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<br /> ``� If the amounts held by Lender for Esczow Items excced the amounts pem�itted to be 6eld by RF.SPA, Lcn�dzr �`''
<br /> ,.. - , :;i
<br /> sh�ll account to Barrower for the excesa funds as required by RBSPA. If the amouuts of funds held by L.ender ati aay ;�;�
<br /> tlme are nat sufficient to p3y the Bscmw Items when due, Lender may notify tlie Borrower and require Borrovver ta ;'%� : :, _
<br /> make up the sLortage as pemutted by RBSPA. ' -x'��`��::.
<br /> :�,;�•< + ��
<br /> 'IUe Bscrow Funds arc pledged as addidonal securlty for all sums secured by this Security Insuumcnt. If .,'"����.�
<br /> �. �,r,�=r..-�..R
<br /> Bonower ten�ers to Lereder the full payment of all such svms. Borrower's account shall be credited with the b�tnce ��__�`��'
<br /> y(:�_.=
<br /> . remaining Por all installment items(a),(b),and(c)and any mortgage insurance premiwn installmenc that Lendett has '���_:
<br /> not become obli�ated to �ay to the Secretuy. and Lender st�all promptly refund any excess funds to Bormrtir.r. - _-
<br /> Immediately prior to a fore�:losure sale of the Property ar its acquisidon by Lender, Borrower's account shsdl br . •�,;�s':=�= •
<br /> credited with any balance mmaining for all installments for items(K),(b),and(c). """
<br /> , ,..o��.;a.._
<br /> 3.ApplicutIon of Pay�nents.All payments under paragraphs I and 2 sh�ll be applied by Ixnder ari follows: °' l `°�° - --
<br /> ' irs, to tt�e mortgage insun�nce premium tco be paid by L.encler to die Secretary or to the monthly charge bp th�e � _ -
<br /> Secretary instead of the monthly mortgage iacurance premium; ! �'`��> ___
<br /> ;n' ro ,to any taxes,special assessments, leasehold payments or grouud rents,and fire, flood and other haaarti �. :.;Y;`=
<br /> insuranc.c premiwns�as requited; ; ''•'-�'�;;�+�•""*�-�`
<br /> � Thir ,to interest due under the Note; . '� ,`
<br /> '� Fourth,to amortizadon of the principal of tlie Note;and ������
<br /> �,- ;'r -
<br /> �,to late cbaxges due under the Note. ���r �
<br /> �� 4.Fire,�1ood and Otlxxa�Hazard I�urance.Borrower shall insure all improvements on ti�a�operty,whet�.r ,_
<br /> � now in existence or subsequently erected,against any hazards, casvalties,and contingencies,including fire,for whir� , '�;,
<br /> ---� . Lender requires insurance. This insurance sha�ll be maintained in the amounts a n c t for t he pe r i o d s t h a t L e�fie�s �.
<br /> -- requines. Borrower shall also insvre all improvemen[s on the Properay, wLcincr uuw ;,i c;ustcui.c u.' �u��:�}'r �
<br /> -- � erected,against loss by floods co the extent requirocl by the Secretary. All insurance sl�al!be canied with comparaies � �%
<br /> approved by Lender.The ins�*a�n policies and any renewals shall be held by Lender and shttll include loss payahl� ��•.
<br /> �.�
<br /> clauses in favor of,and in a fomi acceptable to, Lender. ' ���
<br /> � '`�`f In the event af loss.Bo�rr�ower shall give Lender immediate nodce by mail.Lendea may make proof of loss if n�at ._•
<br />. .�i;:' i; �-�
<br /> � mat�e promgdy by Bortawar. IEach insurance company concerned is t�ereby authorizecd and directed to maice psiyme,at J .
<br /> 7� for such loss dimctly to Lender, instead of to Borrower and to Lender jointly. All or any part of tlie inswr,ur.e '
<br /> � proceeds may be applied by I.ender,at its opdon,either(a)to the reducdon of the indebtedness under the Note�►r1 << +�
<br /> this Security Instcument,fust to any delinquent amow�ts appliecl in the order in paragraph 3.and then to prepaycr�r:s�t • -
<br /> : ' ' of principal. or (b) w the reswradon or repair of the damaged Property. Any applicadon of the proceeds to the '-_''.-�'��'
<br /> �`�" rinci al shall not extend or s ne the due date of the monthl ayments which are refemd to in paragrap�2,or '����'-
<br /> � 'i;.,..
<br /> =. ��• i:. P P Po� y p I���-
<br />;.`���EE;. ', • change the amount af svch payments.A�►y excess insurance proceedg over an amount requind to pay all outsta�rJ.ing __
<br /> '' � � indebtedness under the Note and this Security Inst►�ument sh�ll be paid to tlie entity legally cndtled ttiereW. -d—
<br /> ••;;y+j;;����� � � In the event of foreclosune of thia Security Insaument or other transfer of dde to tlte Pcoperty tbat eadng��'s'�h..�s �i==
<br /> ..� --
<br />-..;�,,. `.: �� tLe indebtedness, all right, eitle and interest of Bonower in and w iasurance policies in force shall pass to th� .f_=y:
<br /> ;�;�;� �t{�r—
<br /> .• • jI11TC�18SCI. �:�
<br /> S.Occapancy,Preservatlon, Maintenance and Proterdon af the ProP�'�Y3 Borrower's Loan Applicc►�tom; =�T—.
<br /> ��� • Leasehol�. Borrower shall occupy,establich.and use the Property as Borrower's principul nsidence within sixty b '�--- �
<br /> _ " , days after the eaecudon of tLis Securiry Instroment(or within sixty days of a later sale or transfer of the Pro t ) ����'
<br /> P��3' ��'�,
<br /> - � � and ,,hall continue tu occupy the Property as Borrower's principal cesidence for at least one year after the dat:of ;:':�
<br /> . � �ccupancy.unless Lender determines that mquirement will cause undue hanisHip for Borrower,or unless extenuating � �:�----�
<br />;:�•�;:'... ' circumstances exist which aze beyoud Borrower's control. Borrower shall notify Lender of any ezten�acing __
<br /> •- circumstances. 1Borrower shall not commaa waste or destroy,damage aa substantially change the Froperty or allovr th� "�_
<br />