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<br /> • �2--w�.09�€3�
<br /> 77.7Yansfcr ot tl�e I'ro�[rly or x Aatclidnl lnitrcst!n]SOrrou�er.If all or nny paii ot ihe Proyerty or��y ic[e[est in i¢
<br /> Is sold or tmnsfcrred(or if a Acneflclil In:erest in Rorcawer is mld m ua�ukrred and 13orrowcr is nat a wuiat�e�n)withcut
<br /> l.cnder's pdor writtcn conunt, Lender may, m its op�lon. uirc imnwdiate payment in Cult of alI wms s�nira! Dy t6Ls
<br /> Secuti�y Instmnxm.However.this opiton shnll nol Ho exerciaod�y l..ender(f exe[cise is Qrobibind by Rderat Iaw as o€J�r.dazr.
<br /> of iyis^u;cnri�y Instmmcnt. -
<br /> If L.rnJer excrclxs U�is oplton,Lcndcr shnll yClee 13orrowet nd!se of asccteralinn.The rtolim shall mridr,a�erioQ of not _
<br /> Irss�Aan 30 days from t6c daie�hr,noqtt is de11YCfOd 0[qf81I/Y�Y(ilALi rA31CI1 L�O[[OWC� IIN51 P0Y 6lPsums sttvrod Ay J�Js _
<br /> .^,�en�dty(nMmment. [f.P,orrowcr f.�fls to pay�hese sums p�ior ro tr:e�pinaion uf tlds pertod, i.cndcr may invoke any remedics -�
<br /> �xnnitA�d ny tlifs 3ecurity trutmment wiU�out funhcr nollce or dem3nd on I3orrower.
<br /> 03. 1'dorrmrcr's Right to Cteinstnlc. If Borrox�cr mcets a�naim m�di�ions, Rorrowcr shall have thc right to havc -�
<br />- enForcemeN of this Sccud�y Insuument dlsmminucd a�any iime pdor ro�he eadler oL• (n�5 days (nr such other perial as -.
<br /> nppliraLle I;nv may s�wcify Por reins�atement) luforo saio ot tl�e Propcny punuant to nny pmeer of xate cnntainal in ihis --
<br />. Securi�y instn�mem;or @)entry of a Judgment enforeing Uds Secaflty Inswmrm.Timse mndi�tons nre�ha�Dnrrox�er.(n1 p�ys _
<br /> l.ci�der ail sunu wLicL then�rould In�duo under�his Securf�y Instmment and d�o Nate,s if no aaeleraUan had occurr�d;Ib)
<br /> uires�ny dcfnull oP any MM1er cn�•enams or ngroemcros; (c) pays all cxp;nses incurnd In cnforcing tlds Secnriiy Inavunmm. _,
<br /> including,bul not IImi�M to,rrasnnablo annmcts'fcss:anJ(d)�aku such aciinn av l.cixlu nxi�•na�ona6ly rcquirc to auurc
<br /> d�at�hc Ilen of ihis Sccudty lnctmmzm, LcnJ¢r s dgI�u in�Irc Prn�ny ainl Ilnnmscr's oUllga�lon to pry�Ice sums sccur.d by -
<br /> �hls Securiry Inslrunum shall cominut unchangN. Upnn rcim�atentem by Ikuro�nr. tlih S�tiarlly Imuununt and ihe
<br /> obllgmima sccurnt hcrchy shall rcnuln fully cffecQvc u If no acrakraUon 6�1 a�urrcd. Ilm��cvcr. ihh dghi to rcln�tatc ti6s1i
<br /> nol apply in the casc of accelera�ion unJtr P��nS�P�� ��•
<br /> 19, Sple of Nolet Chsnge o�I.wn &r�inr. The Nola or a parllal Imerc,i In ihe Nwc l�ngeihcr �r6h ihis Security -
<br /> Inclrunhm)may bc solJ a�c ur morc�inxs withaul pdor nnilco In Oorrm��.r. A salc may rtsuh in a.L�n e fn d�c cmi�y I4no«�n -
<br /> u�hc'l.wn Scrviccr')�hm�rollcc�s nwnthly papnxms due undcr thc Kotc unJ ihfs Saurf�y I�uunmcm.�cro also may hc unc '��
<br /> or nwrc changcs of Ihc Lo:m&rv{ctr unrtlaRd to a salc of Ihc(3ntc.If�hcre Is a changc of�hc la�an Scrvicer. [lorm���cr a�lll bc _
<br /> gh•rn«�rincn nolkc of thc<tunge in acmrdance a�i�h paragmph I4 ahorc a�npplica6le Imv.Thc nallcc+dll stmc thc name and -�
<br /> addrcss of�he ne•a�I.wn Sen•iar and the aJdreu lo «�hich paymeNs should bc mada Thc notice will alsn mmain any o�hcr -
<br /> infomiaqon rcyuired bp applicable law. _.
