. - _ r• , , . '��;'�� -
<br /> .. . .�� � . - _ . ��.
<br /> , by thie Mcrtasge.Mortgagor ehall pe�y to Mortgagae fhe�anount of aqy deHoienoy between the udl4al�s:�a�t .�
<br /> aaente,insur�moe premiume and ground ranm and Ehe depoeite hore�inder�ithin 10 daye atter d4mnad is made upon
<br /> Mortgogor re�ueering gaymeat thereol. ,
<br /> r.=
<br /> r
<br /> A. R�pair,Malntem►noe waA ZTw.To promptly rap+�tr,raetore or rebuild any buAdingH or lmprovementx now or � �',
<br /> , here�ftar on the Proper�;to keep the Properar in good aondition nnd�epair,wlthout waets,and�ee[rom mvolxwuio'e or �«
<br /> other tlens naL exprea�ly eubordiaated to the liea hereofi not to make, euKer or perrnit any nutan,aoe w erdat. aor to -
<br /> diuniufoh or Impair the value o!the Property by sny►nat or omiaeion to aot;and to oomply wlth aII re�4rements of lww
<br /> . with reepeatw tho Praperq►. _
<br /> ' �
<br /> � 7. Coadeaanation. Yn E�e event tYie Property. or any p�ri 4hereoY.eh�►II be taken by e��ineflt domalu, tho .
<br /> Mortgsgee U empowerod to aoAeot wad reaolve oll aompeneatioa whioh myy be peid for a�,y propnr�y takea or for dsm•
<br /> , ages to property noi twken, and Morcgagee ehNl app�r euoh oomponestion. at its aption,elther to 4 reduusion o!the �
<br /> indebtedaees soaured hereby qr to rapsir and reetore Ehe propert�y eo damnged.
<br /> 9, Pex=ormanoe by�ort�aQe�.Mortgegee mq}r.but ehall have no obligation,to do any aat whiuh the Mortgagor `
<br /> ' hea agreed but fetle to do,and Mortgagee m�y►sleo do an,y aot it deems neoeae�uy to proteot the iten heraof.Mostg�,gor ;
<br /> egreee to repa�q,upon demaad ans►eume eo ezpendad by the Mortgagee for tha abovo purposne,aad wy sums so �
<br /> o�ended L+y the Mortgagea straU be addad to 41�e indebtednees eeoured hareby and 6eaomo eub�eat w the{ien hereot. .� �{.^.�.,
<br /> . Moxtgsgee ehall not inour an`y pex�onallU�bility beoe►uae oi as�ythtn8�t mwy do or omit to do hereunder. = —.-
<br /> �:510`-""'��-�:-�
<br /> • 8. Defsult;A�aiQnment oi Rent�.'IYme ie oi the esaeuce heraoi,asid up�mm A3ortgagor'e doLuult in c�ny aovenent � '"-`����—`
<br /> .'.'�4'�� _
<br /> .: or agasam�nt of thie Mortgag�e,inoluding aoveaante to pqy whea due th�ausn�eeo�uod by thie Mort�age,tha Mortgagee • ��•�
<br /> ��.• ehall be entltled,at ita sole o Kon and wlthout notiae,to deolaro all�nssas seoured by thie Mortg4ge to the i�mmediate�yr ���`F' '�.
<br /> � ' :i P ` �, .�::��_�.
<br /> � � due and psyable and rm�yr aommeaoe foraalosun oi thie Mortgag�e by yutlScSa1 proaeedings;aad providad fustiier,tfiat s.�
<br /> upon euot�detault the Mortgagea.or s reaeiver sypointed by a oourt,mtty at iLs opSion and wl4hout regard to the alequa� �''"—"�
<br /> '. .�:• ' �r of tha eeauri�r,entor upou nnd talce poaseeeion oi the Property and ca�iflot ths arouta iseuee and pmnta thereLnnm wnd ;�
<br /> �'..:;'; • , spply them�ret to the aoet oi ooAeotlon and operatioa of tha Propesfy aud then upon the indebtedness eeoured by thfe � ���
<br /> Mortga�e: eaid renta,issuee and proiits being sssigaed to the Mortg�ee sa further eeourlYy for the p�►ment of the
<br /> ; iadebtedneee aeoure�I hereby. "
<br /> � ; . ,'.���
<br /> �, 1�. 7Yaa�fer o!Prope�rty.Ii ail or sny part oi the Pro�er�ig sold or tranoferred without the esps�eea Wci.tlen oon• �
<br /> sent oT¢lie Most¢�gee.Mort�gee m�r at ito solo option.d�oolare all sumn oeouroa by ttue Mortgega to lrm iminodlstely . ;�
<br /> ,�
<br /> ,,�:, , • duo and pqysble. ' ;
<br /> . t::..,,. .
