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������4�5 <br /> condemna�ion or o�hcr mking of any part of the Pmperty,or for convcyancc in Ilcu of mndcmnntlon,aro hcrcby asslgncd and <br /> ; xhall iw paid to i.cndcr. <br />�. In d�a ovcnl ot n lolnl �nking ot�hc IRop:ny. th: prcsttJs nhall tx applicd m �h: sums sccarcd by ihis ScruBty ..--•-----•--•---------. <br /> ' Instnimcn6 whctl�or or na thai duc, wi�h nny exccss paid to Oorto�rcr. In Ihc cvcm of n putinl Inking nf Ihc Rop.^ny in <br /> - whlch tho falr markc�valnc of tho Propeny(mmcAfmcly beforc ihe laking fs cqnal to or grca�cr�6an thc amnuni of�hc sums - — <br /> socared by�hls Sccndty Ins�mmem fmmedlmely b:toro the taking,nnless Oormwcr,^.sd I.cnder ahcnvise ngrce In wdting, f�.:y-.�__ <br /> the sums srcund by this Securl�y Ins�nimeni shall I�e rcAuccd hy the amount of the pmccedx muhfplicd by ihe fal�owing �,�_;��.z=— <br /> frxtlon: (a)thc�mal amoum of�hc sums sccumd immcdiatcty ixforr�ho�,ktng,dividecl by(b)ihc falr mnrt:ct v,luo o!thc =_ - <br />. I'ro�uny fmmedimcly Ixforc ihc taking. Any balance shall I�e paid to Rorrowcr. In�hc evem of a patlial �aking nf thc � �: - -+��+r• <br /> Propcn9 In wl�idi�hc falr ma�ka vnluc o(ihc Propeny 6nmcdiately Ir.torc ihc taking is tess ihan�he;,moum of tho smns �.a =_ <br />. secured Immediateiy h(oro the uJcing, unless Uono�eer.nd Lender athenvise ngrce In wd�fng or unless npplicn6lo law F��.�'� �- -._ -� <br /> mhenvise provides,the praecds shall Ix,pplted w�he sums ucuraA hy thfx Sewriiy Insimmem�rhe�heror nni i6e sums are � ;, r , �,,E�r ;- <br /> �hcndua � -'r }r ; ,!: <br /> If Uu Pmpcny is abandoncd by Dorcower,or i€,after r.aice by Lender to Ilormx�cr�6a��hc eondcmnor offers�o nuvlh en, S y_�,- -,, <br />- nn a�r.rd m scuic;t c131nt for daiiwgzs,33ortotrer fails to rtsp�red to LrrArr�rithin:HI days afler ihe dafe�hn nn�ice is gixe�, � __ <br />. 4crtdGr Ls aulho�b4A ta collcc�u.d apply the proc.�vli,at its option.eitl:er to rouorafion cr repair of!hc Propehy or to�e �r_.� 'r � <br /> sunu secured 6y�his Stturiiy Inswment,aRe�her or na then dce. ?{.'.'�"��:;51_ie;�e'l'-` <br /> Untess,d,tr and Dorcowtr aheprise agrce in e�riting,a�y applic.tion of yron�eds to principal shnll na extend a ."-t+�iu�-.'1�-t_'f.;�'S��;;_ <br /> postparx the daz date of the monthty payn;enu re[.rted to in pu�cra.p4s 1:m�f 2 ax chaage the amounl of such paynxnts. ' f;?�t f���.�ES :e <br /> OR, Horrowtr Not Rrkassd; fforbe.rancc 95q IRn•4rr \ot a \1;1,��nr. fie[e�ui��n of tlw i6ne for paymeiu or ,i�T�Crt �f�' ' <br /> rc:odifx�tbn of amonimtlon ot[he snms securcd by this Security Insmmxm gr,mttd Y�y[.�+ider�o any successw in ineenu {#tNt!"