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5�_� <br /> �� SC���A�T���7S �3�� 0�.� � <br /> _ __ __ _ _ _ _ <br /> __ __ __ _ _ _ _____--- <br /> TMEqUGUSTINECU -�I6U6 _.-_ ._�___-- - - - --- <br /> "'__._._-..'_'_ -._� ...'_"__.._ .._..__.._.. .. __..._.._"__ __`__'�"'-..__ "_.� <br /> �' �i <br /> 'REPORT OF APPRAISERS._ - l; <br /> IN TI3E COUATTY OF HALL C4UNTY, NEBRASKA. �` <br /> i, <br /> �!APPEAI� FOR THE APPOINTI�ENT OF APPRA.ISERS } HA.LL COUNTY,NEBRA�KA �; <br /> TO APPRAI5E THE VALUE OF LAND NEEDED FOR FILE� '! <br /> �; THE PURP�SE OF A DRAINAGE DITCH Il� HALL REP�RT OF APPRAI�3EFL3 No`�• 9� 1935 � <br /> ; COUNTY, NEBRASKA, RE6HOVING OBSTRUCTZON3 Paul N.Kirk � <br /> THEREON, REPAIRING SAME AND PR�VSD�ZN� ) APP�INTED HEREIN County Jud�e. ,� <br /> !` PROPEA DRAINAGE, AND PROVTDIATG FOR A � " <br /> �dEANS OF EATTRANCE AND EXIT FfJR THE PUR- <br /> INING AND REPAIAING SAID ) ,� <br /> POSE OF MAINTA � <br /> DITCH AND TO APPRAISE DA�dAGES. � � <br /> ( � szx�ar�n�, et al ) -- � �; <br /> �: <br /> We, the undersigned, duly and legally qualified a.nd commiss3oned appraisers, appointed by the ;! <br /> � �; <br /> County Judge of Hall County, Nebraska, in the above entitled matter �o appraise the value of land; <br /> and a8sess the cl.�mages to the ownera thereof by reason of the ,taking and appropriating by said . <br /> r; <br /> � <br /> Hall County, Nebrask�, �or the -pu�pose of construeting and maintaining a drainage ditch th�u and �i <br /> ;, <br /> aeross th� land owned by Emma Bixemann, a widow, Gladys Stroshein and Frank H.S�roshein, h�r hus ,� <br /> ! band, and deacribed as f ollows, to-wit; '' <br /> '� <br /> ' " 1� eertain tract, consisting vf two parcels, one in the East Half (E�) of the Northeast q,uarter <br /> (NE�) of Seetion Twelve (12) , Townahip Ten (10) North, Aange F�.��te�l (11) ,West, and one in the ,. <br /> ! �est Half (1��) of the Nor�thwest Quarter (N�4) of Seetior� 3ev�n (7) ,TovPnBhip Ten (14) ,North,Ran�e ;� <br /> Ten (10) �est, being more particularly deseribed as a point beginning on the Aior�th Bank of Wood � <br /> River, 1557 feet South a.nd �2 feet East of the IJorth�iest Corner of Section 5even (7) ,To�nahip <br /> iTen (1�) ,North, Range Ten (10) , �Yest; running thence due RTorth parallel with the �fest line of sai�. <br /> Sectlon Seven (7} , 167 feet; running thence North Ten (10) degrees 59� minute� �eet, 27� Peet, to,; <br /> a point 29 feet East of the Wes� line o� Said Seetion Seven (7� ; running thence �Torth �5 degree� i� <br /> �� 47 minutes West, 40 Peet, to a point on the West line o�' said 3ectlon Seven t7) ,b�ing 10�� feet ;i <br /> South of the Northweat corner of said Section Seven (7) � running �hence North �5 d��rees 7 min '; <br /> utes West, 1�F0 feet; running thenc� North �+5 de�rees East, 135 feet, to a point on the �'est line �; <br /> � of said Seetior� Seven (7) , being 944 P�et South of�h� Nor�thwest eorner of eaid Sect•ion Seve� (7)�" <br /> running thence due East 15 feet; rur�ning t�nne parallel with the �'est Iine oP said Seetior� Sever� i� ' <br /> ', (7) , 162 feet; running thenc� South 45 d�grees ��7 