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<br /> �� ���� JI.O� 1�J �� �.J � ��� ��� �
<br /> �__________----____. _ ______-- ... _ --._.__---__.__..___--.---------------
<br /> _ .. -- -----_�__-------------
<br /> fHERUGUSTINECO -�]F)OG �� ^`
<br /> „
<br /> ifassignment, and ackno�uledged the execution thereof to be -his free, voluntary �,et and deed as suchi.
<br /> � President, and the free , voluntary act and, deed of the Br�.dstreet & Clemens Company, g�d that the�,
<br /> ;; ;
<br /> ;; corporate seal of said Bradstreet & Clemen8 Company was hereto aPPixed by its authority.
<br /> � IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto sub�cribed my name and aPPixed my notarial seal at Grand Islan�.,
<br /> ;
<br /> � HaII �ounty, Nebraska, on the day and year last writte n above. "
<br /> ; �►.P.Lauritsen ,
<br /> ( SEAL) Notary Fublie � `�'
<br /> �''
<br /> '; My eommission expires: Dec. 1�+, 1g39. .
<br /> i!
<br /> !� ;�
<br /> ,; Reeeived a copy of the above assi�nment this 12 da.y of November, A.D, , 1935•
<br /> :',
<br /> li The Grand Island Livestock i;
<br /> ';; Commission �Company ;;
<br /> By John Torpey '
<br /> Its President. `'
<br /> 'i .
<br /> � Filed Por reeord this 12th day of November, 1935, at �F:30 o 'clock P.�. . �!
<br /> '' � ,�
<br /> '� '� Register of eeds i!
<br /> ,i
<br /> 0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0--0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-�J-0-0-0-0�-0
<br /> ,
<br /> ', RENTAL AGREE�dENT. �i
<br /> ;; . . �i
<br /> � KNOW ALL A�EN BY THE�E PRESENTS: That, the undersigned, '�illiam H.Powell and Dorothy M.Powell, �'
<br /> i;
<br /> �' husb�.nd and wiPe, of the County of Hall and S'Cate of Nebraska, for and in consideration af a Loan,�
<br /> �i
<br /> ,� of �3000.�0 made by the Occidental Buil.ding and Loan Association of �maha, ATebraska, and other ii
<br /> �; good and valuable consideration, the rece3.pt of which is hereby ackno�vledged, hereby grant and ;;
<br /> "! co nvey to said Association full po�rer and authority, through ita authorized agenta and a ttorneys,li
<br /> '" to rent the premises hereinafter dea cribed, or any part thereof, by oral or wr�tten lease, Prom if
<br /> ;i fi
<br /> '� month to month or for a term, and to collec� and receipt f'or said rent monthlg, or in any other �'
<br /> ;; ,
<br /> i; m�,nner, as said Association and its authorized agents may deem best, and in de�ault of th� paymen�
<br /> ; �,
<br /> �s of said rent or any part thereo�, to proceed in the n�,me oP the owners oP sald premises, to r�cov�r
<br /> � �t
<br /> \�� sa3d rent by a suit at law or in equity in such manner as said aesociation �ay deem best; and to '
<br />�� o er ossession of said remises in the name oP �
<br /> ,; commenee and prosecute actiona to rec v p p and at the
<br /> �; ;i
<br /> N;, expense of the owners thereof; and the undersigned further assign, tranaPer, and set over ta said��
<br /> ,; �
<br /> i�
<br /> 4 Association ae eollateral security for said loan Por so long as sald loan or ariy part thereof r�e-;;
<br /> � �;
<br /> \,; mains unpaid, the net proeeeds arising from said rents and revenue aecruing f'or the period of the!!
<br /> , �,
<br /> i;
<br /> � duration of s•aid loan above mentioned from the f ollowing described premises eituated in the Count�r
<br /> ; ;�
<br /> '� of Hall and State of Nebraska, t o-�vSt: �'
<br /> �;
<br />��, Lot Five (5) Block Forty-one (41) in Charles S�asmer�s �econd Additian; and Lots Three t3) ,Four(�)I;
<br /> ; Five (5) and Six (6) , in Block One (1) , of Dawn Addition, and Blocka One (1) and 'I'wo(�} oP Giese '�
<br /> '� South Lawn Addition, both in the City of Grand Island, as surveyed, platted and reeorded. `;
<br /> �
<br /> i
<br /> !i Thia a�reement is made for the expreas purpose oP having the net proceeds f'rom the ren� and incomj�
<br /> ;, �.
<br /> i;
<br /> '; colleeted hereunder applied to the payments of princip�l, interest and Pines on the loan above ;
<br /> ;,
<br /> I,
<br /> ;i de�cribed, as agreed in said note and mortga�e to b� paid ta said Assoclation, and �.t is agreed �i
<br /> �� ��
<br /> �:
<br /> � that said Associa.tion shall firat be reimbursed f or all sums paid Por collection �ees and f or all;'
<br /> , �,;
<br /> ;; eosts, fees and expenses in protecting said premisee and i�2 recovering poasession thereof from !!
<br /> ,, �;
<br /> �
<br /> '�; delinquent tenants or other persons. . "
<br /> ,,
<br /> ;�
<br /> ,;
<br /> � Said Association may, in its diacretion, use the rents so far as necessary for the purpose of;�
<br /> ' making such repairs upon the premises as in its �ud�ment may be proper, and may use said rents so��
<br /> ;�
<br /> " far as neees�ary for the payment of insuranee prer�iuma, taxes and assessments upon said premisee,;;
<br /> ; or any other payments to be made by the undersigned under the terms of' the note ar�d mortga�e men-ii
<br /> �:' tioned above, the balance to be applied upon the payment of monthly dues, intere�t and fines on if
<br /> 'i ,f
<br /> - ,;
<br /> �� said certifieate and loan. � ''! �
<br /> !;
<br /> �i It i9 Purther agreed that said Associatlon shall in no case be liable for the Pailure to procure 's
<br /> ;i tenants for said premises or Pon Pailure to aollect rents from said tenants, or failure to p�ose ''
<br /> ;; �i
<br /> ;', cute actions to recover possession oP said premises, or for any. damages in handling said rent ��
<br /> �,
<br /> ;,
<br /> �;
<br /> ';; accvunts and in caring for said premises or any paxt thereof. ;; ;
<br /> i�
<br /> �
<br /> �i ,
<br />, il L
<br />