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., ._.,- ..___. : _.. <br /> ! ."'!+'f`7 � I <br /> �� ���������� V � � ��� ��� . � <br />----------__.---..-...------ - --.._..._. __ ._. . _... . _. __ ._.___. . _ . . ---.. .. . ..__--- - -- ,._ . .__.�_�.-- ---------- °------.�_�.� .�.�_...�------. <br /> TNF�UGUfTINECO.-7GO6 � ` <br /> -�__.-___.�.___._._-_.____'___..._ ._.__..__._ ..__'._... .__-.._._-.__..�"".-�-'_. .__.__� _.._��-.__--__..r._._�-�.�.._ '_'- --�- _ <br /> i; I) <br /> � of the legal o�vner and holder who shall thereupvn be entitled to a11 the remedies afforded b� ( <br /> , ii <br /> the above deearibed note and mortgage. � �! <br /> , Il� t�fITNESS wHEREOF, The eaid I�arq E.Connor, Admx. , B�az'y E.Connor, @Pidow, and Carolyn Connor �; <br /> Stephens and R.E.Stephens, her husband have hereunto set theSr hands and seal$ this 12th day of '! <br /> � <br /> �� <br /> �,; <br /> April, 1935• j; <br /> Estate �homae Connor, Deceased, <br /> by �ary E.�onnor (SEAL)�; <br /> ! t�TTNESSES: Adminietra�rix i; <br /> " Edna $tates Mary E.Connor (SEAL);; <br /> �� <br /> Carolyn Connor 8tephena �' � <br /> fi <br /> F�.E.Stephens . <br /> �, <br /> ;, <br /> +; <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA � ) Oa this 15th day oP April 1935, bePore me, a Atotar� Publie withix� and ;' <br /> )ss: ! <br /> COUNTY OF HALL ) for �aid Qounty and state, personaily appeared Mary E.Connor,Adminie- �I <br /> ' tratrix; B�ary E.Connor, t�idow; Carolyn Connor Stephens and A.E.Stephena, Husband and �Pife, to mei' <br /> ;i <br /> ; pereonally knov�m to be the same persons whose na.mss are aPi'ixed to, and who aubseribed to the ': <br /> i; <br /> foregoing 3nstrument as grantors thereof, and acknowledged the said instrument to be their volun�- <br /> li <br /> �ary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein set forth. !' <br /> !i <br /> !J <br /> '; �'itnesseth my signature wi�h Notarial 3ea1 affixed. i� <br /> EBna �tatea <br /> " (SEAL) �Totary Publi� ii <br /> �y Qommission explres December 5, 1936. �j <br /> , <br /> � F11ed f`or record this 16 day oP April, 1935, at 10:30 v�clock A.�d. ���� �! <br /> ,� eg�er oF ��e s '� <br /> . i� <br /> ,� <br /> o-o-o-o-o_o-a-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o_o-�-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o_o_o-o-c�-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-�, <br /> N�TICE OF �SS PENDENS �� <br /> Ilti1 TFiE DISTRICT COURT OF HALL COU�TTY, AiEBRASKA. ii <br /> j �,.i� p.�.�-�►"� � � �,� <br /> ; CHARLES F.PAUL, '� �� � <br />� i; Plaintiff, � ; � �! <br /> � ,�C.,�. � 3, �9� � - .. ;� . <br /> � _v$_ ) AT03'ICE OF LIS PENDENS P� <br /> � . <br /> .w �- � <br /> ��""�",� ;, <br />� � <br /> �L�r��� <br /> ; GEORGE R.BARTLING ET AL, ) ��� ��'�' �; <br /> , ' �� <br /> �, <br /> � � � <br /> Defendants. ) ��9 � .� <br /> T0 �HOM IT �IAY CONCERAI; !; <br /> ; <br /> ;, <br /> � Notice is hereby �iven that on the 17th day of 8pril, �g35, an aation was commeneed in the Die ; <br /> �i <br /> trict Court of the State of Nebraska within axld for the �ounty o� I�all wherein Charles F.Paul '�! <br /> � <br /> is '.