<br /> �� �� ���Al�l �� �J � ��� ���J �
<br /> TNE AU6UlTINf CO.12787
<br /> KNOW ALL MEN- BY THESE FRESENTS: That I, the undersigned, Arthur C.�ayer and Elizabeth �.yer, hus-
<br /> band and wiPe, of the County of Hall, State of Nebraska, fo� and in consideration oP Five Thoueand
<br /> and 00/100 Dollars, as a loan in hand paid to Arthur C.l�ayer by the Equitable Building and Loan
<br /> Asaociation, of Grand I�land,Nebraeka, a corporation, and other good and valuable consideration,
<br /> the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do hereby assign, t ransfer and set over to said Associa-
<br /> tion, as callateral security for the duration oP the loan, all the rents, income and profita accru-
<br /> ing u�on the following described property, situated in the County of Hall, 3tate o� Nebraska, to-
<br /> wit;- Lot One (1) in Block Sixty-Ei�ht (6�) , Orlginal Town, now City of Grand Island,Nebraska.
<br /> All of� Lot Five (5� , except a strip oP ground in the South-Easterl.y corner thereof, with a frontage
<br /> of Two (2) feet on Third Street and extending Northerly a distance of Eighty-Four (�4) feet; and the
<br /> Northerly Forty-Eight (�) feet of the {�eeterly T�venty-Tvro (22) feet of Lot Six (6) - Sub�ect to
<br /> an easement over the Easterly Twelve (12) feet thereoP - all in Block Fifty-Three in the Original �
<br /> Tawn, now City, of Grand Island, Nebraska, as said lvts are surveyed, platted and recorded.
<br /> And I hereby authorize and empower The Equitable Building and Loan Association, of Grand Island,
<br /> i
<br /> Nebraska, its authorized agents and attorneys, to act for me, and rent the above deecribed premises,
<br /> and in my place collect a.nd receipt for said rent, at such prices and upon such terrns as they may
<br /> see Pit. -
<br /> This assignment of rent being made for the exprese purpose of having said revenue applied to the
<br /> repayment of the above mentioned loan.
<br /> Said Asaociation may, in its discretion, use the rents so far as they may deem necessary, for the
<br /> purpose of ma.king sueh repairs upon the premises, as in ite �udgment , may be proper and may use
<br /> said rents so Par as necessary Por the payment ot insurance premiums and taxes upon said premises.
<br /> It shall a,lso have authority to deduat from said rents a fair compensation, to be payable to sa�.d
<br /> Associatian's agente, for servicee rendered in the colleetion ot' said rents; the balanee to be
<br /> applied upon the pa�ment of monthly inatallmente upon eaid loan.
<br /> Dated at Grand Island, Nebraska, this 2� day of Sept. 1936.
<br /> Witness:
<br /> Florence V.Myera Arthur C.Yayer
<br /> Elizabeth �ayer
<br /> $tate of Nebraska ) On this 2� day of Sept. 1936, bePore me, the underaigned, a Notar� Public,
<br /> �88• -
<br /> Hall County ) in and for said County, personally came Arthur C.�ayer and EliZabeth Mayer _�
<br /> who are personally known to me to be the 13entical peraons whose names are aYfixed to the above
<br /> inetrument as grantors, and they acknowledged the same to be their voluntary aat and deed.
<br /> Witness m h�,nd and Notarial Seal the date a�oresaid.
<br /> Y
<br /> Florence V.1�yers
<br /> (SEAL) Notary Public
<br /> My commisaion expires Auguat 27, 1937. � -
<br /> .oY�,,,
<br /> Filed Por record this 29th day of� September, 1.936, at 1.1:15 o�clock A.9�. �-�"��,L�
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<br /> =��u-' .a-�- " ��l�.uc ,����� ,5 �9- - n¢�� Re g i s t er of e e s �
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<br /> � ASSI4NMENT OF RENTS ' � �
<br /> � KNOW ALL �EN BY THE3E PRESENTS: That we, the undersi�ned, we denny smith, formerly Jennie GriPPSn,
<br /> � ' and Edward 8mith, Wife and Husband of County of Hall State of Nebraska, for and in consideration
<br /> �
<br /> oP Thirty Eight Hundxed and l�0/100 DOLLARS, to us a�� a loan 2n hand paid by the DAVID CITY BUILDING
<br /> � avid it Butler Count State of N'ebraska and other ood and valuable
<br /> � AriTD LOAI� ASSOCIATION, of D C y, Y, � 6
<br /> _� conaideration, the receipt whereoP is hereby aeknowledged, do hereby assign, transYer, and set �
<br /> over to the DAVID CITY BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATI�N, as collateral eecurity Por said loan, for
<br /> so long as eaid Ioan or any part thereoP remains un�aid, the rente and revenue accruing Por the
<br /> � period of the duration of' the loan above mentioned, upon the follo�uing descrihed property situated
<br />�
<br />, . _
<br />