��� ��( �T � T
<br /> l�Y�l� ������ d.�l �� �.J � ��� ��� �
<br />-- ____ -------- ___. . __ _ -_ __.__ _ __. _.,_---- --------__—_..--_..--- --------__---____�.- v.-_----_ --_-------._ _J �
<br /> rxeaucusnxtco -7606
<br /> ' ' — — -
<br /> ---- ------- _,___ _ _..._ _ __ ___.----_ -- _ —
<br /> r � . ol ,e -��-�y /P u3 :5i.r s' !C',�Yl, i
<br /> 'i Jin. �a.GruL//�: �cw��� �G A . Nl2l[Lu � � ��
<br /> ��ASSIGNMEN`.F OF RE1VT5 /� ����.: � . � fj-���o,..k... �o� a :1,.....,o-�--c.-,.,._.�,e...,..,.,. ��� �Z�_h-�ti�. '!�
<br /> r�, a�.-��.�,. o,....�a,.-E.:.�=� �,
<br /> ;;WHEREAS, the Nebraska Loan and Trust Company oP Grand Island, Nebraska, a corporation, holds a i;
<br /> i;mortgage in the sum o�' Three Thousand Dollars (��000.00) on the following described premises,to-w3�t :
<br /> �
<br /> „
<br /> ;',The South Hal�' of the Northeast q,uarter (S2 NE4) oP Section Thirty-t�vo ( 32) ,Township Ten (10) , No�ith
<br /> '`o�' Range Eleven (lI) , West of the 6th P.�. Hall Co. , Nebr. �;
<br /> t� �
<br /> ��
<br /> on whieh the principal, taxea and inter�st are past due, a,nd ''
<br /> _ 'i
<br /> '''�IiEREA5 the underaigned has agreed that all rents received Prom said premises shall be applied upc�n
<br /> ';the delinquent ta�ces and interest and when those are paid, any balance remaining to be applied on �;
<br /> �:
<br /> �, said principal. Said Trust Company to make all rental collections.
<br /> ;�
<br /> NOW THEREFORE, in coneidera'Gion of One Dollar (�1.00) in hand paid by the Neb�aska Loan and Trustj;
<br /> �;
<br /> ,;
<br /> '�Company, receipt whereoP is hereby ackno�vledged, the undersigned does hereby assign our interest ':
<br /> : to the Nebraska Loan and Trust Company, of all rents �hieh are received f'rom the growing crops ;�
<br /> ,; ,
<br /> `� thereon, said rents to be applied by the l�ebraska Loan and Trust Company upon the delinquent in- j'
<br /> ,,
<br /> ' tere4t and taxes and upon principal o� said loan. This assignr�nt ahall be a eontinuous assign- i'.
<br /> ':i
<br /> ment and shall remain in full force and effect until such time� when all� interest, taxes and prin- ';
<br /> '; cipal which are past due are fully paid, the intention hereo� to be to secure the payment of said ��
<br /> :; interest, taxes and principal �vith the entire rental share received by the undersigned from 'Ghe
<br /> ;� i�
<br /> �"above dEgc�ibed pre�ise$. j!
<br /> �1 ;
<br /> ;iiTh�.s assignment is made upon condit�.on that when all delinquent interest, taxes and prineipal havq;
<br /> ,
<br /> �ibeen paid the same shall be cancelled, released and r�turned to the undersi$ned. !`
<br /> �.�
<br /> ��Dated thia 30 day of November, 1935• ` .
<br /> ; ' Gertrude �illi�,me ��
<br /> ' WITNESS; Caxl S�illi�,ms
<br /> A.�.Hamilton ?
<br /> ,'
<br /> - - ��
<br /> '�Filed Por record this 5 day of December, 1.935, at 9:30 o�clock A.M. �i
<br /> �����'-�� �� ��
<br /> �� ,,
<br /> �
<br /> Register of Deeds
<br /> �
<br /> ;o_o-o-o-o-o-o_o_o_o-�-�o�-.�-�-o-o-o-o-o-o-v_o�-o-o-o_o-o-o_o_o-o_o-o_o_o-�-o_o-o-o-�_o-o-o_o_o-o��
<br /> 'ASSIGNR�ENT OF RENTS. �/� a��."�.��pr�.,�.�� � ��.��.���.� �_o ��„�� ���`.�"��i�r�3 � 9.�ub e c�.m. �;
<br /> �; ��c��'v�"� ��-�.` �'s�'e`e° {,z�-�A,. ►��, � a.._ a 9-.....4fi�-,--�-�a-,-...�.5 e,...-.i ��,.�[-�!-��V.,,_. �.� ?
