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I �� ' <br /> M[g ����L�LA.�T�E��JS ��EC ��� S <br /> THEAIIGUfTINLtO.�4787 � ��� <br /> bills ior e�ater, gas and electrie light and power u�ed on the demised premises. (b} all per�onal <br /> property taxes that may be levied or assessed on the furniture, �.f�:xtures and equipment in the demised <br /> premises, a,nd (c) all federal and state taxes arisin�; by reason of the profit, if any, mRde by the <br /> Lessee, in the operation by it of the theatre �rhich is a part of the demised premises. <br /> The Lessors covenant and agree during the term of this Lease �o pay promptly when due all real estate <br />� taxes and asGessmen�s that may be levied or assessed upon the demised premises. <br /> 5. The Lessee covenants and agrees during the term of this Lease to observe and obey the or�.inances �� <br /> of th� City of 4rand Isl�.nd in reference to the care of the demised premises; and the Lessee during <br /> the t erm of this Lease shall become and does hereby become personally responsible for any damages <br /> that may occur to any person or persons on account of its failure to observe the provisions of the <br /> ordinances of the City of' �rand Island or the statutes oP the State of Nebraska or on account oP <br /> �.ny negligence on it4 part in the care of the demisec� premises or the operation of the theatre which <br /> is a p <br /> art thereof. <br /> 6. The Lessee covenants and agrees durin; the �erm of this Lease to use all due care and ePfort to <br /> preserve, protect and care for the demised premises ; a.nd the Lessee cover.ants and agrees that, �.t <br /> the expiration of the term of�his Lease , it W111 deliver the buildin� which is a part of the demieed <br /> premises to the Lessors in As good condition as the same no�� is, ordinary wear and tear and damage <br /> . . <br /> by the elert�nts excepted, and that it will also c7eliver to the Lessors the furniture, fixtures and ' <br />� equipment which are a part of the demised premises in as good condi�ion as the same nov� are, ordin.- <br /> ary wear and tear and damage by the elements excepted, it being however, understood �nd agreed that <br /> the Lessee shall have the right during the term of this Lease to replace any such item of furniture, <br /> fixtures and equipment vrith new or other equipment of not less value . <br /> Nothin� herein contained shall obii�ate the Lessee to make structural repairs to or changes in the <br /> demised premises, it being understood and agreed that the Leseor8 -are obligated to make all of such <br /> structural repairs and ch�.nges, to the extent necessary. <br /> 7. In the event that the demised premises shall be wholly or partly damaged or des�royed by fire or <br /> other ca.Gualty at any time during the term of this Lease, the Lessors covenant and agree that they <br /> I will �rrith alI due diligence, and at the Lessors � cost and expense, lrep�,ir, restore and rebuild the <br /> i s so that the same after such �aork of re airin�, restoring or re�uildin has been <br /> dem <br /> ised rem se P � <br /> P <br /> completed sh�.11 be substanti�.11y the same as prior to such damage or destruction. If sueh darnage <br /> or destruction render� the demised premises unfit for operation as a theatre, the rent herein <br /> reserved shall a bate from and after the date of such damage or destruetion and until the demiged <br /> premises have been restored, re�.aired or rebuilt so that the Lesaee shall be able to use and �perate <br /> the same as a theatre and have �he full. beneficial use and en,�oyment thereof, �,nd rental paid by <br /> the Lessee in advance sh�.11 be refunded to the Lessee. <br /> Notwithstandin� the provi�ions hereinbefore set forth in this Section 7, in the event that the build- <br /> ing and the furniture, fixtures and equipment which are parts of the demised premises shall be des- <br /> troyed by such fire or other casu�.lty, or daxnaged by such fire or other casualty to an extent in <br /> excess of one third of the then total value tr�ereof, then either party hereto shall have the right <br /> to terminate this Lease and the unexpired term thereof by notice to the other, such notice to be <br /> served within sixty ( 60) days after tlze date of such . d`estruction or dama�e, and upon the serviee <br /> of euch notice (a) this Lease shall cease and termin�.te, and (b) rental paid by the Lessee in ad- <br /> vance sh�ll be refunded to the Lessee. <br /> �. The Lessee covenants and aorees that it will not assign or transPer thts Lease without the <br /> writ�en consent of the Leasors first had and obtained but the Lessors covenant and agree that, in <br /> ' the event the proposed tr�,sferee or assi�;nee is a financially reli�ble and responsible person, <br /> firm or corporation, they v,�ill not withold . such consent. <br /> 9. The Lessee covenants and agrees that, if it fails to pay any instalment of rent herein provi8ed <br />