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��? <br /> �� ������ 1�! �� �V � ��� ��� � <br />--.�. ____-- ________ __ ____ __--__ _ _ . _ _�_ _.____W.. _.,------- ----- -----___ _ _.._ _T------------ <br /> 'fHEAUGUSTINECU -�IGOCI � � v � i� <br /> '_..._..�_._.e ._._._.._.. ...._....._.. <br /> �� to pr�yr �he s�s of Thre� Hundred and OO�Y�€� �4LLAR8 (�30�.40) pa.yable as follo�s: �hree Hundred i� � <br /> . II <br /> and 00/100 DO�LAR3 cash in hand, receipt of , which is hereby acknov�ledged. ;; <br /> � �; <br /> ' Party of the second part agrees that should he fail or refuge to ca.rry out the above conditions, �i <br /> ;�. <br /> the mone alread q � p y � <br /> y y paid shall be forfeited aa li uidated dam es, at the election of art of the <br /> first past. �; <br /> ; <br /> ' Now, if the said party of the second part �hall pa.y the sum or aums as abone set �orth and earry �� <br /> ; <br /> ,� <br /> out the conditfons above named, time being the essence of this contract and of all the conditions !! <br /> i� <br /> ,, <br /> thereof, the party of the first part will furnieh a �farranty Deed to said second pa,rty at Grand �� <br /> I� <br /> Island,Nebraska and pay all general taxes that are a lien on said property, and up to 1933 �d `' <br /> �� <br /> - ;; <br /> � give posseseion on delivery of contraet. �; <br /> �, <br /> , And whereas the said second party has a�reed and doea hereby agree that the seQOnd party sha7.1 an�. <br /> , � , <br /> will pay all taxes and assessments levied or assessed upon this contract and upon the debt secure� <br /> � <br /> ° thereby; to keep the buildin�s on said premises in�ured for the sum of their insurable value both`i � <br /> fire and tornado coverage, for the benefit of said first pa,rty or assigns, and to deliver to said,! <br /> !, <br /> f�ret party or assigns the policies for said insurance; to pay all taxes and a�sessments on said i'i <br /> ` pxemises, before the same shall b e oome delinquent, and not to commit or permit any wa�►te on or �; <br /> , <br /> ,� <br /> � about the same. �" <br /> k <br /> �� And whereas, it is further agreed that if the eecand party shall. f�,il to pay the taxee upon said ;' <br /> �; <br /> premises or upon this contract or the debt secured thereby before delinquency, or to furnish such�; <br /> , <br /> insurance thereoa, the first partp or assigns may p�,y sueh taaes and procure and pay for such in-�� <br /> �; <br /> suranee, and the second pas�y shall r e-pay to the f irst party or assigns the suma so p�id for taa��s <br /> � and insurance, with interest thereon at ten per cent; a�. the sum so paid, with intereet, shall 1� <br /> covered axrd secured by this contraet, and shall be a lien thereunder as from this da.te; '� <br /> ! It is agreed to by the second parties hereto and binding upan their heire and assigns, that thep ;' <br /> '� will at once, whenever the bal�,nce unpaid, is paid down to a sum that any kind of a loan can be �� <br /> r <br /> ���� secured, to equs,l said balance, procure said loan and pa,p off said balance, upon failure of secon��l - <br /> i; <br /> , parties thereto so to do, first party may procure said loan at second parties eapense and said <br /> � fi.rst partp or assi�;ns is hereby authortzed �o to do. �� <br /> i <br /> ; AtOt� THEREFORE, if said payments together all moneys adv�.nced by the firs� party for ta�ces an;d. . <br /> �� <br /> !; �, <br /> ;! insurance shall be fully paid, �ith interest thereon according to the tenor and effect of this j� <br /> ` contractr�. then said deed shall be delivered; but if said payments or any pa.rt thereof, or any !' <br /> �� interest thereon shall not be pa3d when due, or if the second party ahall fail to keep <br /> ar� �er��rm� anp 4,� th� covenants or agreement� herein eontained, then said payments ehall ;; <br /> �, <br /> ! irnmediately become due, and the f irst party, their heirs or assigns shall ha�e tbe ri�ht to ca�Qe�'� <br /> '� <br /> �;' this contract at once. <br /> It is further agreed, by parties of second part, and accepted by parties of the first paxt, as a ;� <br /> 1,; <br /> ''; part of the consideration of this contract, that in case said second parties la,pse on their pay- ;I <br /> �, <br /> u nd v id �! <br /> �., ments for a period of three consecutive monthe, then this contract shall become n 11 a o and� <br /> ,, <br /> �'' cease to eaist,parties of the f irst part shaZl not be bound further thereby, and parties of the !; <br /> �, <br /> '� second part shall give peaceable possession without any recourse or claim at law whatsoever. !I <br /> 'I <br /> � It is agreed bq com�racting paxties, that the origi.nal copy of this _contract shall be left in � <br /> - � <br /> ;; escroW with Dill & Huston Co. , Grand Island,Nebr. where second parties are to make the3.r payment�{; ', <br /> ,i <br /> each month and in �o case is this contract to be released to parties of the second part, for fil�j ' <br /> ing on the records, of Hall County, �ebraska. It being mu�ually agreed by the ��ntracting parti�s <br /> � that at any during the life of thi$ contract when the second parties have failed in making ;; <br /> !� <br /> � their payments for three consecu�ive months as etated heretofore in this contract, Dill � Hustonii <br /> � <br /> �� <br /> Qo . , is to surrender this contract to paxties of first part for cancellation, and the parties of 'i <br /> � :i <br /> ;' • , <br /> I� the second paxt agree herewith to the cancellation of the contract for cause stated and �,lso a�r�e <br /> ,� . �i <br /> i� that parties of the first part may retain all payments made on this contact as rent for the uac ii <br /> ;� <br /> i, <br /> � <br /> :� <br />