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<br /> 11�g ���E��A.�T���JS ��EC ��.� S
<br /> TXEAUGUfTIN[C0.12787 . .
<br /> R�PORT OF APPRAIS�'RS: � •
<br /> In the Adatter of the Application
<br /> of Ple,ttc Valley Public Power and
<br /> Irrigation Distriot,a Public
<br /> Oorporation,tv acquire Ri�;ht of 1�ay
<br /> by Easement across lande situate
<br /> in Hall County,N'ebraska,by eminent
<br /> domain for the purpose of erecting
<br /> power transmission lines in connection
<br /> with works oF Internal Improvement °
<br /> B�ing that part of the � of the
<br /> NE� o� 8eo.23 ,T 11 N,R 9 �P of the
<br /> 6th P.M. not owned by the C.B � Q.R.R. ,
<br /> a,nd part oF the S�� of the sE� of
<br /> Secti.on 1�,T 11 N, R 9 1� of the 6th P.M.
<br /> �eta Stelek,Bingle,0�ner Daniel Baa,sch�
<br /> Tenant,and Detlef Stelck,Tenant on )
<br /> nor th p i ec e of land. )
<br /> �e,the undersigned,dulq qualified and commieeioned appraisera,appointed by the County Judge of
<br /> Ha,ll County,Nebraska,in the above entitled ma�ter to assese the dama�es to the lands hereina,fter
<br /> described by reason of a permanent easement acquired by the above named a,pplicant to occupy and
<br /> cross said Zande with a 33 Kv electric Power Transmiseion line,and to maintain same,do hereby
<br /> report that at the hour desi�nated in our summons,we appeared upon the landa designeted as Tract
<br /> �o.3,owned bq Meta Stelek,single,and described as follow�,to-�it:-
<br /> TRACT �to.3.
<br /> Description of Eaeement
<br /> . Crossing Lands Belongin� to
<br /> M�TA 3TELCK _
<br /> Being that part of the Eeet Fialf of the Northeaet Quarter of 8ection 23,�ovrnship 11 �orth,Rs,nge
<br /> 9 west,not oRned by the Chicago,Burlington and Quincy Railroa,d,and part of the 8outhwest Quarter ,
<br /> of the 8outh�e�st Quarter of Seotion 14,Township 11 �Torth,Range 9 '�est,all in Hall Oounty:Nebra�ka�
<br /> �asemen.t for a 33 KV transmission line loeated over and acrmse that part of the East l�lf oY the
<br /> Northeaet Qu�x ter (� NE�) of :3ection 23 ,Towns�hip 11 North,Range 9 Weat of the 6th P.�. ,Hall .
<br /> Countq,Nebra,ska,not owned by the Chicago,Burlington and Quinoq Ra.ilroad,and part of the 8outhwe�at
<br /> Que,rter of the Southeast Qu�,rter ( SVP� 9��) of 9ection 1�,Township 11 North,Range 9 �Pest of the
<br /> 6th p.M. ,Hsll County,Nebraeka. ' �
<br /> Z'he center line of eaid transmission line enters the above described lande at a point on the righ� ,
<br /> of waq of the Chicago,Burlington and Quinvy �ailro�,d,uhiah point is located weaterlq from the eas�
<br /> line of Section 23 along eaid railroad right of way line a distance of 310 feet,more or less;
<br /> thence bears northwesterly parallel to and 112.��# feet distant from the center line of the main
<br /> track of the Chicago,Burlington and GZuincy Railroa,d a dietanoe of 954 fest,more or less,to the '
<br /> poi�t af leaving Seotion 23;thence oontinuing nor�h�vesterlq parallel to and 112.�4 f eet diatant
<br /> fram the main line of the C.B.& Q.R.R.a dietance of 5�1 f eet to the point of enteriz� the eecond pieee
<br /> of land desoribed above,�►hieh point f s at the oenter of a slough serving as the divieion of prop-
<br /> erty;thence continuing northwesterlq parallel to the railroad,as described a,bove,e. distance of
<br /> 1fJ25 feet,more or leea,to the point of leaving the above described lands, which point is on the
<br /> aor th and south center line of 8ectioa l� and 667.4 feet north of the south quarter aorner of
<br /> �
<br /> Section 1�.
<br /> The etructures are located along,at r ight arigles to,�nd centered on the above described center
<br /> line,and are lo�ated as follows: The first e�ructure ie loc3ated 220 feet from the point of enter- ,
<br /> ing the above described lands in 3ection 23;thenee continuing northwesterly a, distance of 612 f eet
<br /> to the seeond Btructure;thence continuing northwe�terly a distanee of 124� f ee� to the th�rd and
<br /> last etructure located on the above described lands of Yeta Stelek,whiah etructure ie 545 feet
<br /> from the point of entering the above described lands in 9ection 14. The loca,tion of the a,bove
<br />