<br /> 1�1[gSC���A�T�CJ�JS ��CO�� �
<br /> - ---__-------__ ___ __ _.___ _ _ . _ __ ___---____ ____-_- -- ---- - -------- -
<br /> rxe�ucu�n�[co.-7606
<br /> `1 --.. __ �I
<br /> �STATE �F NEBRASKA ) Before me, a Notary Public ia and �o� said county and state, on thia
<br /> ,' �8 8: !I
<br /> �COUNTY OF HALL ) 22nd d.a.y of February, 1935� P�rsonallp appeared Emil F.Riakert, to me
<br /> �,
<br /> ,i
<br /> ;known to be the same and identiQal person whose name is subseribed to the above and foregoin� in- �'
<br /> jI
<br /> ;'�strument and he acknowledged the same to be his volunta�� act a.nd deed.� '�
<br /> 1;
<br /> '� -
<br /> B.J.Cunningham !�
<br /> (SEAL) I�otary Public Ii
<br /> �;�y Qommission expires August 5, 1.935. I�
<br /> ��
<br /> �,
<br /> OPY
<br /> �
<br /> (C ) I
<br /> i .
<br /> ; ;�
<br /> ,;IN CONSIDERA�ION �F THE sum of One (�1.40) Dollar in hand paid and o�her valuable consideratSon I ;,
<br /> '�hereb� sell, asslgn and transfer �o the Nebraska Loan & Trugt Comp�ny all rents a,nd rentals and ,�
<br /> �j
<br /> income Prom the Lot Fl.ve (5), Bloc� Thirty (30), oY the Original Town, no�_ City, oP Grand Island„�
<br /> , , � , ;;
<br /> �
<br /> Nebraska, �rhiah rents shall be colleeted for the said Alebraska Loan & Trus� Compan�r and shall be j�
<br /> !
<br /> applied to the payment oP the interest, taxes, in$uranee, and the bal�nce, if any, applied to the ;l
<br /> ,�, i
<br /> ,pri�.ci�al of a eertain mortg;age in the sum oP �7,500.DO, reeorded in Book 50, at pa,�e 255, oY the �!
<br /> � ,�
<br /> `�Iortga.ge Records of Hall County, Nebraska; and I hereby rame and appoint and constitute the Nebra�ka
<br /> �
<br /> 'Loan & Trust Company my agent and at�orney and hereby gra.nt tc them irrevoea.ble right ar�d authori�y
<br /> �,
<br /> `�: to collect said rents and to be paid as aforesaid. !�
<br /> ;
<br /> . . �
<br /> This a�signment ahall be in full f'orce and effect until all tax.es, delSnquent or otherwise, all 1�-
<br /> I�
<br /> terest, delinquent or otherwise, all insuranee premiums, due or to become due, and all interee'� ��
<br /> .i
<br /> which may become due on said principal .and said principal, itself, shall be fully paid and settle�.
<br /> 3sid Nebraska Loan & Trust Company shall not be held responeible for any rentals which they canno�
<br /> 'with reasonable diligence, �olleet and shall be allowed reasonable compensation for the services ;
<br /> ��
<br /> > Which theq render in the collection of 8aid rents not to exceed, however, �� of the rent eollectec�.
<br /> ;{
<br /> `.; Dated this l�th day of February, 1930. �I
<br /> • ��
<br /> '` �PITNESS: ;i
<br /> ` I
<br /> ��Agnes Smentowski (Signed) Emil P'.Ricskert (3igned) Ii
<br /> ;:
<br /> i ii
<br /> � STATE OF NEBRA.SKA ) 4n thie l�th da� of February, 1930, be�'ore me, the undersigned, Agnes il �
<br /> a 8: ,�
<br /> `' COUNTY OF HALL � Smentowski, a �Totary PubliQ, duly commieeloned and qualif ied �or and
<br /> �I
<br />� residing in said eounty, personally eame Emil F.Riekert, to me known to be the identiQal person, �,
<br /> � whose name ia aPPixed �o the Poregoing assignment of rents, and acknowledged the eame to be hie �
<br /> �I
<br /> ' voluntary act and deed. ;�
<br /> � S�itnese my hand and Notarial Seal the day ax1d year last above wrltten. ;�
<br /> �)
<br /> g� Agnes Smento�rski (83,�ned) ;,
<br /> ;�
<br /> �! My Ot4i13II1�.88�0II expires July 7th, �933. � �� I�
<br /> � Filed for record this llth da�r of April, 1935, at 10:�45 o�clock a.M. � � i!
<br /> � �i
<br /> �
<br /> gister of Deed j'
<br /> ' 0-0-4-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0�-0-0-0-0-0-�0-��0 Q-0-0-0-0-0-0-4-0-0-0- - -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0�
<br /> a��- ,,� .ruti?� .r�t y�� �
<br /> '�' ASSIGN�tENT OF RENTS e� J�`� -�.�`��ti"�.'iz���sQZ��`Ce%� ' .�'�q37 .�L9•c� a. . li
<br /> , G��a����-, .sa�r� ,�kc.r�. Gy�au���� , �u,��.ur..u!�..�t- ��
<br /> ; KNO�G ALL MEN BY THESE PAE�ENTS:- Tha'C �e, �e undersi�ned, Samuel Harp���1��Fiarper, eaeh ��
<br /> �� � - -
<br /> �I
<br /> �
<br /> in th��r o�vn right, and as husband and wife, of the County of Hall, State o� At�braska, for and �j
<br /> ;!
<br /> �r in consideration of Eleven Hundred and 00/100 Dollars, as a loan in ha,nd paid to 3amuel Harper !
<br /> ; i
<br />� '
<br /> by The Equitable Buildin� €�nd Loan A$sociation, of Grand I81and,ATebraska, a corporation, and oth�r
<br /> " good and valuable eonsideration, the receipt xhereoP is hereby aaknowledged, do herebq assign, ;.
<br /> , ,i
<br /> - �,
<br /> 4 transfe� and eet over to said association, a8 collateral aecurity for the duration oP the loan, ;i
<br /> �; �,
<br /> ;; ��
<br /> �; all the rente, income and proPits aacruing upon the �ollowin� deseribed property, situated in th�
<br /> f ��
<br /> ;� County of Hall, State of Nebraska, to-wit: j�
<br /> �
<br /> ;; Lot Plumber One (l� in B1ock Number One Hundred Twenty-Eight (12�) in Unioa PaQifie Ra,ilway Com- ��
<br /> . I�
<br /> r'; panq's SeQOnd Addition to Grand Ssland,Nebraska, a�s surveyed, platted and recorded. . ��
<br /> i, jf
<br /> i� Ar�d We hereby authorize and empower The Equitable Building and Loan Aasociation, of C€rand Island��
<br /> �`; Nebraska, its authorized agents and attorneys, to aet for us, and rent the above described premi es,
<br /> i
<br /> ,�
<br /> II ,
<br />