<br /> � 31. Yntuse A�d�fwoew.Upon requasS oi Mortgagor.Mortgagee meky mwke additional and luture edvraoes to -";±;; � h�
<br /> � 1 Mortgagor.6uoh aclvnnae�,w3th interest thereon,�hall bE saourea by LII1s iKOrtgage wuen evidenaed'ay gsomiswry noive � -_
<br /> �`���'° '. � et�ating�h�2 cuid notaa ara 5aaurarl hereby.A�ato t+�me Ahe!I tha psinoipsl emot�n3 ot the lndehtedneea seura�+eci by tLis .,M; ,
<br /> '... }. " �4�pt:s: � �
<br /> . • Mostgage.not lnoludiag eums acda�unoed to pmteot tho eaourl�y of this Mortgage,oaveed tho origlnal NoLe. ; ; �
<br /> �':�,",;� �, ,..
<br /> ifd. bLi�oeIItu3eaw Provlsioa�. �r i�;.
<br /> ' .E.;,i;;�
<br /> �
<br /> ' ' (4) An,y forebesranoe ia ezemisiug�y right or remec�y s1�►91 aot be a watver thereoL � j`�
<br /> �' (b) All remediee pravided herein care dietinot an3 oumulativo to aRy other rlght a�[orded bq la�v�x equi�.
<br /> '� ' sad m�r be azeraised aonaumeatly,independently or successive�y. ��
<br /> � ��:
<br /> *; (o) T,�e oovenants and ogroemeate aontainad herein eheoli Dilnd.anct tha rights inure to,Lhe respactive euc- __��
<br /> 4 oeaeare and asaigns oi the Mortg�gor sad the Mortgegee. —
<br /> ," . � �.:.__-
<br /> � (c� All oovew�at�anzl agreemanta oi the Mortgagor 4re joiat sud several. ��`�_
<br /> � y; (e) Tho hesdinge o!the pare�graph+s of thie Mortgage are So.r coavenienao onl,y and a�all nat be ueed to inter =_ —
<br />_ '� pret or define the pmvisiona herooL ��.y.a�
<br /> ,�„ :�� '' �}•...._ ��
<br />- •;�:,i;; ��;::..
<br /> - } 13. RolaMS. Upoa payment oi ail eume seaured lb*j��4e Mortgage,Mortga�g�oe ehall disoharga this Mortgage and �";;���'���
<br /> � i '� ehall ezeuuk and deliver s satisL►otory relea�e tberefor. ��'`
<br /> ` _. � � - • �'-'P�'�t�ii'
<br /> . -. •.i.��f'�`.�,�'e���(:.
<br /> ' �
<br /> F" .>.� '
<br /> ' IIJ WITNESI9 Wfi�AEOF.Mortgagor has b:eouted thie Moxtgaga on the.�¢�y„dqyr of �,�� -19_�. �s�A'�c{'�,�^:`'�;�. ,-
<br /> i . � z : :. r�
<br />-. � ne . a Gr�ace7�� �,;:. :�''.
<br /> , . .
<br />= aniel N. Grace) � �
<br /> , Btate oY Nebraska. F;al� county as:
<br /> - p�� 14th dqy of a P�"i1 .�9 9� .beforo me,the undersignod.s Notary Publlo
<br /> ' duly oommieeionoel�nd qualilied for ssid eounty,po�onelly oame�h e^i sti n P A_ �h a u1 k f;rar�� a marria rt
<br />= person, and Daniel__N. Grace. her husband =wme�oovncobetno ` �
<br /> �
<br /> __ _ _____ identionl pamon(e)whose name(s)art�subsoribed to the loregoing instrument and aokaowladg�od tho ezsoirtion theraof �.�
<br /> • - --------1 tobe thelr voluntarysotanaCee�.
<br /> 1 Witneea u�q haud snd noLarisl eeal nt Cr'a n d_ Isla n d� N Ph ra c k w in eaid oounty.tho
<br /> _ . dsw atorees(�. '` ..
<br />— N(y Commieeioa ezpirea: �kp111A�.SbH of N26t�skt ��,(ic.B,�_J
<br />— � VtCKY J.OtJ1USE Notery Publio
<br /> MrConM.Exp.Dec.30,1998
<br /> , N8C1p868I95
<br /> Q Nal'�oml 8ar�c d C�nn�n�Trutt and Stving�Assoclolbe�.WxoM,Nebr�tks
<br /> , 1
<br />