<br /> 20, t[n:ardous Suhslencrs. Oorrmecr shall not causc or pcmilt �hc prescnce, ux,di�pasal, s�orage, or rcicase nf any _
<br /> Ilazardous Subs�ances on or in �he Proµrty. �orrmrer shall no� do, nor ailow anyonz else m do, anqIhing a(fx�ing �he =
<br /> Proptrry that Is in riala�ion of any Bnvironmental taw. The prcceding nvo seNenax shall nat apply �o�he pracnce, use,or _
<br /> s�ornge on the Prop�ny nf snull q�amitics uf tlazarJous Subsuncrs�hat nre genenlly recogniz�d�o bc appropria�c�o namial
<br /> residcmial uscs and�o nuimenance o(�he Property. --
<br /> ➢otto�ver shall Prnmpdy give Lendtr writlen notitt af r.ny inra�igation,claim, demand, Imvsuli ar o�her action by eny
<br /> goeemmemal or regula�ory agrncy m prirate party Involving the Property end eny fluardous Substance or Gnvironmemel law
<br /> ot�Hii:h Qorrower has acwal knmvltAge.If Oorrower Itams,or is nollficd by any goremmemal or rcgulatory nutM1ority,tha� °-
<br /> xny rcmnval or aher renkdia�ion of m�y HxmrAaus Subsmnce af(ec�ing Ihe Propeny is nece_ssary.Qorrnwer nhall prnmptly�ako --
<br />_ ,11 ncccssary renxdial ac�ions fn acmrJar.cc with Environmcmat Lcnv.
<br />. Ac��.rA fn�Fic��ra�ranh 20; 'Ha�arAnus Suhslnr.ce� nre thnce suhs�inms deMed u mxic or hwi�dous a�bstanees bY
<br /> [nvirnnmcntal Luw ar.d �hc follaving snhat,nas: qacolina k.rosenc, ahcr Flammablc m �oxic pc�roirum pwdnds, wxic _.
<br /> prs�icid.s nnd herbicid.s,��ola�ilt soheNS,ma�erials rnm:�ining:ulxsmo nr lonnaldahyde,and radioac�ive nulerialx.As uxd in _.
<br /> �his pangr.ph 20, 'Environmcntnl IAw' n:canx fedcral la�cx xnJ laws of�he jurisdictinn whcre the Propcny is loca�cd�hat -
<br /> rclxtc to health,safcty or cm�ironmmial protcction. --
<br /> hON-UNIFORM1t COVGNANTS. Dnrwwcr and Lcndcr funhcr cm•enam and agrcc as follo��s: -�
<br />- 21.Accelemilon;Remedic:s.Ihoder shall gf��e nofice to Iforron�cr prlor to uacleratim�Pollo�ring Rartouer'4 hreach -
<br /> oi any covenant or agreem¢nt Jn Ihls Secur(q� lnzlrumrnt Ibut not priar lo nccelerallon unJerp�rugrnpfi 17 unless _
<br /> npplirnble law ProvlJcs olhen+ixe).The notice shall sperify: (a)the dcfnullt N) the ecllon rnrylred lo cure the defnulli =.
<br /> (d n date,nol lers than 30 d�x froiu tl�e d�ic Ihe noUce Is gl��en l0 6orrox�er,hy��hich tl�e defauil must 6e ci�reJ;and ...
<br /> (d) thal fnllure to curc Ihe defaull on ur Ixtore Ihe dnte xpccltled L� Ihe notice mny resuil In nccetrrnlinn ot the sums
<br /> secnrcd Uy Ihls Secudly Insirumenl nnd snle of Ihe 1'roperly. "fhe noUce shall Nrlher Infonn Ilurro�cer oi 1he rlght to =
<br /> rchulnte nhrr accelernlion nnd tAe rlgh! to i�ring n eaurl nclion to nccert �he non•exisfenm oP a dei�mll or auy other =
<br /> defense of Dorrou�er lo nccel<nitlon mid snte, if the dcfzwll Ls not cured on ar bcfore the date spnifted in Q�e notice. -�
<br /> I.eiidcr, nt Ils oplimi, nm�• rcqulre humedialc paymcnt In tnll nf nli sums sccurcd b?� lhls Sceudty In+lmmcnt �dthout
<br /> h�rther demnnd m�d mny In�uke ihr power oi mle nnd mq'other remedics permltled Ay npplicuble latr. l.ender shall be --
<br /> entitled lo collecl nll expciues incarmd In pursuin�Ihe rcmedics prm�ideJ in lhis parnFn�ph 21,Ineluding,but not Ilntllttl -
<br /> lo,reasonable alton�e��s'fees anJ casts oi tille evltlenee.
<br /> If the �o�ser of s�le Is Invoked. Tru+lm s6;J1 record u nolire of Jefuull lu M�ch counl In ��hich nn�• part of tlie -�
<br /> Pro�xrly Is located and shall nmll ropla oT suc6 uollce In Ihe mm�ner pracrl6ed bv upplicn�te Im�to➢orrm�er nnd to =
<br /> Ihr other�misons prescrlin:d hv npplicnble Mx�.Af1cr Ihe 17me rcqnlrcd b)applk�ihl��hnr,Trucice x6all gi��c�iublic naticc
<br /> o�+nte io tlie persoiu nnd In tLr mnnner prescrib.yl hy npp�ira6lc Ia��.T�u}�ce,aithout demand on 6otro�crr.shaU scll
<br /> Ihe Yro�x�ty et puUllc nuctlnn(o Ihe Idghesl hlddcr nt ihr tlme mid ploce mid widcr thc icrnis deFignated In�hr nollee of _
<br />- sale In ane or more parcels nnd In nnp mdcr Truslec dclermh�es.7'nGalm m:y {wslpunc sale uF nil ur mir parccl of�he -
<br /> Proye�l�' by publle annaw�cemenl nt Ihe Ilme nnd pince nf nn)� pre��inusl� schedulrJ wle. Lender or ils clesignce m�y
<br /> purchasc tl�c Properl��nt nn�vir.
<br />-. Fo�m 3028 9180
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