�laintiff and George R.Bartling, Dorothy A.Bartlin;, husband and xife, John Doe No. 1 �,nd �� <br /> li <br /> , ;! <br /> John Doe No.2, �eal na,mes unknown are defendants, the ob,�ect and prayer of whieh petition is to �� <br /> ! " <br /> ;; foreelo�e a certain real estate mortgage executed by 4�orge R.Bartlir�g and Dorothy_A.Bar�ling t� <br /> � i <br /> 'i � <br /> Charles F.Paul under date of A�arch 6, 1931, and which mortgage is reeorded in Book 59 at page ;� <br /> il 614 and page 632 of the �tort�age Records of said County. ' �� <br /> �, ,� <br /> ;, <br /> The following is a description of the real ea�ate sought to be af�ected by eaid aet3on. ;� <br /> �; <br /> ;; Part oP the �tortheast Quarter of the Northeast Q�arter (NE�) of (I�E�) oP 3ection Twenty-one (21� <br /> Township Eleven (11) , North Range Nine (9) , Weat of the 6th P.�: , and part of lot Pitteen t15) ; <br /> II I� of the Count Subdivision of art of the Sou�h Half of the Southeast q,uarter (g� of SE�) of Bee ' <br /> �� tion Sixteen�(16) , To�nshlp Eleven (11) , �Torth Ran�e iVine (9) , �'est of the 6tYi P.M. , more parti�- <br /> ; ularly described as follows, to-��1�: ;i, <br />� ,; Commencing at a no3nt on the Ea,sterly line of Clark Stree'G in the Cit�r of �rand Island,Nebraska� <br /> ; where the center line of Jo�n Street, it' extended would intersect same, and running then�'e Sout}�- <br /> �� erlp along the Easterly line of Clark Street Porty (40) feet to the Southerly line of John S�re�t, <br /> j if extended, �hence at right anglea in an Eagterly direetion along the 3outhe�iy line of John '! <br /> ' 8treet, if extended one hundred �Gwenty-four (124) feet, thence Southerl at right anglee �ift� '; � <br />�, ;� (5�) feet, thence �esterly at ri�ht angles one hundred twenty-Pour (12�F� feet to the Easterl� �I <br />� �' line of Ciark �treet, �hence Southerly along the Easterly line of Clark Street two hundred thir�y <br /> (230) Peet to the Northerly lir�e of Anna Street, thenee Easterly at righ'G angles along eaid Nor�h- <br /> ! erly line oP Anna Street, slx hundred forty-ei�ht (64�) Peet to the extended Center 13ne of ii <br />' C].eburn Street, thence Northerly at right anglee along said extended center line of Cleburn Str�et, <br /> three hundred twenty (320) feet, and thenee VYesterly a t right an�Iee along what w�uld be the ex� <br /> tended center line of John Street, six hundred forty-ei�h� (6�) feet to �he Place oP be�innin$� <br /> ,� said tract being the same traet described in deed recorded in Book 3� oP Deeds at Page 357, les <br /> the property aonveyed by deed recorded in Book �-� of Deeda at Page 5�7 of the �eed recorda of i� <br /> Hall County, Nebraska, sll of sald property being within the eorporate limite of the City of �� <br /> � 4rand Island,Nebraska; also �he Northwea� �uarter (I�14) oF �ection Seventeen (17) Townehip Elev�n <br /> (11) North, Range Twelve (12) i�est of the th P.1�. in Hall County, Nebraska. <br /> ,; <br /> , A.J.LuebB '� <br /> Attorney for Plaintiff. '� <br /> r ;1 <br /> ;'� Filed for record this 17th day oP April, z935, at �-:00 0 �clock P.A�. � -�-z-��- � 'j <br /> ;; e�ister of Deeds '� <br /> ;' ie�, <br />