> 1935-
<br /> In caee the said Jeasie Hishop and/or O.E.Biahop purehaser, shall Pail for a period oP ten days
<br /> aY''Ger due date of any payment�. to make payment o� said purchase price; �n 'demand said deed ahall
<br /> be delivered to said F��nk Buell, agent by the p�older oP said deed and this agreement and all pay-»
<br /> ments shall. be forfeited to the seller as Pull liqu�dated clamagee. The taxes for the year Z93� s�jall
<br /> be paid by grantor, as well as all sidewalk taxes now delinquent. Purchaser agrees to pay aZl
<br /> aidewalk taxes not delinquent at this time.
<br /> Th3:s agresment and the deed a.ceompanying the same sh�,ll be held by the A.J.Lueba as eacror► agent.
<br /> oP Grand Island, sub�ect to the above terms and conditions, same to be delivered to purchaser upon
<br /> written authorization from either the gra��tor or Frank Buell.
<br /> This contract ie made and the second party assumea title sub,�ect to leaee to - no exceptiona-
<br /> for the year ---- to 19----.
<br /> And it is further mutually agreed that all covenants and agreements herein contained shall extend
<br /> to and bind the respective heirs, executors, administrators and assigns of said parties.
<br /> �Vitness our h�.nds the date first above written. Edna Houchln
<br /> A.J.Lue1�s ' �.E.Hishop
<br /> i Filed for re�cord this 10 day oP February, 1937, at 2:45 o'cloek P.�. �-�-���d ���.
<br /> Register of Deeda
<br />