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<br />�
<br /> Strasser is Plaintiff, and Garoline Pauly, Henry Pauly, Evelyn,Ryan and First National Bank of
<br /> Grand Isl.and, a corporation, are Defenda.nts, the object and prayer of which petition is to �� �
<br /> � foreelose a mortgage in the principal sum of �'j000 recorded ia the office of the register of
<br /> Ideeds of said Hall County in Book 6� at page 302, accounting on the mortgage debt, defieiency ;
<br /> , _r �
<br /> � decree and equitable relief. - : �
<br /> _ � � , ; ��;
<br /> � The folla�ing is a description of the real estate sought to. be affected by said action; North- 4;; "
<br /> , . .
<br /> east Quarter of Section Fifteen, in Township Eleven North of Range Eleve� W.6 P.�. in Hall ; `��i�
<br /> � County Nebraska. �
<br />' Dated at Grand Island, Nebraska, this -- day of �To+�ember.1932• . -
<br /> .,
<br /> Julius C.Strasser � i� �
<br />� by A.G.Abbott =: .;
<br /> r '`
<br /> i Attornep for plaintiff.�
<br />; . .
<br />' Filed for record this 25 day of Nov. 1932, at 11:00 o� clock A.M. � `"
<br /> �`� :�
<br /> ��' Register of Dee s
<br /> o-o-o-o-o-ao-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-a-c�-a-o-a-o-c�-o-a-c-o-o-a-o-ao-o-c�-c�-o-o-ao-o-aao-. `' ,
<br /> �� RIGH� OF �VAY CONTi�ACT � '
<br /> FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION of the sum of ONE DOLI�AR, to us in hand paid, receipt of �hich. �s
<br /> hereby acknov�led�ed, and the further consideration of fifty cents �er rod for each. line, to b � .�'�� ~�
<br /> � paid when such grant shall be used or oecupied, Ralph R.Horth �d May H.Horth, h?s wife, do �
<br /> � hereby grant to NEBRASKA NATURAL GAS C0�[PANY, its successors or assigns, the right-of-way to
<br />,I I
<br /> � lay, maintazn, al.ter, repair, operate, remove and r elay underground pipe lines for the trans-
<br /> I portation of oil or gas, on, over and through certain Iands situate in Hall County, �tate of
<br /> Nebraska, described as follows: The South One-Half of the Southwest One-Fourth (S�SW�) of .�
<br /> . ��
<br /> 3ection Twe�ty--six (26) , Township (10) ,Ran�e Twel.ve (i2) ,V�est of the $ixth P.1�. � • `<; �'
<br /> :1
<br /> with ingress and e�ress to and from the same. The said gra,ntors, h�ir,e or assigns, to f�zlly _ :.�j
<br /> use and enjop the said premises, except for the purposes hereinbefore �ranted to the said , AI
<br /> ' grantee, who hereby agrees to pay anp damages which may arise to crops and fen�es from the I
<br /> laying, maintainin� and operat�ng said Iirles; said dama,ges if not mutua,lly agreed u�on, to be �
<br /> ascertained and determined by three disinterested persons, one thereof �o be appointed by the
<br /> said grantors, heirs or assigns, one by �he said grantee, successors or assigns, and• the thir - -
<br /> y
<br /> by the two so appointed as aforesaid, and the award of three such persons ehall be final and '
<br />'i
<br /> conclusive and no aetion shall be brought or ma.intained for damages until, the amouxit thereof
<br /> .
<br /> shall have been determined as above provided. '
<br />', .
<br />;
<br /> IAT V4ITNESS� �HEREOF, the partiES hereto have set their hands and seals this 2�jth day of IJovemb r,
<br /> 1932.
<br />� Signed and delivered in the presence of �ay H.Horth�h .,
<br /> � . �
<br />� Arthur H.Hass. �: ..
<br />� P.F.l�o o rb erg . � ,
<br /> d
<br /> * '' I
<br /> f''
<br /> I STATE �F NEBRASRA ) On this 25th da3� of November, 1932, before me, the undersi ned, a �'
<br /> ss.
<br /> �
<br /> I' HALL COUNTY Notary Public in and for the County and �tate aforesaid, pereonall
<br />�
<br />� appeared Ra.1ph R.Horth and Map H.Horth, his wife, �o me known to be the identical persons - . •
<br /> who exeeuted the within and foregoing instrument , and aeknowled�ed to me that thep exeeuted c� �,
<br /> � '
<br /> the same aa their free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes �herein .set forth " F k �
<br /> ;, '
<br /> WITRESS my hand and seal this 25th day of l�ovember , 1932. ' , '
<br /> � Arthur H.Hass
<br /> (SEAL) Notary Publi�
<br />, �dy _Ciommission expires November 15, 1,933.
<br /> Filed for record this 2�th day of Nouember, 1932, at 9:30 0�cZock A.M. �����. �
<br /> � � Register of Deeds -
<br /> o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-ao-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-c�-o-o-c�-c�-o-c�-o-c?-o-a-o-:
<br /> ,.ir
<br /> ;�r':
<br /> ,
<br />,�_ '
<br />