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8 <br /> 1V�g �� ]E��A.�T�E��JS �.�EC ��� � <br /> THEAUGUfTiN[C0.72787 � +�� � . � '��� �� <br /> �asement for a 33 � transmis�ion Iine looated over and aarose the �ast Half of the l�ortheast <br /> Quaxter (3� NE�) and that part of the Boutheast Quarter (gE�) lying nor�Gheaet of the Chicago, <br /> Burlington and Qui�cy Rai.lroad in Secti.on 15 ,Township 11 North,Range 9 West of the 6th p.M. , Hall <br /> f3ounty,Nebraska. . - <br /> The center line of said transmission line enters the above described lands at a point on the east <br /> line of Section 15 ,which point is 600.5 feet south of the east quarter corner of 9ectian 15;thence <br /> continues northwesterly parallel to and 112,�4 feet avray from the center line of the main line of <br /> the C.B.� Q.R.R. a di�atance of 1317.3 feet to a point on the edge of a 66 foot wide strip of land <br /> belongfng to the City of Grand Island,angles acroes this strip s dista,�ce of 1�.� feet,*here it <br /> reentere the lands pf Leo 9tuhr,continuing northwesterly,on the same line parallel to the ra,ilroe�d, <br /> a d3.stance of 31.2 feet to the po�nt of leaving the above described lands,Ahich point is on the <br /> west line of the East Ha].f of the Northeast Quarter of 9ection 15,a,nd ie north of the east and <br /> trest center line of section 15 a distance of �0 feet. <br /> The s�ruvturea axe located along,at right anglee to,and centered on the above described center <br /> line and are loca,ted aa followe: Th� First etructure is located 523.1 feet from the point of <br /> entering Section 15;thence continuing northweeterly a distanoe of 5�p feet to the second and ].e,et <br /> atruoture located on the above desaribed lands belonging to Leo Stuhr.T'he locsation of the above <br /> described center line and the strueturee thereon a,re shown on the location plst a part of <br /> the petition and identifi�ed by the number G.�.�, <br /> Hoth struc�ures are two pole,tqpe H-33-A etructures�as ehown on dra,wing E7-32,marked Exhibit aA" . <br /> and Yind and assess damagee as follo�►s.- <br /> Total Damages #90.00 <br /> �Inoluding the first 5 trees north of C.B.� Q. Railraad track,arid orop damage. ) <br /> Dated a,t Grand Island,Ha11 County,Nebra,ska�this 14th �1ay of Auguet,l936• . . <br /> John F.Donovan <br /> rcus Corne ue <br /> Ru o ,���'.Bo <br /> �e`nr �.�Ia .'.[3or� <br /> ar e s .Hau�t <br /> tn the County Court of Hall County,Nebraska <br /> �ert if i cate <br /> State of Nebraska, <br /> ss. I�Paul N.Kirk County Jud�e of Hall �ounty,Nebresga,do hereby certify <br /> Hall County <br /> that I have compared the f or egoing copy o� R�"P�$� QF APPRpI�ffi����a the <br /> �atter of the Applieation of Platte Valley Public Por�er and Irrigation Distriot,� Public Corpore,t- <br /> ion,to acquire Ri�ht of �1ay by easemen� across landa situete in Hall County,Nebraska,owned bq <br /> Leo B.Stuhr,9ingle, with the original record thereof,nou remaining in said Govr t,that the eame is <br /> a correct tranac�ipt thereof,and of the whole of suah ori�ina,l re.cord;that said Court ie a Court <br /> of Record having a seal,which seQl is hereto attached;that said Court has no Olerk authoritied to <br /> r�ign certif ica�ee� in his own name,and that I am the legal custodian of eaid Seal and of the Records <br /> of said Court, and that the foregoing attestation is in due f orm of law. <br />� In Testimony tNhereof I have hereunto set my hand and a,ffixed the seal of the Oountq Court,a,t <br /> (�xand Island,this 15th day of Au�zst �936. <br /> (S�AL) Paul �.girk � <br /> ✓" County dudge <br /> �iled for record this 22 day of 9eptem�rer,1936,e,t 11:30 o�vlook A.M. <br /> �,���,�� <br />� eg ster o e e <br />�I -o--o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o--o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-c�-o-o-o-o-o-oro-o-cr-o-o-o-o-o-o-o--o-c�-o-a-a-mo�.o-o-o- <br />