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�� I� <br /> ��C �� ��.��.����5 �.�� ��.� � <br /> Txeeueusr�neco.+z�e� <br /> , <br /> DUPLICATE CONTRACT. <br /> �bia eontrACt made �in duplicate this 2�'th day of June, 1932, by and between FANNIE O.BUR��OD, Pirst <br /> party, and TELENA LAIRD, second party, to-wit; <br /> Th�.t for the consideration of Twenty Five Hundred Dollars (�2500) to be paid as hereinafter stated <br /> the said flrst par�Gy a�rees to sell and convey by Warr�nty Deed to the said second partq, the <br /> Pollowing described real estate, to-wit: <br /> Lot One (1) of �ounty Subdivision of Section Nlneteen (].9) in Townehip Ten (1Q) North of Ran.�e <br /> Eleven (11) , West of the 6th P.�. tn the Village of Wood River, Hall County, Nebraska. <br /> That said consideration is - to be paid as Pollowa: �20.00 caeh, and �20.00 cash on Auguat 1, 1932 ; <br /> and �20.00 on the first day oP each succeedin� month unt1l the aum of �1,000 has been paid, at <br /> which time the first party shall execute and deliver to the s�cond party a �arranty Deed, with <br /> abstr�.et showing clear title; �ub�ect to the mort�age thereon held by the Building & Loan �.sso- <br /> ciation oP �Iood River Nebraska, which mortgage the said second party assumes and agrees to pay <br /> as a part of the purchase price of this property, sub�ect also to the 1932 taxea and subaequent <br /> taxes Qnd special assessments that may be assessed agalnst the proper�y. � <br /> IT IS FURTHER AGAEED BY AND BETWEEN THE PARTIES that the second party �vill execute to the f irst <br /> party a mortg�.ge on the property at the time ehe receives a deed to the same, which mortgage shall <br /> be for the purchase price of this property, legs the �1,000 paid and also le�s the amount due on <br /> the Building & Loan mortgage, and said mortgage sh�.11 run until paid in the same manner as the <br /> paymer�ts are made before the deed is delivered and the mortga�e made. <br /> IT IS FURTH��R AGREED BY AND BETWEEI� THE PARTIES that the second party $hall keep and pay Por <br /> insurance on the residence on said property in the sum of $ . <br /> IT IS FURTH�.�R AGREED BY AND BET��EEN THE PARTTES that the aecond party shall keep the residence <br /> in good repair. <br /> IT IS FURTHER AGREED By AND BETWEEN THE PARTIES that if �he second party fails �o make the pay- ' <br /> ments within 30 days, that she shall forfeit all her right, title and interest in the property, ' <br /> and will deliver posseesion to the first party peaceably, and the first party ahall be entitled ; <br /> to take immediate possession oP the property without ob�ections from the second party. <br /> IT IS FURTHER AGREED BY AND BETYdEEN THE PAHTIES that the second party shall have possession of ; <br /> said property August I, 1932. <br /> I IT IS FURTHER AGREED B� AND BETWEEN THE PARTIES hereto that the second party shall not assign ; <br />� nor in any manner encumber this contract, without the written consent of the first party. <br />� IT IS FURTHER AGREED BY AND BETVVEEAT THE PARTIES hereto that the terma and conditiona oP thia <br /> ex eutors administrators and aesi ns of the rea ecstive , <br /> the heir e , � P <br /> con'�ract shall be binding on �, <br /> parties. <br /> In �itness of; Fannie O.Burmood <br /> E.B.Persson First Barty � <br /> TeZena La3rd <br /> 9econd Par�y <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) Be it remembered that on this � day of duly, 1932, before me, the <br /> )ss. <br /> �.Q�I�ITi'v�F HALL ) undersigned, a Notary Public, in and for said county, persona2ly <br /> appeared the above named FANNIE O.BUR�d00D and TELENA LAIRD, to me personally known to be identi�al <br /> persone �ho executed the �oregoing, and they each acknowledged the same to be their voluntary <br /> act and �1eed. ' <br /> WITNESS my hand and Notarial Seal the day and year last above written. <br /> E.B.Pereson <br /> (SEAL) Notary Publia <br /> C6mmi,ssion expires Febr. 6, 193�- <br /> Filed for record this 7th day of Oetober, 1936, at 3;�+0 o 'clock P.�. ����� � <br /> � Register oP Deeds�'��' <br /> o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-c�-o-o-o-o-o-o-c�-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-�-o-o-o-o-o-o-o_o-o-o-o-o-o_o-;�-o-o-o_o-o-o-o_o.. <br />
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