<br /> i � P d�. (�3�,.�, a -1 rs., o��. �,��.., .Q���._..,.�
<br /> �WHEREAS the Nebraska Lo� and Trust��pany of Grand Island,Nebraska, a corporation,' holds a mort�;
<br /> ,�gage in the sum of EighteEn Hundred Dollars (�1�00.00) on the �'olloeving described premises, to-v�it�;;
<br /> „
<br /> �+The South Half of the Northeast Quarter (S� NE�) o� Seetion Thirty-two (32) ,Township Ten (10) , '
<br /> !North of R�.nge Eleven (I1) , West of the 6th P.�. , Hall Co. , Nebr. ,
<br /> ;;
<br /> ;The South�vest Quarter of the �outheast 4uarter ($VY� 3E�) oP Section Seven (7) ,Township �iine (9} , �
<br /> iNorth of Range Eleven (Il� , VPest of the 6th P.Bd. Hall Co. , Nebr. i'
<br /> �� �r
<br /> 'The Southeast Quarter of the So�.�h�rest Quarter (SE� 51��) of Section Seven (7) ,Toevnship Nine (9} , ,, �
<br /> ;;North of Range Eleven (11) , We�t of the 6th P.I�. HaIZ Co. Nebr. ; - . ,,
<br /> ,
<br /> ;
<br /> ,';on which the principal, taxes and interest are past due, and �
<br /> .
<br /> ��WHEREAS the undersigned has agreed that alI rents received from said premises shall be ap�lied upa.�
<br /> ithe delinquent taxes and interest and when those are paid, any balance remaining to be applied on �!
<br /> IM �
<br /> �!said principal, Said Trust Company to make a11 ren�al colleetions, ji
<br /> ,
<br /> ��
<br /> '�NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of One Doll.ars (�1.00) in hand paid by the Atebraska Loan and Trus'��
<br /> ;� . ;0
<br /> '�Company, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, the undersigned does hereby asslgn our interest j; y
<br /> ,
<br /> '�to the Nebraska Loan an� Trust Company, of aIl rents which are r�ceived from the �rowing crops the��e-
<br /> ,�
<br /> ;;on, said rents to be applied by the Nebraska Loan and Trust C�mpany upon the delinquent 3ntere�t �`
<br /> ;��
<br /> �:
<br /> ;and taxes and upon principal of said loan. This assignment shal.l be g continuous aasignment and :�
<br /> '.
<br /> ;shall rem�.in in fu11 force and effect until such time when all interest, taxes and prin�ipal whieY�;
<br /> ,�
<br /> �, ';
<br /> �are past due are fully paid, the intention hereof to be to secure the payment of' said interest, i'
<br /> �
<br /> , ;i
<br /> ��taxes nd rinci al with the entire rental ahare received b the undersi ned from the abo -
<br /> �, a P P Y g ve des
<br /> ;'
<br /> ,; �;
<br /> �cribed premises. , �:
<br /> ;;This asslgnm�n� is made upon cond3�ion that when all delinquent interest, taxes and principal have!;
<br /> ;!been paid the same shall be cancelled, released and returned to the. undersi�ned.
<br /> 'IDated thiv 30 � rlay of l�overnbe�, _1g35. t �(
<br /> �IWITNES S:
<br /> '� A.W.HamSlton � Gertrude Williams �
<br /> �I
<br /> Ira C.�'illiams
<br /> ;;
<br /> ;�Filed for reeord this 5th day of December, 1935, at 9:30 0�clock A.�d. vs���--� �-�-�-L� i'
<br /> !' Register of e�eds
<br /> ;�
<br />, il � � � � � � � i;
<br />