�F�+`z � _'t' �' <br /> o(Sorroxer shall nol o fale lo mkase ihe liabilil of�he orieinal 73ormwcr or R.rcn��r.+ successors in in�crc�t.t.nrG�r •i] k? �-_°= - <br /> shall noi be rcqutred lo�commence pmcecdings aeaim� nny suceessor in ir,��:ee:c ar mt�a:m eatenJ timc for p.ryacc�er �`i��t�`��� _ <br /> ahernl.0 modif amotliza�lon o(tlre sums se:urd b �his Securit•Inan;nirat bv rracaa a!a demanA r.:.r.1:b•thr ur:��irul �-�"3�'�f��� ��-,� <br /> Y Y S �U' ) e r� !� t�xrnx.w�Y..;. <br />.. 6ortower or 6ortox�erk suecesxors in iNems�. Anp forbcarance 6y Lend¢r�n c�.a•.evtg anc righi or ranrdy shall nut i+e n �ay�}� � - ° <br /> walver of or pnelude�he excrcisc of any righ�or rcmedy. i7�}�'r�y1.��. . <br /> �2. Snece�sors and Assigns Dound;Joint and Serernl 1.I�UIItIy;Co•signers. itn�.v��mams nnd agrcemenis iri this ��>��<,.,;s:,v3r`�_- <br /> Securiey Insuumcn�sha11 bind,nd benefi��he suaessors and a.signs o(LenAcr and 6orro�.er,subject m thc provisions of -;,; -� <br />_ pangnph 17. �orrow.rt eovenanis nnd agrcemems shall Ue joini and uernl. Any�ortower who casigns this Securiiy i�c���fyY�j�: <br /> :i.`}:_..� ' <br /> Insuument but dces noi exeeute the Note: (n1 is m•signing�his Seeuri�y Imtrument only to mohgage,gmnt nnd mnvey�hai ,._ �n;���.ti'`;r- <br /> OortowerY inlercs�in�hc 1'ropeny under�hc tcmu otthis Sccuri�y Insimmenr, tb)is no�persnnally obligated to pay�hc sums _ _ - <br /> secnred bythis Securi�y Ins�mmem;and(c)ngrees�ha�Lender and,ny mher portower may agrce�o eziend,modify,forlear ��xJ,�:'1�1�`%�:.��-� <br />- or any acconunoda�ions wiih rcgard �o ihe Iem�s of�his Sauri�y Insuument or ihe Note wi�hom that Dorturer4 "P^t,�,i�.��;r.;;�-; <br />- ronsrn[. •(�';*�$�t;2S:s:,�.. <br />= L'L Loan Chnrges. if�he loan secured Fy diis Securi�y Instrumem ic su6ject m a law ahich sen maximn�n 1o�n T� <br /> �a,�.,��iY�'v`�"�_ <br /> charges,and tha�la«�is finally in:eryreted sn O�m�he imercst or o�6cr loan charges collcaed or m be eollrcicd in con�eer:iai ; ���yf;;�,�_�� <br /> with ihe loan exrma the pemutted limils,�hen: t:a any sucti ioan charge shall ix reduced by�iie amoum necessary tn ro:iure �• ��.y�„�,.-.- - - <br />• ihe chaige lo Ihe pemiined IimiL•and ll>)any sunu aiready collec�.d from Qovmeer+chrch ezneded�xnniued limiii xit(tt Qr�'t!x'' `t� ++°—•�. <br /> mflin�kd m Rortower. Lendcr may rhoose m make�his refnmt b}��educing�he principal utced undcr�hc Nam or 6y malcing a �4ji����=yi:���:_ <br /> dlreca payment�o Dorrowee If a relund rcduces principal.�1�.aJnc�ion��ill be trcaied n,a panial prapaymem wi�ho�z:iy `?;:`�.{r���}7(,::a,. <br />- pmpa}netneharxen4anheNote. �.`.�_YCq,.iz'�,=._>. <br />