��� �� SC��LA.�T���JS R�� C�]E�� �
<br />------------------------ ____ _- - _ __ _ _ _ ___ --------_------------- ---------- -_- _--
<br /> 'fNEAUGUSTINECO -�I6OF) �
<br /> '_'_ �._
<br /> _..._-�"'__-__..__._....__._.___._....-'_'_- �.__
<br /> - i1
<br /> � LIS PEI+in:�IO'S j�
<br /> _
<br /> ;,
<br /> �' Th� Northwestern �utu�,l Life In- �
<br /> !� surance Co�pany, a corpor�,tion, ��• p�S� ij
<br /> ,�
<br /> i'� Plain�i�f, LI B P�NDE�B !'�
<br /> ';
<br /> � ,,
<br /> ,�
<br /> vs. �;
<br /> �������� l�artin �enney: et al. , ��
<br /> _ Def endants. !;
<br /> i p
<br /> ; i;
<br /> � TO �iOY IT 1�AY CONCERN: . - �'
<br /> �,
<br /> - _ (�
<br /> -; T�e nctice that on the 25th day of bTovember, 1933, an action was commcsnced ia the Distriot t3ourt ,
<br /> ; � ��
<br /> ; of Hall County, Nebra�ka, in v�hic3h The DTorth�restern �utual I,ife Insuranee Qompanq a oorporatioa i�
<br /> �,
<br /> ,� plaintiff, and Martin Kennep, ein�lei �dargaret �aDermott and �'rank �de�ermo�Gt, wife and h�tsband; ;;
<br /> _ 'i
<br /> i
<br /> ; Berna�rd $enn�� and ________ Kenney, real name vnkaown, hus�and and wife; Patricia &lson and _ ;; -
<br /> �i
<br /> Nelson, real name �nknovm, wif� and husband; Delia �dullia and l�tallin, real nam� 'i
<br /> ;
<br /> ' unknown, �ife and husband, if alive, and if deceased the h�irs, devisees, legatees,persoaal repre*
<br /> I
<br /> �! sentatives and all other persone interested in the estates of Delia �ullix� and ______ lduliin, real�'
<br /> �� names unknov�n: wif e and h�sband, real aamee unknown; Rate Quirk and ___�_,_ Quirg, real aame un- j�
<br />� � &nawn, wife a�d huaband, if alive, and if deceased the heirs, devieees, legatees, personal repre i!
<br /> � j;
<br /> �� sentativee �f e21 other pereons interested in the estate of 8ate Quirk and ._____ Quirlc, real namel�
<br /> � ��
<br /> ii unknown, wife and husband, real names unknown� Mary �ilson and ____,,,� 1111son, real na.mt unknown, ,(
<br /> ,
<br /> I '�' wife and huaband, if aliwe, and if deceased �the heirs, devisees, le�a�ees, personal representat- j�
<br /> � ti4es and a11 other persons interested in the estatee of I�ary wil�on and �l3lson, wif� and ��
<br /> �
<br /> ' husband, real namea unkno�vn; ____.___ McGuire, husba,nd of F'anni� McGuire, deceased, rea1, name i!
<br /> i�
<br /> ; unknown, Ambroee McGui.re and Vira YcQuire, if alive, andif deasased the heir$, devisees, Iegatees;p
<br /> , ;i
<br /> d �de ire !
<br /> h tate of sa.i Gu ,
<br /> r on interested in t e es s
<br /> h r e s a �
<br /> nd a11 ot e
<br /> P
<br /> ersonal representatives a p
<br /> ` �(
<br /> � real name unknown, husband of Fannie I�cGuire, deceased, Ambrose �cGuire �,nd t�ira McGuire, real i�
<br /> , _ :
<br /> : namea unknown; 8ennep, real name unknown, wife of John Benneq, deaeased, Gresent�,a Qrandal�l
<br /> ;.
<br /> � and _,_„ Crandall, real name unknown, �ife and husband, and Tim Renneq, a �ninor, if altve, and �)
<br /> '�; if deeeased the heirs, dev3sees, legatees, pereonal representatives and all ot�ier pereone iatere�ted
<br /> �; ;,
<br /> � Kenn� real name unkno�an, v�ife of John �Cenney, deceased, Creeen�fa '�
<br /> � in th�: estates of y, ��
<br /> �� Cranda.11 anfl _____ Crandall, real name unknown, wife aad husband, and Ttm Ke mey, his gv.ardian, ��
<br /> ;i
<br /> �,
<br /> '>� father or motber,real names unkno�, a minor, real names unknown; all other heire, denisees, �;
<br /> ,,
<br /> � legatees, personal representativee or dther persons interested in the estate of �1i11iam genney, j; �
<br />� ,i
<br /> :'� deceased, real� n�mes unknown, if alive, and if deceased the heirs, devit�ees, legatees, personal i
<br /> �; � . � ��
<br /> '' represer�tatives or other persons iaterested in the eatate of William Renney, deceased, real names��
<br /> ' unknown; and all persons haning or vlaimin� any interest in the �ortheaat Quarter (�} of 9eQtiq�
<br /> i
<br /> � 1Jineteen (19), ToWnship Eleven (11), North, Range Eleven (11), West, in Hall �ounty, Nebraeka, r�lal
<br /> �� �;
<br /> �; gamee unknovm, are defenda mts. ' ,I
<br /> ;
<br /> , �
<br /> ! Tha� the purpo�e of eaid suit is �to quiet title in the plaintiff to the �ortheast Quarter (�E�) c�f
<br /> i�
<br />' '� Section Nineteen (19) , Townehip Eleven (11), �orth, Range �leven (11) , Rest, in $all �ot�nty, 8e- '�
<br /> f; s
<br /> ;i bre�ska, ae against each a.nd all of the defendants named herein, or anyone claiming any iaterest ��
<br /> �i
<br /> �!
<br /> by, through or undar them or anp of them, and excludiag said def�nda.nts fro�n any interest in saic�
<br /> ";
<br /> �� real eetate, o� if the court finds that said defendants, or any of �hem, have the right to redee�
<br /> �;
<br /> '' aforesaid proper�y from the mortgage described ia plaiatiff�e petitia�, �hat the said defendants y
<br /> �,
<br /> ;; be given a short d.a,q to red�em said praperty or stand forever foreclosed from any rights in esid li
<br /> �,
<br /> � ��
<br /> ; premises d�soribed as . �;
<br /> � Townshi Eleven (11), North, Ran e Eleven �
<br /> ;� The Rortheast Quarter (�E�) of Sectiou Ninete�n (19) , p � i
<br /> (11) , '�est, in H�11 Oountq, Nebraska.
<br /> �
<br /> , _ ._ _ .
<br /> ,.
<br /> ,� ,
<br /> By Fred C.Foster & Wm.M.Holt �i
<br /> ;; Its Attorneqs �;
<br /> ;;
<br /> �i Filed for record thia 25th day of 8ovember, 1933, at 10:00 o�olock A.�. . f�
<br /> �, I
<br /> II � � eg s ere° e .��� �i
<br />