minutes East, 5E� feet; running therrce South 10 ° <br /> degrees 59� minutes Eas�, 290 �eet; running thenee due South parallel �rith the ��st line of said �; <br /> � ��etion 3even (7) , 170 Peet, to a point on '�h� North Bank of' �ood River; runnirx� thenEe due V►est ' <br /> ;; 0 �eet, to a place of beginning,�and containing 0.619 aeres, .217 acree bein� in the East �ne-ha�.f <br /> ; �E�) of the Northeast quarter (�1E4) 3ection Twelve (12) , Township Ten, Nor�h, R�,nge Elenen (11), i�. <br /> . %est and .402 aeres being the the �7est Half (�V�) of the Northwest quarter (Nl��) ,Seetion Seven (7�� <br /> `� North,� Ten (10) ,West, all in Hall County, Nebraska. � • �' <br /> I;. <br /> ,; <br /> � And we do find and assess the value ot' said land ta.ken and the damages accruing to said ownera �` <br /> i� <br /> ':� to be as fall.ows: � ;� <br /> - ;� <br /> ; <br /> ; VALUE OF LAND AT �100.00 per acre 61 0 � ; <br /> � Dama$es to land 103.14 .10 <br /> ; Total amount asseesed l .DO <br /> � � ;�� <br /> ;� Dated at Grand Island,ATebraska, this 9th day oP November, 1935• ;� <br /> �� <br /> ' �"red J.�iller �:�►illia.m �icLellan �' <br /> ;:. <br /> Chas. I.�cAllistsr _, �' <br /> �� . <br /> ' <br /> IN THE C�UNTY CDURT OF HALL COUI�TY, NEBRASKA ;; <br /> CEF3TIFICATE. ii <br /> ; <br /> ;. <br />` ' STA�E OF' RTEBRASKA ) �! <br /> )ss. �: <br /> ' ' HALL COUNTY ) '� <br /> ', I, Paul N.K3rk, County Judge of Hall County, Nebraska, do hEreby certify that I have compared th�; <br /> �! Poregoing a>py of Report of Appraisers IN THE MATTER OF THE CONDF�tATION OF LAND DESC�IBED AS "A �i <br /> �, <br /> , <br /> � Certain traQt, consisting vf t�do parcels, one3n the East �alf (��) of the Afiortheast (�1E�) o� <br /> �i <br /> � <br /> Seetion Twelv�. (I2) , Township Ten (10), Nort�i, Range Ezeven (11) 1�est, and one in the West F3a1P ;� <br /> '� <br /> � <br /> ! (�i�) of the �dorthwest Quarter (N�s) of Section 7, To�vnship 10, North, Range 10, �est, in Hall �! <br /> �. <br /> � <br /> ,: <br /> ;; County, N�braska, and more pa.rtieularly descrlb�d i�, the Reportp belonging to Emma Bixenmann, i; • <br /> �, �. • <br /> ;; et al. with the original record thereof, no� remaining ir� said Court, that the same ia a eorrect ;� <br /> a � <br /> '" transcript thereof, and of the whole of sueh original record; that �aid Court is a Court of Reco�jd <br /> ;: <br /> ;� h�.ving a seal, which seal is hereto attached; that said Court has no Clerk authorized to sigri ,� <br /> �� <br /> ;i, ce�ti.Picates in his own name, and that I am the legal custodian of said Seal and of the Records �IP , <br /> :� � <br /> �" said Court,and that �he foregoingattestation ia in due Porm of law. !� <br /> ; i,, <br /> ' IN TE�TIB��NY V�HERE�F I have hereunto set my hand and aFf ixed the seal of the County Court at �; , <br /> ! Grand Isl�.nd, this 2�th day of Deoember, 1935• I; • <br /> ' Paul N.Kirk ' <br /> , <br /> �� - <br /> (sEAL) County Jud.�e � ; <br /> 'i Filed Por record this 2�+ day of Dec�mber, 1935, �t 1�:3� o 'clock A.�. �/ �; <br /> i' ���-� �-/✓r .� <br /> ;i ,,:�,, �e� ster of.Deeds �; � <br /> � !� � <br />